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Title:Proza Gabriele Babnik
Authors:ID Klement, Ana (Author)
ID Borovnik, Silvija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 3401B44B2D72E4D9E11CA7CFA844EE2E
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Diplomsko delo je pregled proze slovenske pisateljice, literarne kritičarke in prevajalke Gabriele Babnik (1979). Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti avtorico, njeno življenje in delo, analizirati njeno delo ter avtorico umestiti v slovensko književnost. Analiza del je razdeljena na krajšo in daljšo prozo. V diplomskem delu je tako predstavljenih in analiziranih osem kratkih zgodb; Ljubimec iz zbirke Razkriti obrazi svobode (2014) in sedem kratkih zgodb iz zbirke Nočne pokrajine (2014), ter trije romani; prvenec Koža iz bombaža (2007), V visoki travi (2009) in Sušna doba (2012). V diplomskem delu so opredeljeni pojmi sodobna slovenska književnost, slovenska postmoderna, roman in sodobni slovenski roman, kratka zgodba, medbesedilnost; opredeljene so temeljne strukture literarnega dela (snov, motivno-tematski sklop, ideja, zunanja in notranja zgradba literarnega dela – postmodernistična metafikcija, pripovedovalec, literarne osebe, literarni čas in prostor, jezik in slog), s pomočjo katerih je opravljena literarnoteoretična analiza za vsako avtoričino delo posebej. Uporabljene so različne metode; deskriptivna metoda, metoda klasifikacije, metoda analize in interpretativna metoda, komparativna in zgodovinska metoda ter metoda sinteze. Prozna dela Gabriele Babnik so vpeta v medkulturni prostor, v njih nam prikazuje srečevanje resnične Slovenije in resnične Afrike. V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni motivno-tematski sklopi, motivi in motivni drobci ter ideje posameznih proznih del Gabriele Babnik, ki se v vseh delih ponavljajo. Tematika, ki jo avtorica obravnava, je osredotočena na razgradnjo stereotipov, na nefunkcionalne, izpraznjene in odtujene odnose med najbližjimi; na sprejemanje in nesprejemanje drugosti in drugačnosti v resnični zahodni in resnični afriški družbi ter lepovidovstvo. V diplomskem delu so predstavljene literarne osebe in njihove značilnosti. Osrednjo vlogo v vseh delih ima ženska, ki pod vplivom patriarhata in zaradi travm iz preteklosti postane preveč odmaknjena ali pa pretirano polaščevalna. V diplomskem delu sta predstavljena literarni čas in prostor; literarni prostor je v vseh delih osredotočen na Afriko, Slovenijo, Francijo in Anglijo; ter jezik in slog, ki se prav tako ponavljata v vseh delih. Opredeljeni so medbesedilni postopki v prozi Gabriele Babnik, ki spremenijo notranjo ter zunanjo zgradbo njenih del.
Keywords:Gabriela Babnik, sodobna slovenska književnost, slovenska postmoderna, roman, kratka zgodba, literarnoteoretična analiza, lepovidovstvo, medbesedilnost
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Klement]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-57385 New window
UDC:821.163.6-32.09Babnik G.(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:22154504 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.05.2016
KLEMENT, Ana, 2016, Proza Gabriele Babnik [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : A. Klement. [Accessed 7 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=57385
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Secondary language

Title:Prose of Gabriela Babnik
Abstract:The graduation thesis is an overview over the prose of a Slovene writer, literary critic and translator Gabriela Babnik (1979). The main purpose of the thesis is to present the author, her life and work, analyze her work and place the author into the context of Slovene literature. The analysis includes the short and long prose. Eight short stories; Ljubimec – Lover from the series Razkriti obrazi svobode – Disclosed Faces of Freedom (2014), seven short stories from the series Nočne pokrajine – Night Landscapes (2014), and three novels; the debut Koža iz bombaža – Cotton Skin (2007), V visoki travi – In the Tall Grass (2009) and Sušna doba – Dry Season (2012), are presented and analyzed in the thesis. The graduation thesis defines terms, such as Slovene literature, Slovene postmodern, novel and contemporary Slovene novel, short story, intertextuality. Structural elements of literary works (context; motif, theme and idea; external and internal structure of a literary work – postmodernistic metafiction, narrator, characters, literary time and space, language and style) are defined. The literary analysis of each author´s work is performed according to the structural elements of a literary work. Several different methods have been used in the thesis; descriptive method, classification method, the method of analysis and interpretative method, comparative and historical method and the method of synthesis. Prose works of Gabriela Babnik are intercultural; she presents the contact between real Slovenia and real Africa. The thesis presents motifs, themes and ideas of each individual prose work of Gabriela Babnik, which tend to occur in each Babnik´s work. The author deals with degradation of stereotypes, with dysfunctional, empty and alienated relations between the closest people; with the acceptance and non-acceptance of otherness and distinctiveness in the real Western and real African societies and with the »Lepa Vida« complex (Lovely Vida complex). Characters and their characteristics are presented in the thesis. Woman, which becomes too alienated or too possessive due to the patriarchate or traumatic past, has the main role in Babnik´s works. Literary time and place, language and style, are presented in the thesis, whereas literary place covers Africa, Slovenia, France and England, while language and style tend to be similar in all Babnik´s literary works. Intertextual methods that modify the internal and external structure of the prose of Gabriela Babnik are defined.
Keywords:Gabriela Babnik, modern Slovene literature, Slovene postmodern, novel, short story, literary analysis, Lovely Vida complex, intertextuality


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