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Authors:ID Debevec, Karmen (Author)
ID Bitenc, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 2A854A38949E5F4A980AD647C1F99E17
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Vodenje naročil postaja v sodobnem načinu vodenja podjetja vse pomembnejši del poslovanja, saj je eden ključnih elementov v procesu zniževanja stroškov. Ker je v sodobnem poslovanju ročno evidentiranje naročil preveč zamudno, smo se odločili, da v diplomskem delu predstavimo razvoj programske rešitve za vodenje procesa od izdaje naročilnice prek dobavnice, njene kontrole in vse do preverjanja računa. V uvodnem delu so v nalogi predstavljene uporabljene metode, tehnike in orodja, kot je MS Access 2010, saj ga stroka priporoča za manjša podjetja ter obvladovanje manjših in srednje velikih podatkovnih baz. Poleg tega je Microsoft Access že nameščen na računalnikih kot sestavni del Microsoft Officea. Glavni del naloge opisuje zasnovo, razvoj in vsebino aplikacije ter izvedbo rešitve, s katero smo skrajšali čas obdelave podatkov od izvora do končnih poročil ter zmanjšali število napak, ki so pogosti spremljevalec ročne obdelave podatkov. V zaključku analiziramo rezultate, ki so kmalu pokazali pozitivne učinke predvsem v točnosti podatkov in zadovoljstvu uporabnikov.
Keywords:naročila v javnih zavodih, Access 2010, informacijski sistem, podatkovni model, entiteta.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-63174 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7717651 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.10.2016
DEBEVEC, Karmen, 2016, VODENJE JAVNIH NAROČIL [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=63174
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Abstract:Orders management becomes very important part of business in a modern way of enterprise management, since it is an essential part of the business, because it is one of the key elements in the process of cost reduction. Since manual recording of orders management is too time-consuming in modern bussiness, we decided to present in our thesis the development of software solutions for managing the process from ordering orders through delivery, checking those, all the way to checking the account. We have developed a software solution with Microsoft Access 2010, as the profession recommends this tool for small businesses and management of small and medium-sized databases. Furthermore, Microsoft Access is already installed on computers as part of the Microsoft Office. By making applications, we wanted to shorten the data processing time from origin to final reports, and to reduce the number of errors, which are a common companion manual processing of data. With the deployment of the application in practice, positive effects showed soon mainly in the accuracy of the data and user satisfaction.
Keywords:orders in public institutions, Access 2010, Information system, data model, entity


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