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Title:Analiza informacijskega sistema za upravljanje energije iz obnovljivih virov
Authors:ID Volf, Igor (Author)
ID Leskovar, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Volf_Igor_2016.pdf (7,10 MB)
MD5: D811208894ED3D8FD8E9449C4C3D82FF
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo analizo informacijskega sistema za upravljanje energije iz obnovljivih virov. V elektroenergetskem sistemu vgradnja obnovljivih virov povzroča negativne vplive zaradi fizikalnih lastnosti komponent ter popolnoma stohastične proizvodnje električne energije. Analizirali smo osnovne zakonitosti tradicionalnega elektrodistribucijskega omrežja in obnovljivie vire s poudarkom na sončnih ter vetrnih elektrarnah, napredno merilno infrastrukturo in virtualno elektrarno, ki sta že uveljavljena ter ključna gradnika pametnih omrežij in veljavno zakonodajo s področja obnovljivih virov električne energije. Raziskali smo vpliv vgradnje baterijskih hranilnikov, ker bodo v prihodnosti nujen element in pogoj za zanesljivo delovanje elektrodistribucijskega omrežja pri nadaljnem vključevanju obnovljivih virov električne enrgije, obstoječo standardizacijo s področja vodenja elektroenergetskih omrežij, standardizirano informacijsko povezovanje naprednih naprav, vodenje razpršene proizvodnje in področje informacijske varnosti. Na polagi analiz in raziskav smo izdelali model distribucijskega omrežja z obnovljivimi viri električne energije v skladu s IEC 61970 IN IEC 61968 - CIM standardom. V obstoječi model smo na novo definirali razred sončne elektrarne in baterijskega hranilnika. Komisiji za standardizacijo pametnih omrežij v okviru IEC - TC 57 bomo predlagali dopolnitev CIM modela z novima razredoma. Predlagamo tudi dodatne tehnične zahteve za povezjivost obnovljivih virov električne energije v obstoječe distribucijske centre vodenja. Za standardizirano komunikacijsko povezljivost predlagamo standard družine IEC 61850, ki predpisuje komunikacijske povezave za razpršeno proizvodnjo in otočna omrežja. Predlog bo predlagan za sprembo Sistemskih obratovanlih navodil distribucijskega omrežja. Predlog celovite rešitve bo omogočal centrom vodenja osveženo stanje omrežja s terena in stalen nadzor nad obnovljivimi viri z možnostjo upravljanja. S celovito rešitvijo bo mogoče izboljšati razmere v elektroenergetskem sistemu in s tem zanesljivost oskrbe končnim uporabnikom distribucijskega omrežja.
Keywords:Obnovljivi viri električne energije, Informacijski sistem, Hranilnik električne energije, Podatkovni model distribucijskega omrežja
Place of publishing:Kranj
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-62769 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7745811 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.10.2016
VOLF, Igor, 2016, Analiza informacijskega sistema za upravljanje energije iz obnovljivih virov [online]. Master’s thesis. Kranj. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=62769
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of information system for energy management from renewable resources
Abstract:The master thesis deals with the analysis of an information system for the energy management with the focus on renewable resources. Renewable energy resources in the electric power systems cause negative impacts due to the physical characteristics of the components and fully stochastic electricity production. In this thesis basic principles of traditional electricity distribution network and renewable resources had been analysed with emphasis on solar and wind power generation, advanced metering infrastructure and virtual power plant, which are key components of Smart Grids and Slovenian renewable resources legislation . Researched had been also the possible impacts of battery storage on electricity network, as an essential element and prerequisite for reliable operation of the electricity distribution network, existing standardization of management electricity networks, standardized information integration of advanced equipment, management of distributed generation and the scope of cyber security. After analysis and research a model of the distribution network with renewable resources in accordance IEC 61970 and IEC 61968 - CIM standard had been developed. In presented model, class solar power generation and battery storage were redefined. One of the aims of this research is also to propose the Commission for the standardization of smart grids under the IEC - TC 57 some new class CIM model amendments . In this document also some additional technical requirements for integration of renewable resources into the existing distribution control center are proposed. Beside metioned standards family IEC 61850 are proposed for standardized communication connectivity , which provide communication links for dispersed networks and micro grid. The proposal will be announced for Distribution Network Code (Sistemka obratovalna nadovdila za distribucijsko omrežje). In this work a proposal of comprehensive solution enabling control center updated network status from the field and constant monitoring of renewable resources with control is defined. The comprehensive solution will enable to improve the situation in the electricity system and thereby the security of supply to end users of the distribution network.
Keywords:Renewable energy resources, Information system, Energy storage, The data model of the distribution network


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