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Authors:ID Rodinger, Maja (Author)
ID Ilić, Olivera (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 777521CFD91044289EDD697123F9FCDB
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Gibalni razvoj otroka je pomemben vse od rojstva. Gibanje je otrokova potreba, obenem pa ob tem izraža veselje, zadovoljstvo in ugodje. Gibanje se prepleta s plesom. Ples je gibanje, ko je gibanje povezano v nekem prostoru, času in ritmu. Pomembno vlogo pri gibalno-plesnem razvoju imamo tudi odrasli, ko otroke spodbujamo in motiviramo, da dosežejo zastavljene cilje ter naloge. Poznamo več zvrsti plesa in eden od njih izvira iz naše kulturne dediščine – to je ljudski ples. V diplomski nalogi je podrobneje predstavljena Slovenska ljudska dediščina s poudarkom na ljudskem plesu in ljudski igri. Slovenski ljudski plesi so se k nam razširili iz nemškega ozemlja. K nam so jih prinesli rokodelci in vojaki. Naši ljudski plesi so bolj poskočni, saj so jih prilagodili našemu značaju. Ljudski plesi so skupinski, večina pa je parnih, zato jih plešejo odrasli. Poznamo tudi otroške ljudske plese in igre. Bistvene razlike ni, saj je ples igra – v njej najdemo preproste nezahtevne gibalne prvine in ponavljajoče motive. Otrok se preko ljudskega plesa in igre seznanja tudi z vzporednimi področnimi dejavnostmi. Spoznava ljudske pesmi, ljudsko glasbo, ljudske pravljice in pripovedke. Ljudska pesem je kot spremljevalec ljudskega plesa in igre – enostavna, kratka, nezahtevna in ponavljajoča. Otrok se preko vzporednih dražljajev tako vživi v lik, ki izhaja iz ljudskega izročila. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da so Slovenska ljudska izročila, ki jih v Slovenski literaturi ne manjka, skupek spodbude, s katerimi se otroci v predšolskem obdobju seznanjajo. Izročila se med seboj prepletajo in dopolnjujejo, kar doprinese želene rezultate in cilje, ki si jih zastavimo v vzgojno izobraževalnem delu.
Keywords:gibanje, ples, glasba, pesem, kulturna dediščina, ljudski plesi, otroške ljudske igre in plesi.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Rodinger]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-58656 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22245128 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.06.2016
RODINGER, Maja, 2016, SLOVENSKA LJUDSKA IZROČILA, KOT SPODBUDA ZA PLESNO USTVARJANJE [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Rodinger. [Accessed 31 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=58656
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Secondary language

Abstract:Motor development is important for children since day one; movement is a child's need and at the same time a means for expressing happiness, satisfaction, comfort etc. Movement intertwines with dancing; dancing is movement connected in space, time and rhythm. Adults have an important role in movement and dance development as well, for they encourage and motivate children to reach their pre-set goals and perform their tasks. We can distinguish between different types of dance and one of them derives from our cultural heritage and is called folk dance. In my diploma thesis I focused on Slovenian folk heritage and introduced it in greater detail with stress on folk dances and folk games. The Slovenian folk dances spread from the German territory and were brought to our territory by artisans and soldiers. Our folk dances are rather bouncy, for they were adjusted to the character of the Slovenian people. Folk dances are performed in groups, many of them in pairs, so they are usually danced by adults. However, we also have children's folk dances and folk games; there is no significant difference between the two, for dancing is in fact a game. Both, folk dances and games are known for simple elements of movement and repetitive motives. Through folk dances and games children will get acquainted with other parallel sectorial activities and learn about folk songs, folk music, folk tales and stories. Folk songs that accompany dancing and games and are very easy to remember, short, simple and include many repetitions. Through parallel stimuli children can easily take on the role of the characters that originate in folk tradition. We came to the conclusion that the Slovenian folk traditions, which are a very common element in Slovenian literature, represent an encouragement for preschool children. Our traditions intertwine and complement each other and thereby contribute to the desired results and goals set in the field of educational work.
Keywords:movement, dance, music, song, cultural heritage, folk dances, children's folk games and folk dances.


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