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Title:Aplikativni vidiki filmske vzgoje pri pouku sociologije v gimnaziji
Authors:ID Bedenik, Barbara (Author)
ID Tavčar Krajnc, Marina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Petek, Polona (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Bedenik_Barbara_2016.pdf (8,28 MB)
MD5: CA536BF47359821AE2C60E7D04ED9E91
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:V pričujoči magistrski nalogi smo proučili problematiko politične participacije mladih in jo povezali s poukom sociologije. Primerjalno so predstavljene slovenske raziskave politične participacije mladih (Miheljak, 1996; Erjavec, 2004; Kirbiš in Flere, 2010). Preverjali smo, ali lahko z vključevanjem filma v pouk sociologije spodbujamo politično participacijo dijakov in v večji meri dosegamo učne cilje, postavljene z Učnim načrtom (2008). Zanimalo nas je tudi, če lahko s filmskimi dejavnostmi spodbujamo kritično mišljenje (Rupnik Vec in dr., 2009). V ta namen so najprej predstavljeni teoretični prispevki na področju didaktike filmske vzgoje (Bluestone, 2000; Gregg, 1995; Rugelj, 2006). Na teoretični osnovi (Russelov model, model spodbujanja kritičnega mišljenja po C. Wade in Hillov model) so pripravljene učne priprave za izvedbo filmskih delavnic. Za filme Razredni sovražnik, Persepolis in Val so napisane filmske analize. V pričujoči nalogi je predstavljen projekt Posodobitev gimnazije ter Didaktična prenova in evropski oddelki (Pavlič Škerjanc, Rutar in Rutar Ilc, 2012). Z anketnima vprašalnikoma je bila med gimnazijskim učitelji sociologije in dijaki II. gimnazije Maribor izvedena raziskava o vključevanju filmske vzgoje v pouk, ki je potrdila, da je s filmsko vzgojo mogoče spodbujati kritično mišljenje dijakov in njihovo politično participacijo ter v večji meri dosegati zastavljene učne cilje.
Keywords:filmska vzgoja, učni cilji sociologije, politična participacija mladih, kritično mišljenje, filmska analiza
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[B. Bedenik]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-59123 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22670856 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.10.2016
BEDENIK, Barbara, 2016, Aplikativni vidiki filmske vzgoje pri pouku sociologije v gimnaziji [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : B. Bedenik. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=59123
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Secondary language

Title:Film as a teaching instrument, encouraging secondary-school students' political participation and critical civil attitude
Abstract:The present thesis deals with the problem of youth political participation and connects it with sociology lessons in school. Several Slovene researches of youth political participation are presented and compared (Miheljak, 1996; Erjavec, 2004; Kirbiš in Flere, 2010). The thesis examines whether it is possible to enhance youth political participation by implementing films in sociology lessons and so achieve to a greater extent the learning objectives, set by the National Curriculum (2008). It also examines if classroom activities connected with film could enhance critical thinking (Rupnik Vec in dr., 2009). For these purposes, the thesis first presents the theoretical background in the field of film education and teaching methods (Bluestone, 2000; Gregg, 1995; Rugelj, 2006). Lesson plans for film workshops have been constructed on the theoretical basis (Russel's model, Model of Critical Thinking by C. Wade and Hill's model). For the films Class Enemy, Persepolis and The Wave film analyses have been written. The thesis also presents the project Posodobitev gimnazije (Updating the curriculum in grammar schools) and didaktična prenova in evropski oddelki (New didactic approaches and European classes) (Pavlič Škerjanc, Rutar in Rutar Ilc, 2012). A research based on two questionnaires has been conducted among the grammar school sociology teachers in Slovenia and students of II. gimnazija Maribor on implementing film education in sociology lessons. The research has shown that both, critical thinking and youth political participation can be encouraged by film education. It has also shown that the learning objectives set by National Curriculum can to a greater extent be achieved by lesson activities connected with film.
Keywords:film education, learning objectives in sociology lessons, youth political participation, critical thinking, film analysis


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