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Title:Vloga staršev pri vključevanju otrok v sodobni ples
Authors:ID Verglez, Tanja (Author)
ID Ilić, Olivera (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V diplomskem delu preučujemo vlogo staršev pri vključevanju otrok v sodobni ples. V teoretičnem delu najprej predstavljamo nekatera dosedanja dognanja na področju gibalnega razvoja v zgodnjem otroštvu ter neločljivo vzajemno povezanost gibalnih in kognitivnih sposobnosti, ki so individualno pogojene. Pedagoški proces v sodobnem plesu se namreč naslanja na poznavanje slednjega. Vloga staršev pri izbiri organiziranih gibalnih/športnih in seveda tudi plesnih dejavnosti je kompleksna in široka. Sega na področje izobrazbe, regije ter socialnega in ekonomskega statusa družine. Predstavljamo sodobni ples, njegove značilnosti, uporabnost in zgodovinski razvoj – v Sloveniji in posebej tudi v Mariboru. Uporabili smo deskriptivno in kavzalno-neeksperimentalno metodo empiričnega pedagoškega raziskovanja. Raziskavo smo izvedli na vzorcu staršev 3–7 let starih otrok, ki so v šolskem letu 2015/16 obiskovali programe sodobnega plesa in ustvarjalnega giba v KD Plesna izba Maribor. Raziskava je razkrila visoko izobrazbo staršev in skrb za redno plesno/gibalno/športno aktivnost družine. Starši so tisti, ki so v večini primerov prvi pobudniki za otrokovo organizirano ukvarjanje s sodobnim plesom. Ob tem ima vidno vlogo tudi področje zaposlitve in vloga plesa med starši. Program ustvarjalnega giba za svojega otroka in s tem tudi ponudnika sodobnega plesa v Mariboru je izbran zavestno, načrtno in osveščeno.
Keywords:zgodnje otroštvo, gibalni razvoj, organizirana plesna dejavnost, vloga staršev, sodobni ples, sodobni ples v Mariboru, Plesna izba Maribor
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Verglez]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-59908 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22403080 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.08.2016
VERGLEZ, Tanja, 2016, Vloga staršev pri vključevanju otrok v sodobni ples [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : T. Verglez. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=59908
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Secondary language

Title:The role of parents in including their children in contemporary dance
Abstract:The present thesis examines the role and influence of parents on the inclusion of children in contemporary dance activities. In the theoretical part, certain findings in the area of movement development in early childhood are presented, coupled with a consideration of how individually conditioned movement and cognitive abilities are inextricably interconnected. The pedagogical process in contemporary dance is namely relying on knowing the latter. The role of parents in choosing from an array of organised movement/sport and, of course, dance activities is a complex and broad question. It involves the field of education, regional characteristics, and the social and economic status of the family. The thesis presents the characteristics, applicability, and historical development of contemporary dance in Slovenia and particularly in Maribor. The thesis relies of the descriptive and causal-nonexperimental method of empirical pedagogical investigation. The research has been conducted among the parents of 3 to 7 year-old children, who have been part of contemporary dance and creative movement programmes in Plesna izba Maribor (Maribor Dance Room) in 2015/16. The research has shown that the parents were highly educated and that dance/movement/sport activities were high on the list of the family’s priorities. Parents are namely to a great extent the first initiators of children’s organised involvement in contemporary dance, with their line of profession and their perception of dance in general having a considerable role. Creative dance programmes, as well as the provider of these activities in Maribor, have been chosen in a deliberate and premeditated way.
Keywords:early childhood, movement development, organised dance activities, role of parents, contemporary dance, contemporary dance in Maribor, Plesna izba Maribor (Maribor Dance Room)


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