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Authors:ID Žnidarič, Desiree (Author)
ID Krajnc Ivič, Mira (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Znidaric_Desiree_2016.pdf (987,47 KB)
MD5: F22D5963C2A059A156ADE22C069E2B9F
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Revija O konjih nam že več kot dve desetletji bogati znanje na področju konjeništva. Sestavljena je iz skupine prispevkov, katerih teme pokrivajo najrazličnejša področja konjeništva. S spreminjanjem življenjskega sloga ljudi, se spreminja tudi življenjski slog živali, ki živijo z ljudmi. Vse več ljudi se vrača nazaj k naravi, k alternativnim pristopom na vseh področjih življenja, tudi v konjeništvu. Zanimalo nas je, kakšni so praktični pristopi k drugačnemu delovanju in sobivanju s konji, ki so navedeni v reviji. Iz revije smo izbrali določene prispevke rubrike Praksa ter jih podrobneje analizirali. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili model sporazumevanja in jezika. Predstavili smo tudi funkcijske zvrsti in še posebej jezik neumetnostnih besedil, med katere spada tudi poljudnoznanstveni prispevek in reportaža. Ugotovili smo, kaj je poljudnoznanstveni prispevek, kaj sporoča in kako. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela smo ugotovili, kateri so kriteriji za dober poljudnoznanstveni prispevek in/ali so zadovoljeni. Zanimali so nas postopki razvijanja teme, sledila pa je besedilna analiza izbranih poljudnoznanstvenih prispevkov. V makrostrukturi smo se posvetili sestavnim delom prispevkov. Ugotovili smo namero prispevkov in proučili tematsko zgradbo. Posvetili smo se še merilom besedilnosti, kot sta kohezija in koherenca. V mikrostrukturi pa smo ugotovili, kako in koliko je upoštevana jezikovna norma. Skratka, preko analize smo ugotovili, ali so prispevki laičnemu bralcu razumljivi ali ne.
Keywords:sporazumevanje, besedilo, poljudnoznanstveni prispevek, znanstveni prispevek, konjeništvo
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Žnidarič]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-59523 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22364424 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.07.2016
ŽNIDARIČ, Desiree, 2016, RAZVIJANJE TEME V IZBRANIH POLJUDNOZNANSTVENIH PRISPEVKIH [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : D. Žnidarič. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=59523
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Secondary language

Abstract:The magazine O konjih (About Horses) has been enriching our knowledge in the field of horsemanship for over two decades. It consists of a group of articles whose topics cover different fields of horsemanship. The changes in the lifestyle of people also cause changes in the lifestyle of the animals that live with people. More and more people, nowadays, are returning to nature, to alternative ways in all areas of life, including horsemanship. Thus, We were interested to know what practical approaches to different operation and coexistence with horses are listed in the magazine. We selected articles from the magazine's section Praksa (Practice) and gave them a thorough analysis. In the theoretical part we have presented a model of communication and language. We have also presented the functional varieties especially the language of non-literary texts which include a popular science text and reportage. Furthermore, we have determined what a popular science article is what it communicates and how. In the empirical part of the thesis we have determined the criteria for a good popular science article and examined if they are met in the articles. We were interested in the procedures of developing a theme followed by a text analysis of selected popular science articles. The macrostructure is devoted to the constituent parts of the articles. We have determined the intention of the articles and studied the thematic structure. We have also focused on the criteria of textuality, such as cohesion and coherence. In the microstructure we have determined how and to what extent the linguistic norm is taken into account. In brief, through the analysis we discovered whether or not the articles are comprehensible to a non-expert reader.
Keywords:communication, text, popular science article, science article, horsemanship


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