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Authors:ID Mohorič, Anamarija (Author)
ID Potočnik, Dragan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ožinger, Anton (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Mohoric_Anamarija_2015.pdf (2,12 MB)
MD5: D95B6480AD6CFBD364E309BF1E3CA293
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Učimo se učiti je eden od projektov Osnovne šole Šentjernej. Šole, kjer sem si izoblikovala svoje osnovno znanje in si pridobila širši ter vsestranski pogled na svet. Učimo se skozi celotno življenje. Izbrala sem si temo raziskovanja zgodovine šole, ki deluje v mojem kraju, ker sem vedela, da bom tako izvedela veliko o njenem nastanku, o življenju na šoli, ki sega daleč v preteklost, o težavah, ki so pestile šolo, o pedagoških delavcih itd. Tudi moj kraj ponuja zelo raznolik družbenogeografski in zgodovinski pregled, ki sem ga na začetku dela preučila ter tako svoji splošni razgledanosti dodala kanček znanja. Nato sem se lotila preučevanja zgodovine šolstva v Sloveniji in ugotovila, da smo Slovenci lahko zelo ponosni na svoje prednike, ki so s svojim trudom in vztrajnostjo dosegli veliko za šolstvo. Naš začetni razvoj je potekal tako kot avstrijski, ker so Habsburžani postavili zelo trdne temelje. V tej smeri smo se hitro razvijali, le zaradi jezika smo zaostajali. Materni jezik je bil skozi vsa leta v nevarnosti propada. A ker je z jezikom preživela slovenska šola, je naš jezik preživel z njo. Bili so vzponi in padci, a vendar napredovanja. Bili smo majhen narod, ki je bil ogrožen s strani vseh držav, po zaslugi slovenskega šolstva pa je preživel. Tudi danes šola išče nove možnosti za napredek in izboljšanje slovenskega naroda. S svojim raziskovanjem zgodovine šentjernejske osnovne šole sem želela prikazati razvoj vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanov, s poudarkom na Šentjerneju. Pri svojem delu sem uporabila zgodovinsko metodo dela, kar pomeni, da sem pri raziskovanju uporabljala in črpala informacije iz primarnih virov in šolskih kronik.
Keywords:Šentjernej, zgodovina, šolstvo, osnovna šola
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Mohorič]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-54930 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:21719560 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.11.2015
MOHORIČ, Anamarija, 2015, OSNOVNA ŠOLA ŠENTJERNEJ [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : A. Mohorič. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=54930
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Secondary language

Abstract:»Learn to learn« is one among the projects which are being carried out at Šentjernej Primary School. This was my primary school where I gained my basic knowledge and broader, more general point of view upon the world. We learn through our entire life. The reason why I chose to research the history of our school in my hometown was the fact that I knew that I will learn a lot about its origin, life at school, which reaches long way in the past, about problems which were dealt with, teachers employed at the institution, etc. At the beginning of the thesis, I did a research on socio-geographic and historical overview of my hometown. This proved to be quite interesting. In this way, I gained some new information, which broadened my previous general knowledge. In the second part, I dealt with the history of Slovene school system and found out that we can be very proud of our ancestors who have done a lot for our education system with their hard work and effort. The beginnings of our school system were the same as in Austria, where the Habsburg Monarchy set very strong foundations. Our country developed quite quickly, the only drawback was our language. Our mother tongue was all this time in danger of extinction. However, with the school system, our first language survived as well. There were difficulties, but still there was progress anyway. We were a small nation threatened by the countries that surround us but with the help of our school system, our independence survived. Even today, our education system is still trying to influence and improve our nation in a positive way. With my research on history of primary school in Šentjernej, I tried to present the development of our education system and institutions, with the focus on Šentjernej primary school. For this thesis, I used the historical research method, which means that I used information from primary sources and the school chronicles.
Keywords:Šentjernej, history, school system, primary school


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