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Title:Čiščenje odpadnih vod iz steklarske industrije
Authors:ID Gorjanc, Natalija (Author)
ID Fakin, Darinka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Gorjanc_Natalija_2016.pdf (9,96 MB)
MD5: C5CD1F80BD597C5293B62BD3136A46C4
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:V magistrski nalogi smo preučevali metode čiščenja odpadnih vod iz steklarske industrije. Iz odpadne vode smo želeli odstraniti svinec, antimon, sulfate in fluoride. Preučili smo različne metode odstranjevanja teh onesnaževal iz odpadnih vod. V teoretičnem delu smo opisali različne postopke odstranjevanja teh onesnaževal iz odpadne vode. Nato smo čistili dve vrsti odpadne vode iz Steklarne Rogaška, d. o. o., in sicer vodo, ki nastaja pri kislinskem poliranju izdelkov in se nato vodi v nevtralizacijo. Ta voda je obremenjena predvsem s sulfati, fluoridi, antimonom in svincem. Druga vrsta vod je bila hladilna voda za brusna sredstva, ki se v sedaj obstoječem sistemu čisti na flokulacijski čistilni napravi, ki jo v podjetju imenujejo FLOT 1. V raziskavi smo uporabljali različne adsorbente: naravni zeolit iz Zaloške Gorice, sintezne zeolite podjetja Silkem, d. o. o., iz Kidričevega, šoto in aktivno oglje. Kot metodo smo izbrali adsorpcijsko stresalno metodo. Vzorce odpadnih vod smo obdelali pri različnih pogojih in nato postopek optimirali. Ker se je kot zelo učinkovit adsorbent izkazal sintezni zeolit tipa 4A, smo odpadno vodo s tem zeolitom čistili še v adsorpcijski koloni pri različnih pretokih. Kot osnovni parameter smo merili pH, saj mora imeti odpadna voda za izpust v vodotok pH vrednost med 6,5 in 9,5. Kot spremljevalno metodo smo merili vrednosti TOC, ki pa jih različni adsorbenti glede na prvotni vzorec ne spreminjajo bistveno, z izjemo šote, ki te vrednosti zelo zviša. Fluoride smo določevali s pomočjo potenciometra, fluoridne ionselektinve elektrode in Ag-referenčne elektrode. Sulfate smo določevali s spektrofotometrom, svinec in antimon pa s plamensko atomsko absorpcijo FAAS ali pa z električno atomsko absorpcijo ETAAS. Z raziskavo smo dokazali, da so uporabljeni adsorbenti učinkoviti pri odstranjevanju svinca, antimona in fluoridov, medtem ko so pri odstranjevnju sulfatov manj učinkoviti, saj se ne uspemo približati dovoljeni meji 1000 mg/L. Zato je potrebno za ta proces uporabiti etringitni postopek.
Keywords:odpadne vode, steklarska industrija, zeoliti, težke kovine, svinec, antimon, fluoridi, sulfati, adsorpcija, šota, aktivno oglje
Place of publishing:[Maribor]
Publisher:[N. Gorjanc]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-57231 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19656214 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.07.2016
Categories:KTFMB - FS
GORJANC, Natalija, 2016, Čiščenje odpadnih vod iz steklarske industrije [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : N. Gorjanc. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=57231
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Secondary language

Title:Wastewater treatment processes in the glass industry
Abstract:In the Master's thesis we studied methods for wastewater treatment from the glass industry. We wanted to remove lead, antimony, sulfates and fluorides from the wastewater. We examined various methods of removing these pollutants from wastewater. In the theoretical part of the Master’s thesis we described the various processes of removing these pollutants from the wastewater. Then we purified two types of wastewater from Steklarna Rogaška, d. o. o., namely water, which is produced in acidic polishing of products and is then led to the neutralization. This water was polluted mostly with sulphates, fluorides, antimony and lead. Another type of water was cooling water for grinding agents, which is cleaned in currently existing system of flocculating wastewater treatment plant, called FLOT 1. In this study we used different adsorbents: natural zeolite from Zaloška Gorica, synthetic zeolites produced by Silkem, d. o. o., from Kidričevo, peat and activated charcoal. As method we chose adsorption vibration method. Samples of the wastewater were treated under various conditions and then we optimized the process. Since synthetic zeolite type 4A has proved to be a very effective adsorbent, we also purified the wastewater in the adsorption column at different flow ratest. As the wastewater must have pH-value between 6,5 and 9,5 in order to be allowed to drain back into the watercoures, we measured the pH as a basic parameter. We also measured TOC-value, which is not changed significantly by different adsorbents comparing to the original sample, except for peat, which value has increased. Fluorides were assessed with potentiometer, fluoride ion selective electrode and Ag-reference electrode. Sulfates were assessed with a spectrophotometer, lead and antimony by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy FAAS or electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy ETAAS. The research demonstrated that the used absorbents were effective in removing lead, antimony and fluoride, while the removing of sulphates were less effective, because we failed to come near to approximate limit of 1,000 mg/L. Therefore, it is necessary for this process to use ettringite process.
Keywords:wastewater, glass industry, zeolite, heavy metals, lead, antimony, fluorides, sulphate, adsorption, peat, activated charcoal


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