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Title:Piramidno kopičenje R genov, odgovornih za odpornost proti krompirjevemu virusu Y in krompirjevi plesni
Authors:ID Dolničar, Peter (Author)
ID Meglič, Vladimir (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ivančič, Anton (Comentor)
Files:.pdf DOK_Dolnicar_Peter_2016.pdf (5,44 MB)
MD5: A4CAC9EFCB47DF603DA763B5336482E1
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Glavni cilj doktorskega dela je bil prilagoditi program žlahtnjenja krompirja na Kmetijskem inštitutu Slovenije, da bo omogočal vnos, učinkovito odbiro in kopičenje odpornih R genov najpomembnejših bolezni krompirja: virusa Y krompirja (PVY) in krompirjeve plesni. To smo dosegli s kombinacijo pregleda rodovnikov odpornih sort, preučevanja izražanja njihovih lastnosti in lastnosti potomstva, ugotavljanja primernosti za gensko rekombiniranje in križanja, preučevanja moške sterilnosti ter analize možnosti uvedbe molekulskih markerjev v procese odbire. V programu žlahtnjenja so bili uporabljeni Ry geni iz vrst Solanum stoloniferum in S. chacoense ter R geni za odpornost proti krompirjevi plesni iz vrst S. demissum S. bulbocastanum in sorte 'Sarpo Mira'. Rezultati kažejo, da je kopičenje več R genov v manjših programih žlahtnjenja smiselno, čeprav se je zato zmanjšala povprečna uspešnost odbire potomstva. Moška sterilnost iz vrste S. stoloniferum se v nekaterih primerih ni prenašala na potomstvo. Ekstremna odpornost je bila učinkovita proti vsem izolatom PVYNTN. Z metodo množične odbire proti PVY občutljivih klonov smo v fazi sejancev izločili 60 % občutljivih genotipov, preostale pa v naslednjih dveh letih. Potrjen je bil vpliv starosti rastlin na izražanje R genov odpornih proti krompirjevi plesni. R geni iz vrste S. demissum še vedno lahko zagotavljajo srednjeročno stabilno odpornost proti krompirjevi plesni, za dolgoročno odpornost pa bo najverjetneje potrebno v novih genotipih zadržati odpornost sorte 'Sarpo Mira'. Doslej smo vpeljali molekulske markerje za določevanje genov za ekstremno odpornost proti PVY Rysto, Ry-fsto in Rychc, ter za odpornost proti krompirjevi plesni R1, R2-F1, R3, R3a, R3b in BLB2.
Keywords:žlahtnjenje krompirja, odpornost na rastlinske bolezni, PVY, krompirjeva plesen, kopičenje R genov, moška sterilnost, molekulski markerji, Solanum tuberosum
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60216 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.07.2016
DOLNIČAR, Peter, 2016, Piramidno kopičenje R genov, odgovornih za odpornost proti krompirjevemu virusu Y in krompirjevi plesni [online]. Doctoral dissertation. Maribor. [Accessed 10 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=60216
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Abstract:The main objective of the presented PhD research was to adapt the potato breeding programme at the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia to enable the introduction, effective selection, and pyramiding of R genes resistant to the most important potato diseases: potato virus Y (PVY) and late blight. The aim of the research was achieved by analysing the genealogies of resistant varieties, studying the expression of their traits and the traits of their offspring, testing their suitability for genetic recombination and crossings, studying male sterility, and analysing the possibility of exploring the molecular markers in the selection process. In the breeding program Ry genes from the species Solanum stoloniferum and S. chacoense and R genes for resistance to late blight from the species S. demissum, S. bulbocastanum, and the variety ‘Sarpo Mira’ were used. The results indicate that the pyramiding of several R genes can be useful in small breeding programs, although it reduces the average efficiency of progeny selection. In some cases, male sterility was not transferred from the species S. stoloniferum to the offspring. The extreme resistance was found to be effective against all isolates of PVYNTN. The method of mass selection associated with PVY enabled elimination of 60% of the susceptible genotypes in the seedling stage, whereas the remainder were eliminated in the following two years. The study confirmed the effect of age on the expression of R genes associated with resistance to late blight. R genes from the species S. demissum can still provide stable medium-term resistance to late blight, but for the long-term resistance of new genotypes it will probably be necessary to retain the resistance of the variety ‘Sarpo Mira’. Thus far, we have introduced molecular markers for the identification of the genes for extreme resistance to PVY Rysto, Ry-fsto, and Rychc, and the genes for resistance to late blight R1, R2-F1, R 3, R 3a, R 3b, and BLB2.
Keywords:potato breeding, resistance to diseases, PVY, late blight, pyramiding of R genes, male sterility, molecular markers, Solanum tuberosum


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