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Title:Oblikovanje smernic za izboljšanje sistema managementa kakovosti – študija primera
Authors:ID Šantavec, David (Author)
ID Maletič, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Santavec_David_2016.pdf (2,27 MB)
MD5: 6DFD7547754631A7D57B50CCC043C085
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V diplomskem delu se predstavlja problematika že uvedenega načina vodenja kakovosti v poliestrskem obratu podjetja Granim d.o.o., pri čemer se konkretni sistem vodenja kakovosti podrobneje obravnava tudi z vidika posameznih načel in zahtev standarda ISO 9001. Diplomsko delo uvodoma predstavlja teoretska izhodišča sistemov obvladovanja kakovosti in standarda ISO 9001, nadalje pa obravnava praktični delovni proces (izdelave izbranega izdelka) in z njim povezan konkretni sistem obvladovanja kakovosti v izbranem podjetju. V povezavi z navedenim se podrobneje osredotoča na posamezne točke v delovnem procesu, kjer se pojavlja povečano tveganje za napake na končnem izdelku. V aplikativnem delu diplomsko delo ponuja smernice, ki implementirane in realizirane lahko vodijo v izboljšanje konkretnega sistema vodenja kakovosti v obratu, hkrati pa predstavljajo tudi osnovna izhodišča, na katerih mora podjetje graditi lasten sistem vodenja kakovosti, da bo le-ta izpolnjeval zahteve standarda ISO 9001. Smernice namreč vsebinsko podrobneje opredeljujejo spremembe in zahteve, ki jih mora podjetje implementirati v lastni sistem vodenja kakovosti, če namerava pridobiti certifikat standarda ISO 9001. Diplomsko delo tako ponuja praktične in realne izboljšave proizvodnega procesa v poliestrskem obratu, tako da predlaga smernice za izboljšanje sistema vodenja kakovosti, ki kratkoročno in dolgoročno vodijo v povečano uspešnost poslovanja podjetja.
Keywords:- kakovost - sistem vodenja kakovosti - metode in tehnike kontrole kakovosti - standard ISO 9001 - analiza izbranega delovnega procesa
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-62424 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7776019 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.10.2016
ŠANTAVEC, David, 2016, Oblikovanje smernic za izboljšanje  sistema managementa kakovosti – študija primera [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 19 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=62424
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Secondary language

Title:Development of guidelines for quality management system improvement – case study
Abstract:The purpose of this thesis is to present an already existing system of quality management in the Granim d.o.o. polyester manufacturing facility. The current system of quality management is also addressed more thoroughly through the lens of principles and requirements of the ISO 9001 standard. First, the thesis presents a theoretical framework of quality management systems and the ISO 9001 standard. Then, it inspects a practical manufacturing process (of a chosen product) in the manufacturing facility and a particular quality management system related to it. The thesis also focuses on particular check points of the working process where increased risk of error in the final product can be observed. The applicative part of the thesis suggests guidelines which can lead to an improved quality management system in a given manufacturing facility. At the same time the proposed guidelines also serve as a starting point for developing a quality management system based on the ISO 9001 standard principles and requirements. The guidelines provide a detailed definition of the changes and requirements that need to be implemented into the existing quality management system in order to obtain the ISO 9001 Certification. In general, this thesis offers practical and realistic improvements of the manufacturing process that is introduced in a given polyester manufacturing facility by suggesting guidelines for improving the quality management system, which can lead to an improved business performance in the short and long term.
Keywords:- quality - quality management system - quality management methods and tools - ISO 9001 standard - analysis of a manufacturing process


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