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Authors:ID Jerele, Jelka (Author)
ID Kofjač, Davorin (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Jerele_Jelka_2016.pdf (1,02 MB)
MD5: CDC8F7A94F072D592A704794A4E464C1
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi obravnavamo problematiko skladiščnega poslovanja v proizvodnji hladilnih naprav, ki so namenjena elektromehanski industriji. Namen diplomske naloge je, predstaviti idejo o možnosti, kako s čim boljšo avtomatizacijo in računalniškem vodenjem dograditi že obstoječe skladiščno poslovanje; prilagajanje dejanskim razmeram in boljšo izkoriščenost skladiščnega prostora, evidentiranje in označevanja prispelega materiala (črtna koda) v proizvodnjo, možnosti postavitve medfaznih prostorov, začasnih skladišč oziroma mikrolokacij glede na plan proizvodnega procesa ter elektronsko evidentiranje slabega materiala. Posledično bi bil omogočen nadzor nad materialnimi tokovi in vpogledom stanja v zaloge ne glede na čas, hkrati pa bi bilo omogočeno tudi lažje planiranje nabavni službi, kot tudi planiranje same proizvodnje, skrajšala bi se čakalna doba dospetja materiala na delovna mesta. V diplomski nalogi smo najprej analizirali obstoječe stanje in nato na podlagi ugotovljenih problematičnih stanj predstavili predlog prenove poslovnih procesov. Na koncu smo podali SWOT analizo obstoječih in prenovljenih procesov ter prikazali časovne in finančne prihranke procesov. Ugotovili smo, da bi skladiščnik na leto pri pripravi materiala za proizvodni proces lahko prihranil 8 400 minut oziroma 140 ur, iz finančnega vidika je to 630 € na leto. Proizvodni delavec pa letno lahko prihrani 9 600 minut oziroma 160 ur, iz finančnega vidika je to 633,6 € na leto. Proizvodni delavec zaradi prihranka časa lahko poveča količino narejenih izdelkov za 6 720 kosov na leto.
Keywords:Skladišče materiala, črtna koda, medfazno skladišče, mikrolokacije (začasna skladišča), notranje transportne poti materiala, SWOT analiza
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-58446 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7589139  New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.05.2016
JERELE, Jelka, 2016, OPTIMIZACIJA SKLADIŠČNEGA POSLOVANJA V PROIZVODNJI HLADILNIH NAPRAV [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=58446
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Secondary language

Abstract:In this thesis, we discuss the issue of storage operations in the manufacture of cooling devices, which are used in electromechanical industry. The aim of the thesis is to present the idea of the possibilities on how to optimize automation and computer control in upgrading the existing warehouse management of the raw material warehouse: adaptation to realities and better utilization of storage space, recording and labelling of arrived material (bar code) in production, layout options for temporary storage or micro locations based on the plan of the production process and the electronic recording of bad material. Consequently, the control of material flows and inspecting the state of the stock would be given regardless of the time and at the same time it would also facilitate the planning in the purchasing department, as well as the planning of production itself. The waiting period of arrival of the material to working stations would also be shortened. In this thesis, we first analysed the existing situation, and then, on the basis of the identified problematic situation, presented a proposal of a business process reengineering. In the end we made a SWOT analysis of the existing and renewed processes and shown the time and financial savings of the processes. We have found that the checker can save 8 400 minutes or 140 hours in the preparation of material for the manufacturing process yearly. From a financial point of view, this is € 630 per year, whereas production worker can save 9 600 minutes or 160 hours yearly. From a financial point of view, this is € 633,60 per year. Due to time savings a production worker can increase the amount of manufactured products to 6 720 pieces per year.
Keywords:Materials warehouse, bar code, interphase warehouse, micro-location (temporary storage), internal material transport routes, SWOT analysis


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