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Title:Interaktivno gradivo za utrjevanje znanja pri matematiki v 7., 8. in 9. razredu
Authors:ID Bergel, Maruša (Author)
ID Kljajić Borštnar, Mirjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Bergel_Marusa_2016.pdf (9,21 MB)
MD5: 2181F2AB6199EA8E053A9B8E21DCE764
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Pri uporabi klasičnih pripomočkov in tradicionalnih metod poučevanja so učenci pogosto pasivni udeleženci pouka. Uporaba modernih metod poučevanja in uporaba sodobne informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije pozitivno vpliva na aktivnost učencev. Interaktivna tabla, eden najsodobnejših pripomočkov, omogoča učinkovitejši in bolj dinamičen pouk. Raziskave o vplivu interaktivnih tabel so pokazale naslednje prednosti pri poučevanju: fleksibilnost, vsestranskost, multimedijske predstavitve, učinkovitost, interaktivnost, sodelovalno učenje, sodelovanje, delitev idej, dvig motivacije, takojšen dostop do elektronskih virov, prikazovanja video in avdio vsebin na tabli ter hranjenje teh vsebin, dopolnjevanje in ponovno uporabo gradiva. Ob upoštevanju teh prednosti postane interaktivna tabla tehnični pripomoček, ki pomaga učiteljem preoblikovati tradicionalno razredno okolje v okolje, ki izhaja iz učencev. Učiteljem omogoča analiziranje ure, refleksijo lastnega dela, analizo dela posameznega učenca, razreda in primerjalno analizo. Naloga je sestavljena iz dveh delov, teoretičnega in praktičnega. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljena teoretična izhodišča motivacije in aktivnosti, interaktivna tabla kot tehnični pripomoček ter z raziskavami podkrepljen vpliv le-te na poučevanje in učenje z vidika učencev in učiteljev. V drugem delu je predstavljeno interaktivno gradivo za utrjevanje znanja pri učnih urah matematike v 7., 8. in 9. razredu osnovne šole, ki je bilo izdelano v programu Smart Notebook. Gradivo obsega 22 vsebinskih enot in sovpada z veljavnim učnim načrtom. Namenjeno je učiteljem matematike kot pomoč pri utrjevanju snovi  ob uporabi interaktivne table. Uporabniki gradivo lahko uporabijo v prvotni obliki ali pa ga poljubno prilagodijo. Na koncu je povzeto mnenje učiteljev in učencev dveh šol, kjer so gradivo že uporabili.
Keywords:Interaktivna tabla, e-gradivo, e-učenje, matematika.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60029 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7725587 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.10.2016
BERGEL, Maruša, 2016, Interaktivno gradivo za utrjevanje znanja pri matematiki v 7., 8. in 9. razredu [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=60029
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Secondary language

Title:Interactive materials for revising the knowledge of Mathematics in the 7th, 8th and 9th Grade
Abstract:When classical tools and traditional methods are employed in the teaching process, pupils are often no more than passive participants. Modern methods of instruction using advanced information and communication technologies have a positive impact on pupils’ activity. The interactive whiteboard is a recently developed teaching aid that contributes to more efficient and dynamic instruction. Studies on its influence on instruction have revealed the following advantages: flexibility, versatility, multimedia presentation, efficiency, interactivity, participatory learning, cooperation, idea sharing, motivation enhancement, ready access to electronic sources, audiovisual content presentation and storage, complementation of material and its repeated use. These advantages make the interactive whiteboard a technical tool that helps the teacher transform the traditional classroom setting into a pupil-centered environment. It allows teachers to analyze each session, assess their own work, and examine and compare the work of an individual pupil or class. The report consists of a theoretical and a practical part. In the former, the theoretical bases of motivation and activity are presented, the interactive whiteboard is described as a technical tool, and its influence on instruction and learning is discussed from the standpoint of the pupil and the teacher. The second part deals with an interactive material designed for consolidating the knowledge of math in the 7th, 8th and 9th grades of primary school, which was developed using the Smart Notebook software. The material comprises 22 units and complies with the current curriculum. It is intended for math teachers using the interactive whiteboard. It can be used in the original form or adjusted to suit individual needs. The opinions of teachers and students from two schools where the material has already been used, are summarized in the final part of the report.
Keywords:Interactive whiteboard, e-learning, e-learning material, mathematics.


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