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Title:Vpliv trdnostne neenakosti na mehanske lastnosti zvarnega spoja na jeklu S500
Authors:ID Bedić, Nikola (Author)
ID Vuherer, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Predan, Jožef (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Bedic_Nikola_2016.pdf (8,47 MB)
MD5: FC942F607F5D5A6DE9F995AFB0344B8C
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:V magistrskem delo je obravnavan vpliv trdnostne neenakosti na mehanske lastnosti zvarnega spoja. Za določitev vpliva sta bila narejena dva različna zvarna spoja, ki sta mehansko preizkušana. X zvarna spoja sta sestavljena iz osnovnega materiala in dveh različnih dodajnih materialov. Dodajni material z manjšo trdnostjo od osnovnega materiala je uporabljen z namenom, da se izognemo predgrevanju pred varjenjem, dodajni material večje trdnosti od osnovnega materiala je uporabljen za zagotavljanje ustrezne lastnosti celotnega zvarnega spoja glede na osnovni material. Način izvedbe zvarnih spojev je prikazan v prvem poglavju. Zvarna spoja so narejena po predpisani varilni tehnologiji, ki vsebuje vse potrebne informacije za dosego zvara ustrezne kvalitete. Mehanskih preizkusi, ki so narejeni so upogibni preizkusi, natezni preizkusi, preizkusi udarne žilavosti in merjenje trdote. Iz rezultatov preizkusa smo ugotovili, da s trdnostno neenakostjo vplivamo na mehanske lastnosti zvara. Z uporabo dodajnega materiala večje trdnosti lahko zvišamo trdnost zvara. Z uporabo dodajnega materiala manjše trdnosti pa lahko znižamo temperaturo predgrevanja. S kombinacijo obeh materialov dobimo zvarni spoj, ki ima boljšo natezno trdnost od osnovnega materiala. Vendar pa je zvar potrebno predgrevati z manjšo temperaturo. Zvarni spoj narejen z obeh dodajnih materialov neodvisno od načina varjenja 1 ali 2 se zlomi pri nateznem preizkušanju v osnovnem materialu. Na osnovi tega ugotovimo, da je zvar kvalitetno izdelan. Slaba stran, ki se pojavi pri trdnostni neenakosti zvara v našem primeru, neodvisno od načina varjenja 1 ali 2, pa je dosti manjša žilavost vara glede na osnovnega materiala.
Keywords:varjenje mikrolegiranih jekel, varilna tehnologija, varilni plan, mehanski preizkusi zvarov
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Bedić]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-63482 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:20143382 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.10.2016
Categories:KTFMB - FS
BEDIĆ, Nikola, 2016, Vpliv trdnostne neenakosti na mehanske lastnosti zvarnega spoja na jeklu S500 [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : N. Bedić. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=63482
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of strength mismatching on mechanical properties of weld joint on steel S500
Abstract:Master's thesis dealt with the impact strength of inequality in the mechanical properties of the weld. To determine the impact, we made two different welded joints, which are mechanically treated. X welded joints consist of a base material and two different filler materials. The filler material of less strength than the base material is used in order to avoid preheating before welding. The filler material of higher strength than the base material is used to providing the corresponding properties of the whole of the welded joint relative to the base material. The making of the welds is shown in the first chapter. Welded joints are made on the prescribed welding technology, which contains all the information necessary to achieve adequate weld quality. Mechanical tests that are made are bending tests, tensile tests, tests of impact toughness and hardness. From the test results, we founded that the strength inequality influence on the mechanical properties of the weld. By using the filler material of higher strength we can increase the strength of the weld. With the use of the filler material smaller strength we can reduce the temperature of the preheating. With the combination of both materials we have a weld joint with greater tensile strength than the base material. However, it was necessary to preheat with lower temperature. A welded joint what is made with two filler materials and tested with tensile test have break in the base material regardless of the mode of welding 1. or 2. Based on this figure, the weld quality is made. A disadvantage that occurs in the strength of the weld inequalities in this case, regardless of the mode of welding 1 and 2, is much lower toughness of welded to the base material.
Keywords:weldabilty of micro alloyed steels, welding technology, WPS, mechanical testing of welds


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