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Authors:ID Podergajs, Mateja (Author)
ID Lainščak, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kovačič, Dragan (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Podergajs_Mateja_2016.pdf (984,32 KB)
MD5: E509A19FA27895B556EC0B363FB40A6B
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:POVZETEK Izhodišča: zdravstvena pismenost je temeljnega pomena za koronarne bolnike pri razumevanju bolezni in načinov zdravljenja. Ocena bolnikove zdravstvene pismenosti je ključna za oblikovanje učinkovite individualne zdravstvene vzgoje koronarnega bolnika. Strukturirana zdravstvena vzgoja, prilagojena bolnikovi stopnji zdravstvene pismenosti pred odpustom iz bolnišnice, lahko opolnomoči bolnika ter izboljša njegovo stopnjo zdravstvene pismenosti. Namen: pri osebju zdravstvene nege kardiološkega oddelka SB Celje smo želeli ugotoviti prepoznavanje zdravstvene pismenosti koronarnih bolnikov in način prepoznavanja. Pri koronarnih bolnikih, hospitaliziranih na istem oddelku, smo želeli ugotoviti izhodiščno stopnjo zdravstvene pismenosti in oceniti spremembo po izvajanju strukturirane zdravstvene vzgoje. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali je starost in izobrazba povezana s stopnjo zdravstvene pismenosti. Raziskovalna metodologija: v raziskavo smo vključili 38 medicinskih sester v zdravstveni negi kardiološkega oddelka Splošne bolnišnice Celje in 119 zaporedno sprejetih bolnikov na kardiološki oddelek z ugotovljenim akutnim koronarnim sindromom ali angino pektoris.Podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Podatke smo analizirali s programom IBM SPSS Statistics 19 in Microsoft Office Excel. Za analizo hipotez smo uporabili Kullbackov 2Î koeficient in t-test za odvisna vzorca. Za primerjavo razlik v povprečju med dvema skupinama smo uporabili t-test za neodvisna vzorca ter analizo variance ANOVA (F). Rezultati: v raziskavi je sodelovalo 38 zdravstvenih delavcev, večina (92,1 %) ženskega spola, s povprečno delovno dobo 18,8 let. Ugotovili smo, da zdravstveni delavci pri zdravstveno vzgojnem delu najpogosteje ocenijo, da imajo bolniki »osnovno stopnjo zdravstvene pismenosti«. Zdravstveni delavci za oceno zdravstvene pismenosti v klinični praksi ne uporabljajo nobenega od orodij in jo v 92 % ocenjujejo po lastnem občutku. Pri zdravstveno vzgojnem delu se zdravstveni delavci ne poslužujejo vseh metod, ki vplivajo na dvig zdravstvene pismenosti, večina (95 %) jih uporablja preprosti in bolniku razumljiv jezik. Med zdravstvenimi delavci, ki ocenjujejo različne stopnje zdravstvene pismenosti koronarnih bolnikov, pri uporabi zdravstveno vzgojnih metod, ki pripomorejo k boljši zdravstveni pismenosti bolnikov, ni statistično pomembnih razlik. V drugem delu raziskave je sodelovalo 119 bolnikov, povprečna starost 64 let, 74 % moških. Ugotovili smo, da sta starost in izobrazba povezani s stopnjo zdravstvene pismenosti koronarnih bolnikov. V povprečju je zdravstvena pismenost najvišja pri bolnikih starih do 60 let (=3,6), najnižja pa pri bolnikih starejših od 76 let (=3,1), (F=8,790, α=0,000). Ugotovili smo tudi, da bolniki s končano osnovno šolo dosegajo najnižjo stopnjo zdravstvene pismenosti =3,2), bolniki z višješolsko izobrazbo pa najvišjo stopnjo =3,8) (F=2,761, α=0,000). Naši rezultati kažejo, da strukturirana in individualno prilagojena zdravstvena vzgoja izboljša zdravstveno pismenost. V povprečju je zdravstvena pismenost koronarnih bolnikov pred strukturirano zdravstveno vzgojo nižja (=3,3) kot po izvedeni strukturirani zdravstveni vzgoji (=3,6), (t = -13,180, α=0,000). Sklep: koncept zdravstvene pismenosti je pri zdravstveni obravnavi bolnikov pomemben, zato je poznavanje le tega za zdravstvene delavce nujno. Je tudi eden od pomembnih pokazateljev kakovosti zdravstvene nege. Menimo torej, da je zdravstvena pismenost izziv za sodobno zdravstveno vzgojo s prilagajanjem komunikacijskih metod.
Keywords:zdravstvena pismenost, zdravstvena vzgoja, ocena, zdravstveni delavci.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Podergajs]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-58499 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2218148 New window
Publication date in DKUM:01.09.2016
PODERGAJS, Mateja, 2016, PREPOZNAVANJE ZDRAVSTVENE PISMENOSTI – TEMELJ ZDRAVSTVENO VZGOJNEGA DELA BOLNIKOV Z KORONARNO BOLEZNIJO [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : M. Podergajs. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=58499
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Abstract:ABSTRACT The starting-point: health literacy is essential for coronary patients to be able to understand the disease and its treatments. The patient's health literacy assessment is of key importance to design an effective individual health education for a coronary patient. Structured health education, adapted to the patient's health literacy level before being discharged from the hospital, can empower the patient and improve his/her level of health literacy. The purpose: we wanted to determine the identification of coronary patient’s health literacy and the method of its identification at nursing staff at the General Hospital Celje’s Department of Cardiology. We wanted to establish a baseline level of health literacy among coronary patients hospitalized in the same hospital department and to evaluate the change after the implementation of a structured health education. We were also interested whether age and education are related to the level of health literacy. The research methodology: the study included 38 nurses at the General Hospital Celje’s Department of Cardiology and 119 consecutively admitted patients at the Department of Cardiology with a determination of acute coronary syndrome or angina pectoris.Data were collected using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 19 software and Microsoft Office Excel. To analyze the hypotheses we used the Kullback 2Î coefficient and t-test for independent samples. To compare the average differences between two groups, we used a t-test for independent samples and the ANOVA (F) analysis of variance. The results: The study involved 38 health workers, the majority (92.1 %) of women, with an average period of employment of 18.8 years. We found out that health workers that work in health education most frequently evaluate that patients have “basic level of health literacy”. Health workers do not use any of tools to evaluate health literacy in clinical practice and in 92 % they evaluate it according to their own discretion. Health workers in the medical educational work do not make use of all methods that affect the increase in health literacy; the majority of them (95 %) uses a simple language easily understood by the patients. There are no statistically significant differences among health professionals who evaluate different levels of coronary patients’ health literacy, with the use of health education methods that help to improve the health literacy of patients. The second part of the study included 119 patients, with an average age of 64 years, 74 % of them were men. We found out that both - the age and the education are related to the level of health literacy among coronary patients. On average, the health literacy is the highest among patients aged up to 60 years (= 3.6) and the lowest among patients older than 76 years (= 3.1) (F = 8.790, α = 0.000). We have also found out that patients with primary education reach the lowest level of health literacy = 3.2) and patients with post-secondary education reach the highest level = 3.8) (F = 2.761, α = 0.000). Our results indicate that structured and individually tailored health education improves health literacy. On average, the health literacy of coronary patients is lower before structured health education (= 3.3) than an after-structured health education (= 3.6) (t = -13.180, α = 0.000). The conclusion: The concept of health literacy of patients in the medical treatment is important; therefore this knowledge is necessary for health care workers. It is also a very important indicator of a health care’s quality. We therefore believe that the health literacy, with adapted communication methods, represents a challenge for a modern medical education.
Keywords:Health literacy, health education, assessment, health workers.


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