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Title:Obveznost plačevanja prispevkov za socialno varnost v Republiki Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem
Authors:ID Vidovič, Ksenija (Author)
ID Primec, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Vidovic_Ksenija_2016.pdf (983,33 KB)
MD5: 65828F2798210D6B3CF075AD34909DF0
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Socialna varnost je v današnjem času ključnega pomena. Njen cilj je državljanom zagotoviti varnost v primerih starosti, bolezni, invalidnosti, izgube dela, materinstva in smrti. Finančna sredstva se za ta sistem pridobivajo s pomočjo obveznega plačevanja prispevkov, v katerega plačujejo zaposleni, samozaposleni, družbeniki, kmetje in nekateri drugi. Plačevanje prispevkov je temeljna dolžnost tako zavarovanca, kot tudi njegovega delodajalca. V zameno za prispevke, v primeru socialnega primera upravičenci prejmejo denarne dajatve. Zelo podoben sistem velja tudi v Republiki Hrvaški. Slovenskim državljanom predstavlja glavni problem pri plačevanju prispevkov njihova višina, ki kar precej zmanjša njihov prejemek. V primerjavi z visokimi obveznimi prispevki, pa so dajatve nizke, saj je vedno več prejemnikov socialnih dajatev. Tudi v primerjavi z državami OECD Slovenci plačujemo ene iz med višjih prispevkov, kljub temu da ima veliko držav višji BDP na prebivalca. Krčenje pravic v javnih sistemih, bi naj spodbujalo državljane k vključevanju v prostovoljna in zasebna zavarovanja ali varčevanja v javnih in zasebnih institucijah. Nekateri ekonomisti zmanjšanje teh pravic podpirajo, saj bo lahko le tako ostal sistem socialne varnosti vzdržen.
Keywords:Prispevki za socialno varnost, obveznost, socialno zavarovanje, dajatve, osnove in stopnje za plačilo prispevkov.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Vidovič]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60824 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12619804 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.11.2016
VIDOVIČ, Ksenija, 2016, Obveznost plačevanja prispevkov za socialno varnost v Republiki Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : K. Vidovič. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=60824
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Secondary language

Title:Obligation to pay social security contributions in the Republic of Slovenia and Croatia
Abstract:Social security is nowadays essential. The main point of it is to provide citizens with security in cases of old age, illness, disability, loss of work, maternity and death. Financial backing for this system is aquired with the help of mandatory commisions, which are collected from employees, selfemployers, farmers and some others. Payment of contributions is a fundamental obligation of the insured, as well as his employer. In exchange for commisions in the event of social, beneficiaries receive cash benefits . A very similar system applies in the Republic of Croatia. The main problem to Slovenian citizens are high prices in paying contributions, which significantly reduces their income. In case of high mandatory incomes the benefits are low, as there are more and more recipients of social benefits. Even in comparison with OECD countries, Slovenians are paying one of the higher contributions, despite the fact that many countries have higher GDP per person. The contraction in public law systems , should encourage citizens to engage in voluntary and private insurance or savings in public and private institutions . Some economists support those rights , because it is the only way to remain social security system.
Keywords:Social security contributions, obligation, social security, benefits, basics and levels for paying contributions.


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