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Authors:ID Klajderič, Ana (Author)
ID Potočan, Vojko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Klajderic_Ana_2015.pdf (1,13 MB)
MD5: 4F03423B344C9FD54C501DA094F899AD
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Interno komuniciranje postaja za podjetja vedno pomembnejše, saj so se razmere na trgu korenito spremenile. Okolje, v katerem podjetja delujejo, je polno nenehnih sprememb, ki niso več predvidljive, temveč so kaotične in od podjetij zahtevajo njihov maksimum delovanja. Podjetja, ki želijo uspešno dohajati ta hitri tempo, morajo biti zato ažurna in sposobna se hitro prilagajati novostim in spremembam v okolju. Slednje pa lahko dosegajo samo tako, da imajo ves čas pravočasno na voljo vse potrebne pomembne informacije in da imajo motiviran in lojalen kader zaposlenih. Oboje je v tesni povezavi z interno komunikacijo, ki mora za uspešno delovanje podjetja biti uspešna/učinkovita. Podjetja se namreč vedno bolj zavedajo, da je uspešno/učinkovito interno komuniciranje lahko tudi pomembna konkurenčna prednost. Pomanjkanje interne komunikacije v podjetju pa lahko negativno vpliva na delovanje podjetja in v skrajnem primeru celo ogrozi njegov obstoj. V magistrski nalogi je bil naš osnovni namen proučiti interno komuniciranje v podjetjih in na podlagi tega oblikovati predloge za njegovo izboljšanje. Nalogo smo razdelili na teoretični del, kjer smo opisali osnove pojme, in empirični del, kjer smo vso zapisano teorijo poskušali podkrepiti s konkretnim primerom proučevanega podjetja. V raziskavi smo se osredotočili na proučevano podjetje, kjer smo med zaposlenimi izvedli anketo, z vodilno v proučevanem podjetju pa poglobljeni intervju. Na tak način smo pridobili mnenja z dveh različnih vidikov, ki sta za našo raziskavo in primerjavo zelo pomembna. Temeljna ugotovitev naloge je, da so zaposleni v proučevanem podjetju mnenja, da pomanjkanje interne komunikacije negativno vpliva na management podjetja. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da so zaposleni mnenja, da pomanjkanje interne komunikacije vpliva na realizacijo podjetja. Ugotovili smo tudi, da se več kot polovica zaposlenih v proučevanem podjetju zaveda pomena interne komunikacije, prav tako pa je več kot polovica zaposlenih mnenja, da interno komuniciranje v podjetju vpliva na doseganje poslovnih rezultatov. Zanimiva ugotovitev, ki smo jo lahko razbrali iz zbranih podatkov, pa je, da imajo zaposleni in vodilna v podjetju povsem različno mnenje o tem, koliko pozornosti druga stran namenja internemu komuniciranju v podjetju. Na podlagi teh ugotovitev smo v nadaljevanju predstavili tudi svoje predloge oziroma možne potencialne rešitve za odpravo zapisanih problemov, kjer smo rešitvi ločili na glede na človeški vidik in glede na tehnološki vidik. Na koncu smo predstavili še odprte probleme in predloge za nadaljnjo raziskavo proučevanega področja. Pri tem imamo v mislih predvsem nove raziskave in posledično dodatno nadgradnjo našega dosedanjega empiričnega dela raziskovanja, kjer bi s ponovno anketo po uvedbi računalniškega programa preverili, ali se je stanje spremenilo na pozitivno/negativno ali je ostalo nespremenjeno.
Keywords:management, funkcije managementa, komuniciranje, vrste komuniciranja, orodja internega komuniciranja, interno komuniciranje.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Klajderič]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-54846 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12161820 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.11.2015
KLAJDERIČ, Ana, 2015, INTERNO KOMUNICIRANJE MANAGEMENTA [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : A. Klajderič. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=54846
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Abstract:Internal communication is becoming more and more important for companies, since situation on market have changed radically. The environment in which businesses operate is full of constant changes, which are no longer predictable, but are chaotic and require from companies their maximum performance. Companies who want to keep up with this fast way of live, must be very up-to-date and able to adapt to new developments and changes in the environment quickly. This can be achieved only if companies have all necessary and relevant information and if they have motivated and loyal employees. Both is very connected with internal communication, which has to be successful and effective in order the company can operate successfully. Companies are more aware that successful and effective internal communication can be an important competitive advantage. Lack of internal communication in a company can on other hand have a negative impact on the company's operations and in extreme cases it can even endanger its existence. In dissertation our primary purpose was to examine the internal communication within companies and on this basis to make proposals for its improvement. This dissertation is divided into theoretical part where we have described the basic concepts and the empirical part, where we tried to substantiate the theory on a concrete study company. In this study we focused on the study company, where we conducted a survey among employees and an in-depth interview with the management of the company. In this way, we obtained opinions from two different perspectives, which is important for our study. The main finding of this dissertation is that employees in the study company think that lack of internal communication has a negative impact on the management of the company. We also found out that according to the opinion of the employees that lack of internal communication affects the realization of the company. Furthermore we found out that more than half of employees in the study company is aware of the importance of internal communications and also that more than half of employees believe that internal communication within the company has impact on the business results. An interesting finding, which we could gathered from the collected data is that employees and the management have entirely different opinion on how much the second party pays attention to internal communication in the company. On the basis of these findings we presented our proposals/possible solutions to overcome the realized problems, where we separated solutions according to the human aspect and solutions according to the technological aspect. In the end, we have written down open problems and proposals for further research of our studied area. Here we have in mind new research and consequently an additional upgrade of our previous empirical part of research, where we could check with another survey if the situation has changed positively/negatively or if it remained unchanged after the implementation of a computer program.
Keywords:management, function of management, communication, types of communication, internal communication tools, internal communication.


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