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Authors:ID Črnko, Janja (Author)
ID Haramija, Dragica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Crnko_Janja_2016.pdf (2,73 MB)
MD5: F87C7E147B1514C01D3A474B4DB70633
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:V diplomskem delu z naslovom Otroške ljudske pesmi iz Štrekljeve zapuščine sem predstavila biografijo Karla Štreklja, pomembnega zbiratelja slovenske folklorne poezije, in njegovo zbirko Slovenske narodne pesmi 4. zvezek s poudarkom na razdelku Pesmi otroške. Pesmi sem razdelila na 16 vsebinskih sklopov in jih poimenovala: Pobožne pesmi, Vprašalne pesmi, Pesmi o ljudeh, Posmehljive pesmi, Narobe svet, Pastirske pesmi, Pesmi o vremenu, Pesmi o določenih časih, Odrasli pojejo otrokom, Pesmi o hrani, Zabavne pesmi, Pesmi o živalih, Pesmi o zvokih, Otroci med igro, Uspavanke in Pleši, pleši, črni kos. Predstavila sem značilnosti folklorne otroške poezije iz Štrekljeve zapuščine. Predstavljene so značilnosti folklorne otroške poezije, kot jih uvidimo skozi Štrekljevo zapuščino. Diplomskemu delu sem dodala dve prilogi. To sta Zbiralci otroške folklorne poezije v zbirki Slovenske narodne pesmi in Preglednica krajev zapisanih otroških folklornih pesmi. Namen diplomskega dela je opredeliti splošne značilnosti folklorne poezije, otroške folklorne poezije in pomen folklorne pesmi v življenju, predstaviti, kdo so bili zbiratelji, ter ugotoviti, kako pomembna je Štrekljeva zbirka Slovenske narodne pesmi za Slovence.
Keywords:Karel Štrekelj, Slovenske ljudske pesmi, Folklorna poezija, Otroška folklorna poezija, Značilnosti folklorne poezije
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Črnko]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-58741 New window
UDC:929Štrekelj K.:398.831(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:22244616 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.06.2016
ČRNKO, Janja, 2016, OTROŠKE LJUDSKE PESMI IZ ŠTREKLJEVE ZAPUŠČINE [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : J. Črnko. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=58741
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Secondary language

Title:Children folk songs from the Štrekelj’s legacy
Abstract:In this graduation thesis, entitled Children folk songs from the Štrekelj’s legacy I have presented the biography of Karl Štrekelj, important collector of Slovenian folk poetry, and his collection of songs, Slovenske ljudske pesmi (Slovenian folk songs) 4. notebook, with the emphasis on the section Pesmi otroške (Children songs). I have divided this songs into 16 content assemblies and named them: Religious songs, Interrogative songs, Songs about people, Mocking songs, Inverted world, Shepherd songs, Songs about weather, Songs about certain times, Adults singing to children, Songs about food, Amusing songs, Songs about animals, Songs about sounds, Children during playtime, Lullabies and Blackbird songs. I have represented the characteristics of children folk poetry, as we see it through the Štrekelj’s legacy. I have added two appendices to my graduation thesis: The collectors of children folk poetry in the collection Slovenske narodne pesmi (Slovenian folk songs) and a table of locations where children folk songs have been written. The objective of this graduation thesis is to determine general characteristics of folk poetry, children folk poetry, the meaning of folk song in everyday life and who were the collectors. I also tried to find out how important is the Štrekelj’s collection Slovenske ljudske pesmi (Slovenian folk songs) for the Slovenian people.
Keywords:Karel Štrekelj, Slovenian folk songs, Folk poetry, Children folk poetry, Characteristics of folk poetry


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