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Authors:ID Vakej, Samanta (Author)
ID Pisnik, Aleksandra (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Vakej_Samanta_2015.pdf (1,22 MB)
MD5: 6DA530B8B6AC920790FC2F73268D6E34
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Zaradi potrebe po razlikovanju in označevanju blaga oziroma storitev se je razvila blagovna znamka. Blagovna znamka ima v prvi vrsti razlikovalni pomen, seveda pa pomeni veliko več kot le to. Poudariti moramo predvsem zaznano vrednost blagovnih znamk. Je izjemno pomembna, saj le-ta za odjemalca predstavlja razmerje med pričakovanimi koristmi, ki jih prejme z nakupom izdelka oziroma storitve ter pričakovanimi izdatki v povezavi z izdelkom oziroma storitvijo. Z blagovno znamko lahko povežemo množico mentalnih asociacij ali značilnosti, ki se odvijajo v odjemalcu in vplivajo na njegov nakup. Bolj kot so te značilnosti in asociacije prijetne, zaželene ali poudarjene, boljša je dodatna zaznana vrednost izdelka oziroma storitve. Nekatere opredelitve zaznane vrednosti pravijo, da je vrednost izdelka oziroma storitve za odjemalca ustvarjena takrat, kadar so koristi za odjemalca večje kot izdatki, ki nastanejo ob nakupu. Večja kot je zaznana vrednost blagovne znamke, večje in boljše so tudi konkurenčne prednosti podjetij, ki jih ponujajo. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega projekta sem analizirala osnovne pojme, ki so povezani z nalogo in so potrebni, da bi lahko bolje razumeli zaznano vrednost blagovne znamke. Osredotočila sem se na pojem zaznane vrednosti in jo vključila v kasnejšo obravnavo. Osrednji del diplomskega projekta je namenjen podjetju Paloma d.d. in zaznani vrednosti njihove blagovne znamke. Da bi ugotovila zaznano vrednost blagovne znamke Paloma, sem opravila raziskavo med študenti Ekonomsko-poslovne fakultete v Mariboru in jo analizirala. Zanimalo me je tudi, ali bi bilo potrebno vrednost blagovne znamke Paloma v očeh študentov še izboljšati. Na podlagi ugotovitev in analize podatkov sem podala nekaj svojih predlogov. V diplomskem projektu sem uspela doseči vse zastavljene cilje, predvsem pa osrednji cilj – spoznati in analizirati vrednotenje in pogled študentov na blagovno znamko Paloma. Seveda bi bili rezultati pristnejši, če bi v raziskavo zajela še večjo statistično skupino študentov. Rezultati so pokazali, da se nisem zmotila pri svojih predpostavkah, da imajo študentje v povezavi z blagovno znamko Paloma zelo pozitivne asociacije. Prepoznavnost in zavedanje o blagovni znamki Paloma sta visoka, kot sem predvidevala. Ker je podjetje Paloma d.d. na trgu že 140 let, sem predvidevala, da študentje uporabljajo njihove izdelke predvsem zaradi tega, ker jih uporabljajo tudi njihovi starši. Sicer se trditev ni izkazala za napačno, vendar je v ospredju predvsem uporaba izdelkov zaradi kvalitete in prepoznavnosti, ki je posledica TV reklam, reklam v časopisih, na radiu itd.
Keywords:vrednost blagovne znamke, Paloma, blagovna znamka, izdelki, asociacije, zaznane korist, študentje.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Vakej]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-55382 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12471836 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.09.2016
VAKEJ, Samanta, 2015, VREDNOST BLAGOVNE ZNAMKE PALOMA V OČEH ŠTUDENTOV [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : S. Vakej. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=55382
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Secondary language

Abstract:The need for a differentiation between goods or services and their labelling was vital in the development of the trademark. The trademark is primarily essential in the exploratory sense, however, its meaning goes way beyond that. The perceptual value of a trademark is especially important, for example to the costumer, as it represents the relation between the expected benefits gained with the purchase of the product or the service; and the expected expenses associated with the product or service. A variety of mental associations or characteristics that are held by the costumers, and influence their purchase, can be linked to the trademark. The more pleasant, desirable or visible that these associations or characteristics are, the better the additional perceptual value of the product or service. Some of the definitions of the perceptual value claim that the value of the product or service for the costumer is created when the benefits the costumer receives are greater than the expenses that come with the purchase. The bigger the perceptual value of the trademark, the bigger and better the competitive advantages of the businesses which offer the trademark. The theoretical part of the present project analyses the basic concepts connected with this field of study as well as the concepts needed for a clearer understanding of the perceptual value of the trademark. The concept of the perceptual value of the trademark was an essential part of the research, and was also included in the subsequent discussion. The focal point of these Bachelor’s Thesis is the Paloma d. d. company, and the perceptual value of their trademark. A study was conducted among the students of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Maribor for the purposes of defining the perceptual value of the Paloma trademark. The study also surveyed if there was a need to improve the students’ opinion of the Paloma trademark. Based on the findings and the data analysis a few suggestions were introduced. The projects succeeded in reaching all the goals set at the beginning, especially the focal one – to define and analyse the students’ valuation and view of the Paloma trademark. The results could have been further confirmed by a winder study done within a bigger group of students. The results confirmed my presuppositions about the students’ positive associations with the Paloma trademark. As predicted, the recognisability and the awareness about the Paloma trademark are high. The fact that the Paloma d.d. company has been around for 140 years led to the presupposition that the students use the Paloma products mainly because their parents use them too. This hypothesis was not disproved, however; the use of the Paloma products can be ascribed mainly to their quality and recognisability because of TV, newspaper, and radio commercials.
Keywords:brand value, Paloma, trademark, products, associations, perceptual value, students.


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