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Title:Kakovost življenja pacienta s Crohnovo boleznijo
Authors:ID Kralj, Mihaela (Author)
ID Dobnik, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pahor, Artur (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Kralj_Mihaela_2015.pdf (933,85 KB)
MD5: 449535DB4CE68BC2DBAFBF543E8BF24B
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Crohnova bolezen spada med kronične vnetne črevesne bolezni. Bolezen prizadene končni del ileuma, obolijo pa tudi drugi deli prebavne cevi. Simptomi in znaki bolezni se kažejo kot bolečina v trebuhu, driske, bruhanje in izguba telesne mase. Kvaliteta njihovega življenja je omejena, saj je moteno njihovo poklicno in osebno življenje. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti značilnosti Crohnove bolezni in z raziskavo ugotoviti kakovost življenja pacienta. Želeli smo ugotoviti kakšen vpliv ima Crohnova bolezen pri opravljanju vsakodnevnih aktivnostih in kako vidijo sprejemanje svoje bolezni pri svojcih in sodelavcih. Metodologija: Za teoretični del diplomskega dela smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela, kjer smo opisali Crohnovo bolezen, v raziskovalnem delu pa smo uporabili analitično metodo dela, kjer smo uporabili kvantitativno metodologijo, ki smo jo uporabili za potrditev raziskovalnih vprašanj in kjer so predstavljeni tudi rezultati raziskave. Rezultati: V raziskavi je 16 (33 %) anketirancev mnenja, da se prehitro utrudijo zaradi prisotnih bolečin med vsakodnevnimi aktivnostmi, medtem ko 20 (41 %) anketirancev meni, da čuti pomanjkanje energije. Bolezen je ovira pri vsakodnevnih aktivnostih, sta odgovorila 2 (4 %) anketiranca, medtem ko 9 (18 %) anketirancev meni, da jih bolezen ovira tudi pri športnih dejavnostih. Na podlagi raziskave smo ugotovili, da jih 21 (81 %) anketirancev meni, da so svojci in bližnji pozitivno sprejeli njihovo bolezen. Sklep: Za Crohnovo bolezen je značilen kroničen, doživljenjski potek. Na nastanek bolezni vplivajo številni dejavniki, kot so genetski dejavniki, dejavniki okolja, prehrana, okužbe in neprimeren imunski odziv na sestavine običajne črevesne vsebine. Najpogostejše težave, ki so jih navedli so: kri na blatu, večkratno odvajanje na dan, bolečine pri odvajanju ter prisotnost diareje.
Keywords:Crohnova bolezen, Društvo kroničnih bolnikov, anketa, kvaliteta življenja, dietna prehrana
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Kralj]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-56298 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2194340 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.03.2016
KRALJ, Mihaela, 2016, Kakovost življenja pacienta s Crohnovo boleznijo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Kralj. [Accessed 21 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=56298
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Secondary language

Title:Quality of life of patients with Crohn's disease
Abstract:Theoretical basis: Crohn's disease is one chronic inflammatory bowel disease. The disease affects the end part of the ileum, diseased as well as other parts of the digestive tube. Symptoms and signs of the disease appear as abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and weight loss. The etiology is unknown. Quality of life is limited because of the disrupted their professional and personal lives. Purpose: The aim of the thesis is to present the characteristics of Crohn's disease and a survey to determine the quality of life of the patient. We wanted to determine what impact Crohn's disease in the course of the patient's daily activities and how they see their acceptance of the disease in relatives and colleagues. Methodology: For the theoretical part of the thesis we have used on the descriptive method to work, where we describe Crohn's disease in previous research work we used the analytical method to work, where we used a quantitative methodology, which we used to confirm the research questions and where are also presented the results of the research. Results: Research has shown the characteristics and quality of life of patients with Crohn's disease. 16 (33 %) answers of the respondents believe that too tired due to the presence of pain duringdaily activities, while 20 (41 %) of respondents believe the answers that feel a lack of energy. That the disease hinders the daily activities of all the certificates 2 (4 %) of respondents answer and 9 (18 %) of responses of respondents believe that it impedes the disease also in sports activities. How are families and people around them accept their condition is 2 (8 %) of the respondent replied that the poor accept their disease and 21 (81 %) of them answered that they accepted their disease well. Resolution: For Crohn's disease is characterized by chronic, life–course. Many factors influence the emrgence of diseases such as genetic factors, environmental factors, diet, infection and improper immune response to the components of the normal intestinal contents. We found that the majority of respondents Crohn's patients in the elimination of sluge problems to notice the blood on the stool and discharged several times a day, they present pain during bowel movements and presence they have diarrhea.
Keywords:Crohn's disease, Society of chronic patients, questionnaire, quality of life, diet food


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