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Authors:ID Vaupotič, Aleksander (Author)
ID Golnar, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 00BBBADE45A080F881EAE314D85B3C1A
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Skozi zgodovino alpinizma so se znotraj le-tega razvile številne dejavnosti ali discipline, ki imajo zelo širok razpon med intenzivnostjo in trajanjem vadbe. Tako lahko znotraj alpinizma govorimo o skrajno intenzivnih ali anaerobnih disciplinah, kot so športno plezanje, težavnostno skalno plezanje, plezanje balvanov, dry-tooling in plezanje nižjeležečih zaledenelih slapov, ki imajo poudarek na anaerobnem načinu vadbe. Na skoraj diametralno nasprotni strani pa imamo znotraj alpinizma skrajno vzdržljivostne ali aerobne discipline, kot so himalajizem, klasični zimski alpinizem in alpinistično smučanje, pri katerih je poudarek na aerobnem načinu vadbe. Želja po vrhunskih rezultatih sili alpiniste v specializacijo. Alpinisti, ki so dosegli ali dosegajo vrhunske rezultate, le-te običajno dosežejo v eni od športnih disciplin alpinizma. Ali osvajajo najvišje vrhove ali plezajo težke smeri z najvišjimi ocenami. Skozi zgodovino, kakor tudi danes, so se nenehno pojavljali in se še vedno pojavljajo redki alpinisti, ki so dosegli vrhunske rezultate v obeh skrajnih smereh alpinizma. To pomeni, da so preplezali vsaj eno smer z najvišjo oceno in hkrati osvojili vsaj enega osemtisočaka. V tej diplomski nalogi se osredotočam prav na te alpiniste, ki jih imamo nekaj tudi pri nas. Poskušal bom odgovoriti na vprašanje, kako je mogoče v eni osebi združiti vrhunskega plezalca najtežjih smeri in vrhunskega osvajalca najvišjih vrhov. Opravil sem tudi intervju s slovenskima alpinistoma, ki sta uspela v obeh skrajnih smereh alpinizma. To sta Tomo Česen in Tomaž Jakofčič. Vprašanja so osredotočena predvsem na njuno uspešno sintezo dveh skrajnih smeri alpinizma, ki v teoriji zahtevata precej različen tip vadbe. Predstavljen je tudi njun kratek življenjepis in najpomembnejši vzponi.
Keywords:alpinizem, športno plezanje, aerobna vadba, anaerobna vadba, plezanje, alpinist
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Vaupotič]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60621 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22472456 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.08.2016
VAUPOTIČ, Aleksander, 2016, ALPINIZEM OD ANAEROBNEGA DO AEROBNEGA NAČINA VADBE [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : A. Vaupotič. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=60621
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Abstract:Throughout the history of mountain climbing many activities and disciplines, with a very wide range between their intensity and duration of exercise, have developed. Thus there are many extremely intensive or anaerobic disciplines within the mountaineering itself; such as sport climbing, rock climbing, bouldering, dry-tooling and frozen lower-lying waterfalls climbing, which all focus on anaerobic exercise mode. On an almost diametrically opposite side there are within the mountain climbing also extreme endurance or aerobic disciplines which focus on aerobic exercise mode. Among these disciplines the most noticeable are Himalayan mountaineering, classic winter mountaineering and alpine skiing. In order to reach the best results the climbers need to specialize in their field. Mountaineers who have already achieved or are achieving top results, are usually successful in one of the sport disciplines of alpinism. They have either been conquering the highest peaks or climbing the hardest routes. In the history of mountaineering we can always find those rare climbers who have managed to achieve the top results in both extreme disciplines of mountaineering, and have therefore been successful in climbing at least one of the hardest routes and conquered at least one eight-thousander. The aim of this thesis is to focus especially on these climbers, who can be found also in Slovenia. My intention is to answer the question how to combine a top climber of the toughest climbing routes and the top conqueror of the highest peaks in one person. For this reason I interviewed two Slovene alpinists, Tomo Česen and Tomaž Jakofčič, who have been successful in both extreme disciplines of alpinism. The questions were focused mainly on their successful synthesis of two extreme disciplines of mountaineering, which, in theory, require quite a different type of training. Furthermore the thesis also presents the brief biographies of both climbers and their most significant mountain ascents.
Keywords:mountaineering, rock climbing, aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise, climbing, alpinist


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