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Title:Odnos med religioznostjo in politično participacijo med mladimi v Sloveniji
Authors:ID Šeligo, Vanči (Author)
ID Kirbiš, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 54BC8E5A33BFA5F609AFA21D6FAE5591
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Religioznost in politika sta pomembni družbeni instituciji, ki se med drugim v posameznikovem vsakdanjem življenju realizirata tudi kot religioznost in politična participacija. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela smo se osredotočili na definicije in dimenzionalnost politične participacije in religioznosti ter na trende obeh spremenljivk v zadnjih desetletjih pri prebivalcih Slovenije. Prikazali smo tudi pregled nekaterih dosedanjih raziskav o odnosu med politično participacijo in religioznostjo. Na zastavljenih hipotezah, izhajajočih iz znanstvene literature, smo nato v empiričnem delu s pomočjo podatkov raziskave Mladina 2010 analizirali, ali sta dve dimenziji religioznosti (osebna religioznost in pogostost obiskovanja cerkvenih obredov) povezani s konvencionalno, civilnodružbeno in protestno participacijo. Ugotovili smo, da bolj religiozni mladi in pogostejši obiskovalci cerkvenih obredov niso pogosteje konvencionalno politično aktivni (merjeno preko samoporočane volilne udeležbe), da pogosteje civilnodružbeno participirajo, redkeje pa so protestno aktivni. V zaključku diplomskega dela razpravljamo o pomenu rezultatov za literaturo o proučevanju odnosa med analiziranima spremenljivkama in podamo predloge za prihodnje raziskave.
Keywords:slovenska mladina, religioznost, konvencionalna politična participacija, civilnodružbena participacija, protestna participacija, večdimenzionalnost.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[V. Šeligo]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60041 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22477064 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.08.2016
ŠELIGO, Vanči, 2016, Odnos med religioznostjo in politično participacijo med mladimi v Sloveniji [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : V. Šeligo. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=60041
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Secondary language

Title:Relationship between religiosity and political participation among slovenian youth
Abstract:Religiosity and politics are important social institution, which are among other ways in individual's daily life realized in the form of religiosity and political participation. In the theoretical part of this graduation thesis we focused on definitions and dimensionality of political participation and religiosity, and on the trends of both variables in recent decades among Slovenian population. We also present an overview of some previous studies on the relationship between political participation and religiosity. We then formulate six hypotheses derived from the scientific literature and in the empirical part test them using Slovenian Youth 2010 survey study by examining whether two dimensions of religiosity (personal religiosity and frequency of church attendance) is associated with conventional, civic and protest political participation. The results indicate that the more religious young people and more frequent attenders of church services are not more often conventionally politically active (measured by their self-reported voter turnout), are more frequently civically engaged, but less frequently protest engaged. In the final part of our thesis we discuss the importance of these outcomes for the literature on the relationship between both variables and present suggestions for future research.
Keywords:Slovenian youth, religiosity, conventional political participation, civic participation, protest participation, multi-dimensionality.


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