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Title:Prikrite oblike delovnega razmerja s poudarkom na navideznih samozaposlenih
Authors:ID Korez, Severina (Author)
ID Senčur Peček, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Korez_Severina_2016.pdf (643,58 KB)
MD5: 9F9DC021CAAA50D524092F66E2E32327
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Delovno pravo je v funkciji zaščite delavca kot šibkejše stranke v delovnem razmerju. Zaradi spremenjenih gospodarskih, tržnih ter družbenih razmer se v praksi vedno pogosteje pojavljajo razmerja, ki nimajo tradicionalne oblike delovnega razmerja in delovnopravnega varstva. Diplomsko delo Prikrite oblike delovnih razmerij s poudarkom na navideznih samozaposlenih obravnava položaj oseb v prikritih delovnih razmerjih, podrobneje pa položaj navideznih samozaposlenih. Prikrita delovna razmerja so razmerja, ki dajejo videz drugačnega razmerja, kot med strankama dejansko obstaja. Prikrita delovna razmerja imajo negativen vpliv v prvi vrsti na delavca, saj se mu na tak način odreka delovnopravno varstvo, ki bi ga moral biti deležen. Pri obravnavi prikritih delovnih razmerij je ključna jasna opredelitev elementov delovnega razmerja. Na podlagi obstoja elementov delovnega razmerja lahko namreč tudi v mejnih primerih ugotovimo ali sta stranki v delovnem razmerju ali ne. Slovenska delovna zakonodaja vzpostavlja relativno dobro in trdno formalno podlago za ugotavljanje delovnega razmerja tudi v primerih prikrivanja njegove prave pravne narave. ZDR-1 v 4. čl. vsebuje definicijo oz. elemente delovnega razmerja in tako v veliki meri olajša presojo obstoja delovnega razmerja v primerih, kjer ni sklenjene pisne pogodbe o zaposlitvi ali ni jasno izražena vsebina pravnega razmerja med delavcem in delodajalcem. Pri navideznih samozaposlenih govorimo o primerih, ko se osebi, ki sicer izpolnjuje vse pogoje za delavca ne prizna delovnopravnega varstva, ampak se z njo, kot formalno samozaposlenim, poslovno sodeluje. Navidezno samozaposleni so tako formalno samozaposleni, dejansko pa je mogoče v teh razmerjih med naročnikom (dejansko delodajalcem) ter samozaposlenim (dejansko delavcem) prepoznati elemente delovnega razmerja. Tudi navideznim samozaposlenim je potrebno po načelu prednosti dejstev pred obliko pogodbe priznati položaj delavca ter jim zagotoviti ustrezno delovnopravno varstvo. Pravo naravo pogodbenega razmerja lahko delovno sodišče ugotovi le na podlagi tožbe navideznega samozaposlenega. Ker le-ti tožbe zaradi slabih možnosti drugih oblik zaposlitve pogosto ne upajo vložiti, ima pomembno vlogo v takšnih primerih tudi delovna inšpekcija.
Keywords:prikrita delovna razmerja, navidezni samozaposleni, delovnopravno varstvo, elementi delovnega razmerja, delavec, samozaposleni, nove oblike opravljanja dela
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Korez]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-57243 New window
UDC:349.2: 331.102.12(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:5080363 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.05.2016
KOREZ, Severina, 2016, Prikrite oblike delovnega razmerja s poudarkom na navideznih samozaposlenih [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : S. Korez. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=57243
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Secondary language

Title:Disguised form of employment relationship with focus on quasi-sole properties
Abstract:Labour law has the function of protecting the employee as the weaker party in the employment relationship. Due to changes in economic, market and social situation in practice there are increasing occurrence of relationship, that do not have traditional form of employment and employment protection. The thesis Covert forms of employment relationship with focus on apparent sole proprietors introduces a situation of covert employment relationship, in more detail the situation of apparent sole proprietors. Covert employment relationships are relationships, that give the appearance of a different relationship that actually exists between the parties. Covert employment relationships have a negative impact primarily on the worker, because they deny his labor protection, that he should have be receiving. When dealing with covert employment relationships the key is clear definition of elements of the employment relationship. With existence of the elements of an employment relationship we can also in borderline cases determine whether the parties are in an employment relationship or not. Slovenian labor law establishes a relatively good and solid formal basis for the determination of the employment relationship, even in cases of concealing his true legal nature. Slovenian Employment Relationships Act in article 4 contains a definition (elements) of an employment relationship. This is significantly helpful in cases, where there is no signed written contract of employment or is not clearly expressed the content of legal relationship between the worker and the employer. In the case of apparent sole proprietors we talk about cases when a person, who fulfill all the conditions for the worker is not recognized with labor protection. Instead it is business cooperated with the person, because the person is formally self-employed. Apparent sole proprietors are formally self-employed, but in fact it is possible in these relationships, between client (actual employer) and the sole proprietor (the actual worker), identify elements of the employment relationship. Apparent sole proprietor must also be recognized as worker and provided with adequate labor protection, based on the principle of priority of facts over form of contract. The true nature of the relationship can only be determinant on the court. Because apparent sole proprietors are, due to poor opportunities for other forms of employment, often scared to bring action in court, is very important labor inspection.
Keywords:covert forms of employment relationship, apparent sole proprietors, employment protection legislation, elements of an employment relationship, worker, sole proprietors, new forms of work


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