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Authors:ID Vardič, Tamara (Author)
ID Črčinovič Rozman, Janja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Vardic_Tamara_2016.pdf (2,03 MB)
MD5: 4C49EC7C426A4FF5DA5C8A8BB0820A98
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Namen diplomske naloge z naslovom Glasovni obseg in natančnost izvedbe pesmi v 4. in 5. razredu je ugotoviti, ali obstajajo razlike v glasovnem obsegu med učenci 4. in 5. razreda osnovne šole in kako natančni so pri izvedbi pesmi. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljen človeški glas in fiziologija nastanka glasu. Opisan je razvoj glasu v otroštvu in pubertetnem obdobju, saj so otroci v 4. in 5. razredu ravno na pragu pubertete, predstavljene pa so tudi glasovne motnje za omenjeni obdobji. Posebna pozornost je namenjena petju v drugem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju, kjer so predstavljene značilnosti tega obdobja, poudarek pa je tudi na glasovnem obsegu. Na koncu teoretičnega dela je prikazana še analiza pesmi iz glasbenega učbenika za 4. in 5. razred. V empiričnem delu so analizirani glasovni obsegi šestinosemdesetih otrok 4. in 5. razreda Osnovne šole Leskovec pri Krškem. Narejena je bila tudi analiza natančnosti izvedbe pesmi naslednjih elementov: ritmična izvedba zapetega, melodična izvedba zapetega, izvedba največjega intervala, intonančna čistost in fraziranje pri petju. Tako glasovni obsegi otrok kot tudi natančnost pri petju so bili primerjani glede na razred in na spol. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da so glasovne sposobnosti otrok zelo različne, zato so tudi obsegi pevskih glasov različni. Prevladujejo otroci, ki imajo delno razvite glasovne sposobnosti, kar nekaj pa je tudi tistih s slabo razvitimi glasovnimi sposobnostmi. Izsledki raziskave o natančnosti izvedbe pesmi pa so pokazali, da je pevska dejavnost učencev glede na kriterije, ki so bili upoštevani, precej nenatančna. Za najbolj šibki točki sta se izkazali melodična izvedba zapetega in intonančna čistost, veliko težav pa se je pojavilo tudi pri petju največjega intervala. Ritmična natančnost pri petju in fraziranje pa sta bili najbolj dosledno izvedena. Glasovi se razlikujejo po glasovnem obsegu. Razlike se pojavljajo že v samem spolu, še večje pa so po starostnih letih. Za učitelje razrednega pouka je poznavanje glasovnih obsegov otrok izjemno pomembno, zato je lahko naša raziskava o glasovnih obsegih otrok in njihovi pevski natančnosti dobra smernica za urjenje vokalne tehnike in ustrezno izbiro pevskega programa.
Keywords:glasovni obseg otrok, otroški glas, mutacija, petje, natančnost izvedbe pesmi
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Vardič]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-57559 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22166024 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.05.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:The purpose of the diploma thesis titled Vocal range and accuracy of song performance in classes 4 and 5 is to find out whether there are differences in vocal range among pupils of classes 4 and 5 in the primary school and how accurate they are at singing a song. The theoretical part introduces human voice and physiology of voice origin. Furthermore, the thesis presents the development of voice in the period of childhood and puberty, since class 4 and 5 pupils are at the dawn of puberty, as well as voice disorders typical of these two periods. Special attention is given to singing in the second educational period, its characteristics, with emphasis on vocal range. The theoretical part ends with the analysis of a song from the music textbook for classes 4 and 5. Vocal ranges of 86 pupils of classes 4 and 5 of Leskovec pri Krškem primary school are analysed in the empirical part of the thesis. The analysis of song accuracy has been made covering the following elements: rhythmic performance of the song, melodic performance of the song, performance of the largest interval, intonation purity and phrasing at singing. Vocal ranges as well as pupils' accuracy at singing are compared according to class and sex. The results show that vocal abilities of children are very different which is true for their vocal ranges as well. The children with partially developed vocal abilities are prevailing, but there are some with very poorly developed vocal abilities on the other side. The results of the research concerning song accuracy show that singing activity of the children, regardless the criteria, is considerably inaccurate. Two weakest points are melodic accuracy of the song and intonation purity, whereas problems appear also when they have to sing the largest interval. Rhythmic accuracy and rhetorics have been performed consistently. Voices are distinguished by vocal ranges. Differences are present according to sex, but they grow bigger with age differences. For teachers of lower classes it is of vital importance to be familiar with vocal ranges, so our research about vocal ranges and singing accuracy is a good guideline for them to train vocal techniques and choose the proper singing programme.
Keywords:children's vocal range, child's voice, mutation, singing, accuracy in performing a song


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