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Authors:ID Tramšek, Janja (Author)
ID Šinko, Sabina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Tramsek_Janja_2016.pdf (1,15 MB)
MD5: 71E8F2234102B0034984556A409F4209
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V diplomskem delu smo se posvetili lutkam in njihovemu pomenu pri kulturni vzgoji otrok že v času predšolske vzgoje. Najprej smo predstavili posebnosti lutkovnega gledališča kot eno izmed vej gledališke umetnosti. Nekaj besed smo namenili lutkovni predstavi in njenemu pomenu, ki ga ima, kadar jo obiščejo in si jo ogledajo otroci. V nadaljevanju smo se posvetili lutkam, kjer smo pojasnili, kaj sploh lutka je. Nato smo se posvetili še posameznim vrstam lutk, ki smo jih nekoliko predstavili. Lutkovna vzgoja je opredeljena tudi v kurikulumu. Pojasnili smo, kaj je kurikulum in nam najpomembnejša področja, povezana z lutkovnimi dejavnostmi. Najpomembnejši so seveda odnos med otrokom in lutko ter vse, kar otroku interakcija z lutko pomeni in na kak način prispeva k otrokovemu razvoju. Podrobneje smo opredelili posamezna področja, ki se ob otrokovi uporabi lutke razvijajo. Pomembne so tudi komponente, ki so pomembne za celovitost lutkovne igre. Posledično smo jim namenili nekaj besed. Otroci lahko lutkovno igro igrajo, si jo lahko izmislijo ali uporabijo kakšno izmed pravljic. Opisali smo pomen ljudske pravljice, nato pa opisali pravljico oz. lutkovno predstavo O vili, ki vidi v temi. Z diplomskim delom smo opredelili torej pomen obiska lutkovne predstave za otroke kot pomemben del kulturne vzgoje. V empiričnem delu smo opredelili pridobljene rezultate. Pridobili smo odzive otrok po ogledu lutkovne predstave s pomočjo intervjuja. Ugotovili smo, da se otroci osredotočajo na del predstave in vsebine, ki so njim blizu in najbolj všeč, ter vsebine, ki v predstavi izstopajo. Namen diplomskega dela je torej bil preučiti in opisati teorijo o gledališču, lutkovnem gledališču, lutkovnih predstavah, lutkah v širšem pomenu ter kulturni vzgoji pri otrocih in pridobiti podatke o odzivih otrok po ogledu lutkovne predstave z naslovom O vili, ki vidi v temi.
Keywords:lutka, lutkovno gledališče, lutkovna predstava, pravljice, kulturna vzgoja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Tramšek]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60039 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22436104 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.08.2016
TRAMŠEK, Janja, 2016, ODZIVI OTROK PO OGLEDU LUTKOVNE PREDSTAVE [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : J. Tramšek. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=60039
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Secondary language

Abstract:The diploma paper focuses on puppets and their influence in the cultural education of preschool children. Firstly, we represented the special features of puppet theatre, as one of the branches of the theatre art. Afterwards we mentioned puppet shows and their impact on children. This is followed by a description of puppets and the individual puppet types. Puppet education is also defined in the curriculum. We explained the term curriculum and the most important areas in relation to puppet activities to us. The relationship between the child and the puppet is most important, as well as everything that an interaction with a puppet means to a child and how it contributes to the child’s development. We defined the individual areas that are developing during a child's usage of a puppet. We also mentioned the components, which are important for the integrity of a puppet show. Children can play a puppet show, they can make it up or they can use one of the fairies. We described the meaning of a folk tale and described a fairy tale/puppet show The Fairy who Sees in the Dark. The diploma paper defines visiting of a puppet show for children as an important part of the cultural education. In the empirical part we defined the obtained results, as well as marked down children’s' responses after watching a puppet show with the help of an interview. We found out that children focus on the part and content of the show, which they feel close to and like the most as well as on outstanding contents of the show. The purpose of the diploma paper was to study and describe the theory of theatre, puppet theatre, puppet shows, puppets in the broader sense and the cultural education of children as well as obtaining the responses of children after watching the puppet show The Fairy who Sees in the Dark.
Keywords:puppet, puppet theatre, puppet show, fairy tales, cultural education


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