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Authors:ID Pečnik, Nejc (Author)
ID Strauss, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 1E6E0F7741DB53B838C6BCBB06A08CE0
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Nazogastrična sonda omogoča ustrezen način zagotavljanja prehranjenosti za mnoge paciente v bolnišnicah. Napačno vstavljena nazogastrična sonda ali sprememba njenega položaja med samo uporabo lahko povzroči resne poškodbe ali celo smrt pacienta. V diplomskem delu smo poudarili pomen zdravstvene nege, ki je potrebna pri pacientu z nazogastrično sondo, ter vlogo medicinske sestre pri izvajanju zdravstvene nege, vse to z namenom, da hranjenje po nazogastrični sondi postane najpogostejši in najbolj varen način enteralnega hranjenja. Predstavili smo hranjenje in pitje kot temeljno življenjsko aktivnost pri pacientih z nazogastrično sondo ter razloge za takšen način hranjenja, hkrati smo predstavili še pomen preverjanja položaja nazogastrične sonde in pravilnega rokovanja z njo pri pacientu. Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela s pregledom domače in tuje strokovne literature, objavljene v obdobju med letom 2010 in letom 2015. Iskanje literature smo izvedli s pomočjo podatkovnih baz COBIB.SI, CINAHL, Medline, PubMed, Academic Search Complete. Kljub določenim tveganjem, ki obstajajo pri vstavljanju nazogastrične sonde, (dovolj zgodna) izbira takšnega načina hranjenja in pitja pri pacientu bistveno izboljša možnost za hitrejše okrevanje. Za maksimalen učinek uporabe nazogastrične sonde pri pacientu je seveda potrebno dosledno upoštevanje načel pravilnega rokovanja z nazogastrično sondo, pri čemer je še posebej pomembno preverjanje njenega položaja pred, med in po hranjenju ter skrb za brezhibno stanje in delovanje nazogastrične sonde z namenom, da tem bolj zmanjšamo, ali celo v celoti izničimo možnost zapletov, povezanih z njeno uporabo. Uporaba nazogastrične sonde za hranjenje je za mnoge paciente v bolnišnici vitalnega pomena, zato je pravilno razumevanje in dosledno upoštevanje načel varnega dajanja hrane, tekočine in zdravil preko nazogastrične sonde bistvenega pomena za zmanjšanje možnosti zapletov, ki so lahko povezani s sondami.
Keywords:enteralno hranjenje, nazogastrična sonda, zapleti, varnost pacientov, zdravstvena nega, medicinska sestra
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Pečnik]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-63015 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2261412 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.10.2016
PEČNIK, Nejc, 2016, ZDRAVSTVENA NEGA PACIENTA Z NAZOGASTRIČNO SONDO [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : N. Pečnik. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=63015
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Secondary language

Abstract:Nasogastric tube enables an adequate manner for ensuring nourishment for many patients in hospitals. If the nasogastric tube is inserted incorrect or if its position is modified during the application, it can cause serious injuries or even death of a patient. In this dissertation we have put special emphasis on the nursing care significance in order that nourishment with nasogastric tube becomes the most common and safest method for enteral feeding. We have presented the nourishment and drinking as a fundamental vital activity of patients with nasogastric tube, and reasons for using this particular type of nourishment. Concurrently we have presented the meaning of position assessment of nasogastric tube and the significance of placing it correctly on patients. In the dissertation we have used a descriptive method with examination of domestic and foreign professional literature, published between 2010 and 2015. The search for literature has been carried out with the help of data basis COBIB.SI, CINAHL, Medline, PubMed, Academic Search Complete. Despite certain risks that exist while inserting the nasogastric tube on patient, an early choice for this manner of nourishment and drinking for patient substantially increases the chances for faster recovery. To achieve a maximal effect of using nasogastric tube on patient, a consistent consideration of principles for correct handling with nasogastric tube is required; especially important due this course is to check the position before, during and after nourishment, and to take care for impeccable condition and functioning of nasogastric tube in regard to decrease or even completely nullify the chances for possible complications, connected with the application of nasogastric tube. The usage of nasogastric tube for nourishment is vital for many patients in hospitals, therefore the correct understanding and consideration of principles for safe administering of food, liquid and medicine with nasogastric tube is essential for minimize the chances for complications that might be connected with tubes.
Keywords:enteral feeding, nasogastric tube, complications, patient safety, nursing care, nurse


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