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Title:Kraje avtomobilov skozi čas : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija
Authors:ID Kokovnik, Marjan (Author)
ID Dobovšek, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 380FA9E588D4114EE8947CC3E2BB4214
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Skozi zgodovino človeštva se je razvilo mnogo oblik kriminalitete. Vsaka oblika povzroči sočloveku materialno ali celo telesno škodo. Enako velja za obliko kriminala, ki se navezuje na prevozna sredstva oziroma na motorna vozila. V Republiki Sloveniji in drugod po svetu predstavlja avtomobilska kriminaliteta precej resne težave. Gre za škodovanje družbi in posledično vzbujanje strahu pri ljudeh. Slovenska policija se že nekaj let ukvarja s preprečevanjem te oblike kriminala in beleži vsako krajo avtomobila za pridobivanje statističnih podatkov o pogostosti kraj. Tudi druge evropske države imajo spletne strani s tovrstno statistiko. Avtomobilska kriminaliteta se vseskozi razvija in prilagaja novim tehnikam. Na začetku je bila precej manj pogosta kot danes. Tatovi so razvijali različne načine in tehnike, kako čim lažje odtujiti motorno vozilo in kar se da najbolje iztržiti njegovo vrednost. Zato so se začeli povezovati in nastale so organizirane skupine. Take skupine so prisotne v vsaki obliki kriminala. Njihov cilj je na nelegalen način pridobiti ogromne vsote denarja. Na samem začetku beleženja tatvin avtomobilov je bilo teh manj. Skozi leta pa je delež tatvin precej narasel v vseh državah sveta. Zaradi lege slovenskega ozemlja smo precej ogroženi, saj skozi našo državo vodijo različne tranzitne poti, ki kriminalnim skupinam omogočajo prosto pot pri trgovanju in sodelovanju z organiziranimi skupinami iz različnih držav. Sami lahko v veliki meri poskrbimo za varnost svojega avtomobila. Že samo če avto zaklenemo, smo na dobri poti. Predvsem pa je pomembno, da ponoči ne parkiramo na takšnih krajih, kjer bi tatovom omogočili, da brez težav odpeljejo vozilo.
Keywords:kazniva dejanja, tatvine, motorna vozila, odkrivanje, preprečevanje, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Place of performance:[Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Kokovnik]
Year of publishing:2016
Year of performance:2016
Number of pages:58 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-57196 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3097578 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.02.2016
KOKOVNIK, Marjan, 2016, Kraje avtomobilov skozi čas : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : M. Kokovnik. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=57196
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Secondary language

Title:Historical analysis of vehicle theft
Abstract:Through the history of mankind many forms of crime have been developed. Every form can cause material damage or even corporal injury to a fellow man. The same is true of the type of crime connected to means of transport or motor vehicles. In Republic of Slovenia and other countries around the world car crime is a serious issue. It is detrimental to the society and it consequently strikes fear into people. The Slovenian police has been fighting this type of crime for several years. They record every case of car theft in order to keep statistics on its frequency. Other European countries also have similar websites with these statistics. Car crime continues to develop and adapt to new techniques. It was far less frequent in its beginnings than it is today. Thieves have been developing different ways and techniques to steal vehicles in the easiest way and to make as much money as possible by selling them. It is for this reason that they started to connect, which led to the emergence of organized gangs. These groups are present in every type of crime and their goal is to illegally acquire enormous sums of money. Car theft was rarer at the time when it started to be recorded. Through time, however, the number of stolen vehicles has increased substantially in all countries. We are quite compromised due to the geographic position of Slovenia, since many transit routes lead through our country. This enables the criminal groups to freely trade and collaborate with organized gangs from other countries. We can contribute to the safety of our car to a large extent. Only by locking the vehicle, we are well on track. However, it is very important not to park the car at such places at night where it could be easily stolen.
Keywords:car theft, stolen motor vehicles, organised crime


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