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Title:Uporabniki interneta in njihov odnos do komuniciranja prek spletnih medijev
Authors:ID Kužnik, Renata (Author)
ID Završnik, Bruno (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Kuznik_Renata_2016.pdf (1,91 MB)
MD5: 463B121281E279B6AA5F095763B2DE03
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obsega teoretična izhodišča in raziskovalni del. Teoretična izhodišča so narejena na osnovi domače in tuje literature. Za začetek so raziskani pojmi internet, splet 2.0, kaj nas na tem področju čaka v prihodnosti (semantični splet). Podjetja imajo res veliko priložnosti za učinkovito komuniciranje prek spletnih medijev. Eno od teh so zagotovo družbena omrežja. Če podjetje danes ni prisotno na nobenem družbenem omrežju, je to precejšnja škoda zanj in za promoviranje njegovih izdelkov in storitev. Elektronska pošta je pomemben del komuniciranja, ki ima številne prednosti, so pa tudi pasti, ki jih je treba upoštevati, preden se lotimo promocije prek tega kanala. Virusni marketing je povezan s pojmom sporočanja od ust do ust, pravzaprav je to najstarejša metoda promocije, le da se je v zadnjih letih preselila na splet (spletno sporočanje od ust do ust). Blogi so posebna oblika komuniciranja, podjetja pa na svojih straneh pišejo svoje bloge. Pri blogih je pomembna vsebina. Če podjetje v blogu nima sposobnosti ponuditi kakovostne vsebine, je bolje, da ga ne uporablja. Elektronsko poslovanje je poseben del, ki ga danes uporabljamo vsi, je široko področje in obsega različne oblike e-poslovanja. Je del našega vsakdanjika. Vsemu skupaj pa mora vladati ustrezna zakonodaja, ki ščiti potrošnike pred vsiljivim komuniciranjem organizacij. Tega je danes veliko, kar meče slabo luč na celotno digitalno oglaševanje. Osnova za raziskovalni del, v katerem je bil cilj odgovoriti na vprašanje, kakšen odnos imajo uporabniki interneta do novodobnih spletnih medijev, je bila spletna anketa. Odziv na anketo je bil dober, predvsem glede na kratek čas anketiranja. Nekateri odgovori so bili pričakovani, nekateri so bili presenetljivi. Velik odstotek vprašanih uporablja družbena omrežja, zato je prisotnost na teh res pomembna, res pa je, da so oglasi na družbenih omrežjih precej moteči. Zanimivo je, da oglasi bolj motijo mlado populacijo kot srednje staro in starejšo populacijo. Družbena omrežja so med vprašanimi torej zelo popularna, manj popularni pa so blogi in nekatere oblike elektronskega poslovanja. Zanimiv je tudi podatek o poznavanju zakonodaje na tem področju, uporabniki bi lahko bolje poznali zakonodajo, tako bi manjkrat prišlo do slabe volje, negativnega odnosa do komuniciranja prek spletnih medijev in, ne nazadnje, bilo bi manj spletnih zlorab.
Keywords:internet, oglaševanje, družbeni mediji, družbena omrežja, elektronska pošta, virusni marketing, blogi, elektronsko poslovanje
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:R. Kužnik
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-58201 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12296476 New window
Publication date in DKUM:31.05.2016
KUŽNIK, Renata, 2016, Uporabniki interneta in njihov odnos do komuniciranja prek spletnih medijev [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : R. Kužnik. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=58201
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Secondary language

Title:Internet users and their attitude to online media communications
Abstract:Master thesis incorporates theoretical starting-points and the research part. The theoretical starting-points are designed on the basis of domestic and foreign literature. At first, the following concepts are researched: Internet, World Wide Web, what the future will be like (Semantic Web). Companies have really a lot of opportunities in order to communicate effectively through web media. One of these is definitely social networks. If a company today is not present in any social network that means a significant loss for it and for the promotion of its products and services. E-mail is an important part of communications that has numerous advantages; however, there are also disadvantages that need to be taken into consideration before we start a promotion through that channel. Viral marketing is connected with the concept of verbal advertisement, which is actually the oldest method of the promotion. In the last years, however, this concept has moved to World Wide Web (online word of mouth). Blogs are a special form of communication. The companies write blogs on their web sites. The contents matters when we speak about blogs. If a company is unable to offer contents of good quality on the blog, it is better not to write blogs at all. E-business is a special part we all use today. It is a wide area and incorporates various parts of e-business. It is a part of our everyday life. A proper legislation must be provided to protect the consumers against intrusive communicating of the organizations. There are a lot of such cases, which put the whole digital marketing in a bad light. The basis for the research part, where the objective was to answer the question what kind of an attitude have the users of the Internet towards modern web media, was a web inquiry. The response to the inquiry was good, especially with respect to short duration of the inquiry. Some answers were expected, some were surprising. High percentage of the participants use social networks; therefore the presence of the latter is really important. On the other hand, the advertisements in the social networks are pretty disturbing. It is interesting that such advertisement disturb young participants to greater extent than middle-aged and older participants. If social networks are very popular among the participants, blogs and some other forms of e-business are less popular. There is also an interesting data on the knowledge of the legislation of this area. Users should know the legislation better. In this way users would be less upset; they would have more positive attitude to communication through web media. Finally, there would be less web abuses.
Keywords:Internet, advertising, social media, social networks, e-mail, viral marketing, blogs, e-business.


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