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Authors:ID Praprotnik, Tomaž (Author)
ID Rajkovič, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Praprotnik_Tomaz_2016.pdf (1,83 MB)
MD5: CA4628BE4C9310794B2DD465E54E253A
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V vodilnem mednarodnem podjetju za proizvodnjo in distribucijo alkoholnih pijač prenavljamo celovite programske rešitve v hčerinskih podjetjih v Evropi, na Bližnjem vzhodu in v Afriki. Pri tem poskušamo uporabljati čim bolj standarden pristop in tako znižati nivo tveganja, stroške ter poenostaviti kasnejšo podporo. Razlike med posameznimi hčerinskimi podjetji so večje, kot smo pričakovali, in tako smo primorani naše rešitve prilagajati oziroma dodajati nove zahtevane funkcionalnosti in procese prilagajati lokalnim zahtevam. K reševanju problema smo pristopili tako, da smo vse nove projekte začeli na osnovi najnovejše različice dobrih praks in funkcionalnosti. Nato smo pripravili primerjalno analizo (Fit-Gap), ki je tvorila osnovo za začetek vpeljevanja nove rešitve. Nove rešitve smo razvili in dodali v zbirko dobrih praks, ki smo jo tako nenehno izpopolnjevali. Pri tem smo se opirali na mednarodne standarde, izkušnje in pravila poročanja grupi, kjer je to bilo mogoče. Po začetnem počasnem napredovanju so se pokazali prvi učinki, ki kažejo da smo na pravi poti, saj od uporabnikov dobivamo vedno bolj pozitivne odzive na naše rešitve, poleg tega pa je vpeljevanje celovitih programskih rešitev veliko bolj gladko. O pristopu nam je uspelo prepričati tudi regijsko vodstvo, ki nam čedalje bolj pomaga z nasveti in s sodelovanjem, kljub temu pa še vedno noče prevzeti večje odgovornosti za standardizacijo. Naša prizadevanja so botrovala zmanjšanju potrebnega časa za vpeljevanje novih celovitih programskih rešitev, zmanjšala se je tudi kompleksnost, saj večina rešitev, ki jih zahtevajo uporabniki, že obstaja. Menimo, da je pristop z nenehnim izpopolnjevanjem in upravljanjem dobrih praks kot notranjim produktom pravi pristop, in zato ga nameravamo izvajati in dopolnjevati tudi v prihodnje. Še bolj se bomo morali potruditi za zadostno obveščanje ključnih uporabnikov o novih funkcionalnostih in dodajanju nove poslovne vrednosti v naše rešitve, saj menimo, da je to tisto, kar uporabnikom prihrani čas in dviga njihovo zadovoljstvo. Pri tem se zavedamo, da moramo biti pazljivi, ker še vedno želimo, da se uporabniki čutijo odgovorne za rešitev.
Keywords:NAV, Celovita programska rešitev, Dobra praksa, Vmesnik, Vpeljevanje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-62513 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7715603 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.10.2016
PRAPROTNIK, Tomaž, 2016, KRITIČNA ANALIZA VPELJAVE CELOVITE PROGRAMSKE REŠITVE V HČERINSKA PODJETJA [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=62513
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Secondary language

Abstract:A leading international spirit production and distribution company is changing its ERP systems in affiliated companies across Europe, Middle East and Africa. By doing so, we are trying to use a standard approach which would reduce the level of risk and costs as well as simplify later support. Differences between sister companies are much bigger than we originally anticipated and this is why we were forced to adapt our solutions by adding new functionalities and modifying processes to fit local requirements. In order to tackle the problem we decided to start to base all new projects on the latest version of best practices and functionality. As one of the first steps in every implementation, we conduct a fit-gap analysis during which we discover the differences (gaps) from the standard solution. During the course of a project new solutions are then developed and integrated into best practices that are being constantly complemented. For producing new solutions we are relying on the international standards, management reporting rules and our experience. After a slow start the first results showed that we were on the right track, since the user feedback was becoming more and more positive over time. We managed to convince the majority of the regional management of the benefits of our approach that now helps us during the new implementations. Regional executives though still do not want to take any responsibility for the standardization. Our efforts have produced a reduction of time needed to run an ERP project as well as considerable reduction in complexity, since most of the solutions that users ask for already exist. We strongly believe that our continuous improvement approach is the right direction to follow in our context. We will have to work harder to make sure that key users are aware of the new features and changes that we develop, because we believe it to raise user satisfaction and save time. We however still need to make sure that users will continue being responsible for the provided ERP solutions in their local environment.
Keywords:NAV, Enterprise resource planning, Best practice, Interface, Implementation


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