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Title:Logistika zmanjševanja tatvin motornih vozil z vidika zavarovalniških preiskovalcev
Authors:ID Kambič, Zvonko (Author)
ID Ivanuša, Teodora (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Kambic_Zvonko_2016.pdf (1,14 MB)
MD5: A8F3BAB58889438DE2C81DB9F860848B
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Tatvine motornih vozil predstavljajo precejšnjo problematiko tudi na območju Slovenije. Število odtujenih vozil je do leta 2013 naraščalo, trenutno pa so tatvine vozil malenkost v upadu. Škoda, nastala s tatvinami motornih vozil, je precejšnja, vendar niti Policija niti zavarovalnice ne vodijo točne statistike o nastali škodi. Osebni avtomobili, izdelani po letu 1998, morajo imeti na podlagi evropske smernice serijsko vgrajeno zaščito, ki na podlagi kodiranih ključev onemogoča nepooblaščen zagon vozil. Tovrstna zaščita pa ne preprečuje tatvin vozil, zato je potrebno v vozila vgraditi dodatne zaščite proti tatvini le-teh. Z vgraditvijo dodatnih zaščit v motorna vozila se zmanjša število odtujenih vozil, s tem pa tudi stroški zavarovalnicam, ki lahko zato ponudijo zmanjšanje premij ob sklenitvi zavarovanj proti tatvinam vozil. Hkrati se lahko z zmanjšanjem tatvin vozil zmanjša tudi trgovanje na črnem trgu z deli odtujenih vozil. To lahko vpliva na zmanjšanje števila neuradnih delavnic, kjer poškodovana vozila popravljajo z odtujenimi deli vozil. Za učinkovito zmanjšanje oziroma preprečevanje tatvin vozil pa je potrebno sodelovanje med zavarovalnicami, seveda v sodelovanju z državnimi organi (Policija, Davčna uprava, Inšpekcijske službe ipd. …), pomembni pa sta tudi zavest in poštenje zavarovancev.
Keywords:motorna vozila, tatvine vozil, zaščita proti tatvinam vozil, zavarovanje motornih vozil
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[Z. Kambič]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-61624 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512813373 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.12.2016
KAMBIČ, Zvonko, 2016, Logistika zmanjševanja tatvin motornih vozil z vidika zavarovalniških preiskovalcev [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Celje : Z. Kambič. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=61624
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Secondary language

Title:Logistics of reducing motor vehicle theft-the standpoint of insurance investigators
Abstract:Stealing motor vehicles is a remarkable problem in Slovenia. The number of cars being stolen increased since 2013, however currently the number is slightly decreasing. The damage caused by car stealing is significant but nor the police nor insurance companies keep any records regarding the damage. Private cars that were made after 1998 must now have serial integrated protection, according to European Directive, that based on code keys prevent un-authorised start of the car. However, this does not prevent stealing cars and that is why it is necessary to install more protection against the stealing. With installing additional protection in the motor vehicles, the number of stolen cars would decrease and that would mean lower costs for the insurance companies. According to that, insurance companies could offer lower premiums when insuring for car stealing. With decreasing number of cars being stolen it can also decrease the trades at black markets and that means less un-authorised mechanic workshops, where damaged cars are repaired with parts from stolen cars. Effective prevention against car stealing means cooperation among the insurance companies in cooperation with national organs such as the police, tax administration, inspectors etc and also common sense and honesty of the insured.
Keywords:motor vehicles, car stealing, protection against car stealing, motor vehicle insurance


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