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Title:Prevajanje kulturno zaznamovanih prvin pri podnaslavljanju filmov Woodyja Allena
Authors:ID Turner, Lea (Author)
ID Kaloh Vid, Natalia (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: D0C4DF97485036F853FB45E81A5F6E36
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Magistrska naloga obravnava problem prevajanja kulturno zaznamovanih prvin pri podnaslavljanju treh filmov režiserja, scenarista in igralca Woodyja Allena. V nalogi nas je zanimalo, s katerimi strategijami so bile omenjene prvine prevedene v uradnih slovenskih podnaslovih in ali so bile te strategije pretežno usmerjene k izvorni ali ciljni kulturi. Opravljena je bila primerjalna analiza zunaj- in znotrajjezikovnih prvin iz skupno enajstih kategorij. Pri določanju strategij prevajanja smo se opirali na tipologijo prevodoslovca Jana Pedersena (2011). Naše ključne ugotovitve so, da je bilo prevajanje kulturno zaznamovanih prvin v podnaslovih podrejeno časovnim in prostorskim omejitvam, hkrati pa je bila vsaka prevodna rešitev rezultat sprejemanja odločitev z upoštevanjem dodatnih dejavnikov. Podnaslovi torej niso bili primarno usmerjeni ne k izvorni ne k ciljni kulturi, ampak so bile prvine ponekod posplošene z nadpomenko in parafrazo, nadomeščene z manj zaznamovano prvino ali celo izpuščene, drugje pa ohranjene ali neposredno prevedene. Strategije, usmerjene k ciljni kulturi, so bile zlasti značilne za znotrajjezikovne prvine, pogosta pa je bila tudi raba uradne ustreznice. Woody Allen v obravnavanih slovenskih podnaslovih tako ponekod deluje bolj mednaroden, brezčasen, manj zaznamovan z judovsko kulturo in manj duhovit, po drugi strani pa podnaslovi še zmeraj v zadostni meri omogočajo kulturno in intelektualno izkušnjo, ki jo prinašajo njegovi filmi.
Keywords:Podnaslavljanje, kulturno zaznamovane prvine, Woody Allen, prevajalske strategije, izvorna kultura, ciljna kultura
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[L. Turner]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-54841 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:21685768 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.10.2015
TURNER, Lea, 2015, Prevajanje kulturno zaznamovanih prvin pri podnaslavljanju filmov Woodyja Allena [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : L. Turner. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=54841
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Secondary language

Title:Translating Culturally Specific Elements in Subtitling of the Films by Woody Allen
Abstract:This master thesis focuses on translating culturally specific elements in subtitling of three films by the director, screenwriter and actor Woody Allen. We aimed to explore which strategies were used to translate these elements in official Slovenian subtitles and whether these strategies were predominantly source-culture or target-culture oriented. We carried out a comparative analysis of extra- and intralinguistic elements based on eleven categories. The strategies were determined according to the typology developed by the translatologist Jan Pedersen (2011). The results show that the translation of culturally bound elements in the subtitles was subjected to time and space restrictions, while at the same time each translation solution was the results of a decision-making process involving the consideration of additional factors. Therefore, the subtitles were not primarily source-culture or target-culture oriented. Some references were generalised by using a subordinate term or a paraphrase, substituted with a less culturally-marked term or even omitted, while others were retained or directly translated. Target-culture oriented strategies were especially characteristic when translating intralinguistic elements. The use of an official equivalent also proved to be a recurrent translation solution. Thus, Woody Allen as shown in the discussed Slovenian subtitles sometimes seems more international, timeless, less influenced by Jewish culture and less witty. Nevertheless, the subtitles still sufficiently retain the cultural and intellectual experience of his films.
Keywords:Subtitling, culturally specific elements, Woody Allen, translation strategies, source-culture, target-culture


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