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Title:Uporaba socialnega inženiringa v spletnih socialnih omrežjih : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Authors:ID Jelen, Vesna (Author)
ID Bernik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Jelen_Vesna_2015.pdf (1,56 MB)
MD5: 28D69575D3C414193603F36ECEF7390C
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:S spletom, do katerega ima tudi v Sloveniji dostop že praktično vsak, se nas večina danes srečuje vsakodnevno, tako poslovno kakor tudi zasebno. Med uporabniki spleta je vse več tistih, ki za komunikacijo, deljenje vsebin, navezovanje stikov, izobraževanje itd. na svojih napravah uporabljajo različna spletna socialna omrežja. Z večjim številom uporabnikov teh omrežij pa raste tudi kibernetska kriminaliteta in število tistih, ki spletna omrežja in njihove uporabnike zlorabljajo s pomočjo tehnik socialnega inženiringa. Največjo nevarnost predstavljajo predvsem uporabnikom spletnih socialnih omrežij, ki ne uporabljajo ali ne posodabljajo protivirusnih programov, ne uporabljajo požarnega zidu in ne posodabljajo spletnih brskalnikov, ter tistim, ki z ostalimi na spletu nepremišljeno delijo svoje osebne podatke in odpirajo različne povezave, ki so jim bile posredovane s strani nepoznanih oseb, in ki hkrati s spletnimi socialnimi omrežji na svoji napravi dostopajo še do spletnega bančništva, opravljajo spletne nakupe in na svojih napravah hranijo pomembne osebne, bančne in druge občutljive podatke. Uporabnike spletnih socialnih omrežij je potrebno konstantno opozarjati na nevarnosti in jih seznanjati z novimi načini zlorab ter z možnostmi zaščite pred njimi. Nevarnosti zlorab se uporabniki večinoma sicer zavedajo, vendar nepoznavanje tehnik napada in možnosti zaščite, vodi do lahkomiselnega ravnanja uporabnika na spletnih socialnih omrežjih in s tem do uspešne manipulacije s strani socialnega inženirja in zlorabe uporabnika. Vsekakor je pri uporabi spletnih socialnih omrežij priporočljiva previdnost, premišljenost in skeptičnost, tako pri deljenju svojih osebnih podatkov, fotografij, itd. kakor tudi pri prejemanju teh. S takšnim ravnanjem pa zmanjšamo tudi možnosti, da postanemo žrtev katere izmed zlorab.
Keywords:internet, socialna omrežja, socialni inženiring, računalniška kriminaliteta, varnost, grožnje, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Place of performance:[Ljubljana
Publisher:V. Jelen]
Year of publishing:2015
Year of performance:2015
Number of pages:53 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-55538 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3084522 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.01.2016
JELEN, Vesna, 2015, Uporaba socialnega inženiringa v spletnih socialnih omrežjih : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : V. Jelen. [Accessed 25 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=55538
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Secondary language

Title:The use of social engineering in social networks
Abstract:Practically every one of us is nowadays facing the internet on a daily basis, both for business as well as private reasons. Among internet users a number of those using different social networking websites for communication, sharing contents, to make new social connections, to educate, etc. is increasing. By increasing the number of users of social networks, the amount of cybercrime and the number of attacks with techniques of social engineering is increasing as well. The greatest danger for the most of users of social networking sites is that they do not use or do not update their antivirus programs, do not use a firewall and do not update their web browsers while sharing their personal information and opening and following different links which were sent to them by unknown persons. And the greatest danger is that on their devices they use social network pages and online banking pages, online shopping pages, and that on their devices they keep important personal, banking or other sensitive information. It is necessary that users of social networks are constantly warned about the risks that they are informed about new ways of abuses with social engineering and that they know the possibilities of protection against these frauds. Users are mostly aware of the risk of abuse, but the lack of knowledge of the techniques of attack and security options lead to reckless behavior of user which leads to a successful manipulation by social engineer and misuse by the user. By the use of social networking sites caution, prudence and scepticism is recommended, both while sharing personal data, photographs, etc., as well as in receiving them. Such behavior can reduce the chances of becoming a victim of abuse with techniques of social engineering.
Keywords:Social network, social engineering, security, threats


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