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Title:Prestopništvo mladih ljudi na glavni avtobusni postaji Novo mesto : diplomsko delo visikošolskega strokovnega študija Informacijska varnost
Authors:ID Žagar, Elvira (Author)
ID Meško, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Zagar_Elvira_2016.pdf (884,29 KB)
MD5: 1F590D6EA1418B92B3A88A9C79FC24E5
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Diplomska naloga je osredotočena na prestopništvo mladih na glavni avtobusni postaji Novo mesto. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene oblike in značilnosti prestopništva mladih, dejavniki tveganja, ki vplivajo na pojav prestopništva, ter preventivni in kurativni ukrepi, kako takšno vedenje preprečiti. Empirični del pa je odsev realne situacije na raziskovalnem območju. Pomembno vlogo pri širjenju strahu pred kriminaliteto imajo mediji, ki tudi v tem primeru puščajo svoj pečat. Problematika zajema srečanje in obravnavanje med subkulturami, alkoholizirano mladino, izsiljevanje in organizirane pretepe. Nestrpnost med mladimi v povezavi z zlorabo alkohola najpogosteje privede do medsebojnega nasilnega obračunavanja. Namen diplomske naloge je preučiti, ali se dijaki novomeških srednjih šol, ki so uporabniki avtobusnega prometa, na tem območju počutijo varno. Ugotovili smo, kdo je bil pobudnik, da se je kriminaliteta na tem območju zmanjšala, kakšni so bili ukrepi in koliko časa so potrebovali za uvedbo prej omenjenih ukrepov. Mestna občina Novo mesto bi se lahko hitreje odzvala na pozive Policijske uprave Novo mesto. Sodelovanje s Policijsko upravo Novo mesto je s kronologijo obravnavanih dogodkov na tem območju pripomoglo k razumevanju problema in odprlo nov pogled nad celotno situacijo. Kot podnaslov naše diplomske naloge, bi sodeč po ugotovitvah lahko navedli, da ima strah velike oči.
Keywords:mladoletniki, mladoletniško prestopništvo, vzgojni ukrepi, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Žagar]
Year of publishing:2016
Year of performance:2016
Number of pages:53 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-59449 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3168234 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.08.2016
ŽAGAR, Elvira, 2016, Prestopništvo mladih ljudi na glavni avtobusni postaji Novo mesto : diplomsko delo visikošolskega strokovnega študija Informacijska varnost [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : E. Žagar. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=59449
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Secondary language

Title:Young people's delinquency at the bus station Novo mesto
Abstract:The thesis is focused on young people’s delinquency at the bus station Novo mesto. In the theoretical part are presented shapes and characteristics of youth delinquency, risk factors influencing delinquency and preventive and curative measures, how to prevent such behavior. Empirical part is a reflection of the real situation in the research area. Important role in spreading the fear of crime has the media, which in this case leaves its mark. The issue includes gathering and confrontations of subcultures, intoxicated Youth, threats and organized fights. Intolerance among young people in relation to alcohol abuse frequently leads to violent confrontations. The purpose of the thesis was to examine whether the Novo mesto secondary school students, who are users of bus traffic in the area feel safe. We found out, who was the initiator for reducing crime, what were the measures and the amount of time needed to introduce the measures referred to above. Municipality of Novo mesto could have responded to calls from the Police Directorate of Novo mesto much faster. Cooperation with the Police Directorate of Novo mesto contributed to the understanding of the problem and opened a new view of the whole situation with a chronology of the events, discussed in this area. According to the findings, we could name the subtitle of our thesis, that the fear has big eyes.
Keywords:youth delinquency, the fear, the main bus station Novo mesto, subculture, intolerance, security


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