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Authors:ID Žlender, Rebeka (Author)
ID Dajčman, Silvo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Zlender_Rebeka_2016.pdf (2,23 MB)
MD5: 8B854F345BE3B2C6F8C5123BDE73FC22
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Brezposelnost predstavlja za posameznika stresno situacijo, še posebno takrat, kadar govorimo o brezposelnih mladih osebah, ki po končanem izobraževanju želijo vstopiti na trg dela, kjer želijo kar najbolje pokazati svoja pridobljena znanja, sposobnosti in izkušnje. Mnogi delodajalci ne želijo zaposliti mladih, saj po njihovem mnenju nimajo delovnih izkušenj, jih ne poznajo, tako da ne vedo, kako se znajdejo v določeni situaciji ter kakšne so njihove sposobnosti. Mladi po končanem izobraževanju vstopijo na trg delovne sile, kjer je po določenih poklicih večje, po drugih pa manjše povpraševanje. Razlog za to vidimo v odpiranju novih izobraževalnih programov, prevelikem vpisu na določene fakultete ter seveda v gospodarski krizi. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili pojma zaposlenosti in brezposelnosti. Zatem smo opredelili in pojasnili vrste, probleme in vzroke za brezposelnost ter načine iskanja zaposlitve. Predstavili smo ukrepe Evropske unije in Evropskega socialnega sklada ter programe Zavoda Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje, ki bi mladim omogočili hitrejšo zaposlitev. V praktičnem delu smo izvedli raziskavi, v kateri smo iskali dejavnike, ki vplivajo na zaposlitev mladih. Izvedli smo spletno anketo, pridobljene podatke smo analizirali s programom SPSS. Pridobljeni rezultati so pokazali, da se ženske zaposlijo hitreje kot moški, tako da smo hipotezo, da iskalci iščejo prvo zaposlitev manj časa kot iskalke, zavrnili. Prav tako smo zavrnili hipotezo, pri kateri smo raziskovali, če drži, da mlajši iskalci prvo zaposlitev iščejo manj časa kot starejši. Potrdili pa smo hipotezo, da se iskalci prve zaposlitve želijo zaposliti v pridobljenem poklicu. Prav tako smo potrdili hipotezo, da iskalci prve zaposlitve, ki imajo več delovnih izkušenj, iščejo prvo zaposlitev manj časa kot tisti z manj delovnimi izkušnjami. Hipotezo, pri kateri smo trdili, da iskalci prve zaposlitve z nižjo pridobljeno izobrazbo iščejo prvo zaposlitev manj časa kot tisti z višjo, smo zavrnili. Hipotezo, da ukrepi, ki jih izvaja Evropski socialni sklad, povečajo možnost hitrejše prve zaposlitve, smo potrdili. Zavrnili pa smo hipotezo, da programi Zavoda Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje omogočajo hitrejšo zaposlitev iskalcem zaposlitve, ki se udeležijo teh programov.
Keywords:zaposlenost, brezposelnost, mladi iskalci, prva zaposlitev, delovne izkušnje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[R. Žlender]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-57275 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12322844 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.06.2016
ŽLENDER, Rebeka, 2016, DEJAVNIKI ZAPOSLENOSTI IN BREZPOSELNOSTI MED MLADIMI ISKALCI PRVE ZAPOSLITVE [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : R. Žlender. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=57275
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Secondary language

Abstract:Unemployment represents an individual stressful situation, more especially when we are talking about young unemployed persons on completion of education wishing to enter the labor market, where they want to make the best show of their acquired knowledge, skills and experience. Many employers are unwilling to hire young people, because in their view they do not have work experience, they do not know them, so they do not know how young people find themselves in a particular situation and what are their capabilities. Youth after completion of education enter the labor market, where demand for certain professions is higher and the after others professions is lower. The reason for this is the creation of new educational programs, overdose enrollment to certain faculties and of course the economic crisis. In the theoretical part we have presented the concept of employment and unemployment. Then we define and explain types, problems and causes of unemployment and methods of job search. We have presented actions of the European Union and the European Social Fund and programs of the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for employment, which would enable young people to find a job faster. In practical part we performed a study in which we searched for factors which have an impact on the employment of young people. We conducted an online survey, the data obtained were analyzed using SPSS. The results showed that women find their first job faster than men, so we have rejected the hypothesis that men job seekers are looking for their first job less time than women. We have also rejected the hypothesis in which we investigated if it is true that younger job seekers are looking for their first job less time than older people. We confirmed the hypothesis that the first-time job seekers are looking for work in the acquired profession. We have also confirmed the hypothesis that first time job seekers who have more work experience are seeking their first job less time than those with less work experience. The hypothesis in which we claimed that the first-job seekers with lower education are searching for their first job less time than those with higher was rejected. The hypothesis that the actions which are implemented by the European Social Fund increases the possibility of a faster first job was confirmed. And we rejected the hypothesis that the programs of Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for employment allow faster employment to seekers who have attended these programs.
Keywords:employment, unemployment, young seekers, first employment, work experience


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