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Authors:ID Koler, Amadeja (Author)
ID Krajnc, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kristl, Matjaž (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Koler_Amadeja_2015.pdf (3,31 MB)
MD5: DFD6716D4FEEF5114EDD327BF2358946
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Abstract:V magistrskem delu smo se lotili sinteze poroznega hibridnega materiala sestavljenega iz sistema monomer-propoksiliran trimetitol propan triakrilat in delcev TiO2. Hibridni material smo pripravili s polimerizacijo emulzije z visokim deležem notranje faze tipa voda v olju, kateri smo v zunanjo fazo primešali delce TiO2 . Hibridni material smo nato sintrali. Ugotovili smo, da na stabilnost emulzije ne vpliva narava in količina dodanega surfaktanta PEL 121 ampak emulzijo stabilizira le disperzno sredstvo BYK 118. Prav tako smo iz eksperimentalnega dela ugotovili, da na stabilizacijo emulzije vpliva masno razmerje delci:monomer. Kadar smo v emulzijo dodali dvakrat več monomera kot delcev, je bila ta stabilna tudi po dodatku 80 vol.% vodne faze, material je imel odprto celično strukturo. Z višanjem količine delcev (delci:monomer na 1:1, 2:1) pa emulzije pri dodatkih visokih deležev vodne faze (več kot 70 vol.%) postajajo vedno manj stabilne njihova celična struktura pa je bolj zaprta. Pomemben dejavnik za stabilizacijo sistema monomer-TiO2 je tudi velikost delcev. Ugotovili smo, da z delci velikosti 20 nm težje stabiliziramo HIP emulzijo, kot pa z delci velikosti 200 nm. Dobljene porozne hibridne materiale smo nato sintrali na temperaturi 1150 ⁰C pri temperaturnem koraku 0,5 ⁰C na minuto. Izkazalo se je, da se hibridnim materialom z nižjim deležem delcev tipična poliHIPE struktura poruši. Medtem, ko pa se tistim materialom z višjim deležem delcev (delci:monomer 2:1) struktura poruši verjetno zaradi že predhodno manj stabilnega hibridnega materiala. Vsi sintrani materiali so izboljšali svoje mehanske lastnosti, saj so vsi postali trdnejši . Struktura je ostala podobna poliHIPE materialu kadar smo dodajali manjšo količino delcev glede na monomer in kadar smo dodajali nižje vsebnosti notranje faze (manj kot 80 vol.%). V tem delu smo sintetizirali hibridni material iz sistema monomer-TiO2, nadalje smo ga sintrali in tako bolj ali manj uspešno dobili porozno keramično matrico, katere morfologija je nakazovala podobnost s hibridnim materialom. Tako delo še v znanstveni literaturi ni bilo opisano.
Keywords:poliHIPE, hibridni materiali, titanov dioksid, stabilizacija HIP emulzij, sintranje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Koler]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-55264 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19440662 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.11.2015
Categories:KTFMB - FKKT
KOLER, Amadeja, 2015, POROZNI HIBRIDNI MATERIALI IZ SISTEMA MONOMER/TiO 2 [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : A. Koler. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=55264
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Abstract:In this master thesis, we deal with the synthesis of porous hybrid materials consisting of sistem monomer-TiO2 particles. Propoxylated trimetitol propane triacrylate was used as monomer. The hybrid materials were prepared by the polymerization of the high internal phase emulsion type water-in-oil. To the external phase particles of TiO2 were added. The hybrid material was then sintered. It was found that the stability of the emulsion is not affected by the nature and quantity of added surfactant PEL 121. Emulsions were stabilised with dispersing agent BYK 118. Also, we have established that the stabilization of the emulsion is affected by the weight ratio of particles: monomer. When the emulsion was added twice as much monomer as particles, it was stable even after the addition of 80 vol.% of the aqueous phase and the material had an open cellular structure. With increasing amounts of particles (particles: monomer at 1:1, 2:1), and with adding high proportions of the aqueous phase (more than 70 vol.%) emulsions became less stable and their cellular structure was more closed. An important factor for the stabilization of the system the monomer-TiO2 is also the size of the particles. We have found that it is more difficult to stabilize the HIP emulsion using particles with diameter of 20 nm, than with particles with diameter of 200 nm. The resulting porous hybrid materials were then sintered at a temperature of 1150⁰C with a temperature step 0,5⁰C per minute. Typical polyHIPE structures in hybrid materials were collapsed by adding lower mass of particles. Structures of sintered hybrid materials with a higher proportion of particles (particle:monomer of 2:1) were collapsed likely due to the previously less stable hybrid material. All sintered materials had improved mechanical properties, as they all became harder. In this work we synthesized a hybrid material from the system monomer-TiO2, we have further sintered and thus more or less successfully obtained a porous ceramic matrix whose morphology indicates similarities with the hybrid material. Such work in the scientific literature has not yet been described.
Keywords:polyHIPE, hybrid materials, titanium dioxide, stabilization of HIP emulsions, sintering


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