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Title:Razvoj hibridnega simulacijskega modela za izboljšanje delovanja urgentnega oddelka bolnišnice
Authors:ID Grabljevec, Stanko (Author)
ID Škraba, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Fras, Zlatko (Comentor)
Files:.pdf RAZ_Grabljevec_Stanko_i2016.pdf (4,31 MB)
MD5: 423D32235E55245E9A2DF0BCF130FEE9
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V disertaciji obravnavamo vpliv uvedbe elektronske table, ki vključuje radiofrekvenčno sledenje pacientov, na delovanje urgentnega oddelka ter zajem vhodnih podatkov za simulacijski model. Ugotovili smo, da je uvedba elektronske table zahtevna, tako s tehničnega kot organizacijskega vidika. Elektronska tabla zahteva stalno tehnično podporo osebju urgentnega oddelka. Ocenjujemo, da v našem primeru prav zaradi pomanjkanja le-te nismo dosegli pričakovanega učinka. Z anketno raziskavo in statističnim testiranjem smo potrdili, da uporaba elektronske table brez ustrezne podpore in izobraževanja ne izboljša percepcije trenutnega stanja delovnega procesa. Razvili smo koncept avtomatskega zajemanja podatkov o trajanju aktivnosti, ki so vključene v simulacijski model urgentnega oddelka, s pomočjo radiofrekvenčnega sledenja pacientov. Razvoj elektronske table v sodelovanju z osebjem urgentnega oddelka je pokazal, da potrebuje osebje prek elektronske table pregled nad tistimi ključnimi fazami obravnave pacientov, ki so jih že v preteklosti raziskovalci vključili v generične simulacijske modele urgentnih oddelkov. V okviru našega dela smo izdelali generični simulacijski model, ki temelji na kombinirani uporabi diskretne dogodkovne simulacije in agentnega modeliranja. Z eksperimentiranjem na modelu smo potrdili, da bi s strani zaposlenih predlagane organizacijske spremembe doprinesle k skrajšanju časa obravnave pacientov. Opredelili smo pristop k modeliranju po principih sistemske dinamike, dogodkovne simulacije in agentno orientirane simulacije ter orisali relacije med omenjenimi paradigmami. V disertaciji predstavimo razvoj hibridnega simulacijskega modela širjenja gripe v populaciji in pretoka pacientov v bolnišnici. Razvili smo metodologijo uporabe hibridnega modela za strateško pripravo na krizno situacijo zaradi širjenja sezonske ali pandemske gripe ter za taktično prilagajanje organizacije izvedbe oskrbe pacientov.
Keywords:zdravstvo, simulacija, hibridna simulacija, diskretna dogodkovna simulacija, agentna simulacija, sistemska dinamika, modeliranje, radiofrekvenčna identifikacija, elektronska tabla
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-57687 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:286840320  New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.10.2016
GRABLJEVEC, Stanko, 2016, Razvoj hibridnega simulacijskega modela za izboljšanje delovanja urgentnega oddelka bolnišnice [online]. Doctoral dissertation. Maribor. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=57687
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Secondary language

Title:Development of hybrid simulation model for improvement of emergency department performance
Abstract:The influence of an electronic white board that includes radio-frequency tracking of the patients on the functioning of emergency departments and the collecting of input data for simulation are described in this thesis. We have determined that the introduction of the electronic white board is challenging, from both the technical and the organizational points of view. The electronic white board requires permanent technical support for the emergency department staff. We estimate that in our case, because of the lack of the support, the desired impact was not achieved. With survey research and statistical testing, we have confirmed that the application of the electronic white board without proper support and training does not improve the perception of the current state of the work process. The concept of the automatic collection of data about the duration of activities that are included in the simulation model of an emergency department with the aid of radio-frequency tracking of the patients was developed. Development of the electronic white board with the cooperation of the emergency department staff has shown that the staff members need the overview of those key phases of patient treatment, which were included by other researchers in their previous research addressing building the generic simulation models of emergency departments. Within the framework of our research, a generic simulation model was developed that was based on the combined application of the discrete event simulation and agent-based modelling. By experimenting with the model, we have confirmed that the organizational changes proposed by employees would decrease the emergency department length of stay. The modelling approach has been described according to the principles of system dynamics, discrete event simulation, and agent-based simulation, and relations between modelling paradigms have been examined. The development of the hybrid simulation model of influenza spread in a community, and the impact of patient flow is described. The methodology of hybrid model application for the strategic preparation for a crisis situation of the seasonal or pandemic influenza and for the tactical adaptation of the organization of patient treatment has been developed.
Keywords:health-care, simulation, hybrid simulation, discrete event simulation, agent-based simulation, system dynamics, modelling, radiofrequency-identification, electronic white board


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