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Title:Analiza rezultatov kmetijskih gospodarstev v Sloveniji obdelanih po FADN metodologiji
Authors:ID Trpin Švikart, Darija (Author)
ID Pažek, Karmen (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kraner Šumenjak, Tadeja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Trpin_Svikart_Darija_2016.pdf (2,78 MB)
MD5: 5829F8148FCF88CE72F4CEE7DC6B074E
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Na osnovi baze podatkov, ki jih zagotavlja mreža knjigovodskih podatkov s kmetij (ang. kratica FADN) smo preučevali medsebojne korelacije med izbranimi spremenljivkami. Moč korelacij med posameznimi spremenljivkami (število polnih delovnih moči, obseg kmetijskih zemljišč v uporabi, obseg skupnega prihodka, bilanca tekočih subvencij in davkov, dohodek kmečke družine in bruto dodana vrednost) smo preučevali s pomočjo Spearmanovega koeficienta. Ugotovili smo potrditev pričakovanega, in sicer, da višanje vrednosti izbranih spremenljivk vpliva na višjo vrednost odvisne spremenljivke (bruto dodane vrednosti). Signifikantno korelacijo z najnižjo vrednostjo Spearmanovega koeficienta sta izkazali spremenljivki število polnih delovnih moči in obseg kmetijskih zemljišč, kar je nekoliko presenetljivo, saj bi pričakovali, da obe spremenljivki igrata pomembno vlogo pri vplivu na odvisno spremenljivko. Tako, da bi bila natančnejša preučitev teh dveh spremenljivk lahko izziv za nadaljnje raziskave tudi zaradi očitka Evropske unije (EU), da je v Sloveniji preveč polnih delovnih moči glede na efektivnost kmetijskih gospodarstev. V nadaljevanju smo za potrditev zgoraj zapisanega, in sicer, da neodvisne spremenljivke (višanje njihove vrednosti) vplivajo na odvisno spremenljivko (bruto dodano vrednost), izvedli robustno regresijo in metodo najmanjših kvadratov. Slednja se je izkazala za manj primerno, zaradi prisotnosti osamelcev, ki jih vsebuje baza FADN podatkov. Istočasno je izračunana visoka vrednost popravljenega determinacijskega koeficienta (0,97 in več), potrdila, da je bila izbira metode robustne regresije s cenilko MM pravilna. V magistrskem delu smo delali z dvema skupinama, vzorčna kmetijska gospodarstva, kot kontrolna skupina, ker je deležna strožjih logičnih kontrol, in obvezniki, kot testna skupina. Da smo lahko na teh dveh skupinah izračunali Cohenov d indeks, smo predhodno izračunali nekatere mere opisne statistike. V več kot polovici primerov se porazdelitvi obravnavanih spremenljivk testne in kontrolne skupine skoraj v celoti prekrivata, in tako smo delno potrdilo drugo hipotezo.
Keywords:ekonomika, FADN, velikost učinka, signifikantnost, vzorčniki, obvezniki
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-61772 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.09.2016
TRPIN ŠVIKART, Darija, 2016, Analiza rezultatov kmetijskih gospodarstev v Sloveniji obdelanih po FADN metodologiji [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=61772
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the results of agricultural holdings in Slovenia processed according to FADN methodology
Abstract:On the basis of the data provided by the network of the Farm Accountancy Data (Eng. Abbreviation FADN), we studied the mutual correlations between selected variables. The strength of correlations between variables (the number of full working power, the extent of agricultural land in use, the volume of total revenue, the balance of current subsidies and taxes, income farm families and gross value added) was studied using Spearman's coefficient. We manage to confirm expected, namely that increasing the value of selected variables affect the higher value of the dependent variable (gross value added). The lowest value of Spearman's coefficient have proved variable number of full working strength and variable extent of agricultural land, that’s surprising since it would be expected that both variables play an important role in influencing the dependent variable. Detailed examination of these two variables can be a challenge for further research, due to the complaint of the European Union (EU) that in Slovenia is too high number of full working power/farm, regarding the efficiency of agricultural holdings. For confirmation written above, namely, that the independent variables (increasing its value) affect the dependent variable (gross value added), we conducted robust regression and least squares method. Least squares method has proved to be less suitable, due to the presence of outliers contained in the FADN database. At the same time it was calculated high value corrected determination coefficient (0.97 and above), and that confirmed, that the choice of method robust regression estimator with MM was correct. In this thesis, we worked with two groups of farms, “sampler” as a control group because it receives more stringent logical controls, and holdings that receives grants as a test group. That we can in these two groups calculated Cohen's d index, we previously calculated extent descriptive statistics. In more than half of the cases, the distribution of the variables under consideration test and control groups, almost completely overlap and that partially confirmed the second hypothesis.
Keywords:economics, FADN, effect size, significance, sampler, grant recipient


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