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Authors:ID Šuc, Katarina (Author)
ID Maletič, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Kubelj_Katarina_2015.pdf (2,99 MB)
MD5: 9BBA6F9D5070A64566C8446C6526D982
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Namen diplomskega dela je analizirati kakovost storitve pri prodaji modnih dodatkov v podjetju Acron d.o.o. Kakovost storitve velja za enega izmed osnovnih meril po katerih se meri uspešnost in po kateri se ocenjujejo organizacije, saj je kakovost še vedno pomembnejša od kvantitete. Stalno izboljševanje kakovosti organizacije in posledično tudi storitev je ključni element rasti organizacije in pridobivanja konkurenčne prednosti. Zavezanost h kakovosti smo opazili tudi v obravnavanem podjetju Acron d.o.o. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili pojem kakovosti storitve z vidika različnih avtorjev. Prikazali smo lastnosti, značilnosti in koncept storitve, ter da se v grobem kakovost storitve deli na splošne in izvedbene lastnosti storitve. Dotaknili smo se tudi osredotočenosti na kupca in na kratko obrazložili predprodajne pogoje, ki so pomembni. V drugem delu smo predstavili naslednje modele za ocenjevanje in izboljševanje kakovosti storitve: model kakovosti storitve 4Q, model pričakovane ali zaznane vrednosti, model razkorakov, model SERVQUAL in model vzajemnega odnosa med izvajalcem in porabnikom storitve. Na podlagi omenjenih modelov smo s pomočjo člankov in literature predstavili identifikacije izboljšav, ter kako se izogniti čim večjemu številu reklamacij. Diplomsko delo temelji na študiji primera, s pomočjo katerega smo želeli odgovoriti na vprašanje kako in na kakšen način dvigniti stopnjo kakovosti storitve v obravanavanem podjetju. V ta namen smo združili različne metode zbiranja podatkov: neposredno opazovanje preučevanega pojava, analiza interne dokumentacije podjetja in nestrukturirani intervjuji z zaposlenimi. V praktičnem delu smo prikazali analizo obstoječega stanja kakovosti storitve in ključne ugotovitve. V prvem delu smo si pomagali z analizo finančnega poročila za obdobje od 1.1.2012 do 31.12.2013, v drugem delu pa smo prikazali analizo s pomočjo tehnik in orodij managementa kakovosti. S pomočjo analize finančnega poročila smo identificirali potencialne vzroke, s katerimi smo izvedeli razlog, število in vzrok reklamacij in analizo uspešnosti prodaje. Pri analiziranju s pomočjo orodij smo se lotili analize kakovosti storitve s pareto diagramom, timskim ustvarjanjem idej, vzročno-posledičnim diagramom, evidenčnim listom in modelom razkorakov. Pri vsakem smo analizirali izboljšave z vidika kakovosti storitve obravnavanega podjetja. Na osnovi izvedene analize kakovosti storitve smo identificirali vrsto potencialnih izboljšav. Ugotovitve kažejo, da so modeli za ocenjevanje kakovosti storitve in orodja managementa kakovosti lahko zelo uporabni pri obravnavanju praktičnega primera.
Keywords:storitev, izboljšanje kakovosti, zadovoljstvo kupca, modeli managementa kakovosti, reklamacija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-54474 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7478547 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.09.2015
ŠUC, Katarina, 2015, IZBOLJŠANJE KAKOVOSTI STORITVE PRI PRODAJI MODNIH DODATKOV V PODJETJU ACRON D.O.O. [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=54474
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Abstract:The purpose of the thesis is to analyse the service quality in the case of the fashion accessories sales in the company Acron d.o.o. Service quality is considered as one of the basic criteria upon which the success of the organization is evaluated. It is argued in this context that quality is more important than quantity. Several prior studies have highlighted that continuous quality improvement is essential element of organization growth and is crucial in achieving competitive advantage. The commitment to quality was also outlined in the case study company Acron, d.o.o. In the theoretical part, we presented the concept of service quality from the perspective of different authors. In this thesis we have demonstrated the qualities, characteristics and the concept of service and have outlined that the service quality can be divided into technical and functional quality feature. The thesis also deals with the concept of the customer focus as well as with the important presales conditions. In the second part, we presented the following models to assess and improve the quality of services: quality of service 4Q model, model expected or perceived value gaps model, model SERVQUAL and the model of mutual relationship between the provider and consumer services. Based on these models we were using articles and literature to present identification improvements, and how to avoid the greatest possible number of complaints. The thesis is based on a case study through, where we tried to answer the question of how and in what way to raise the level of quality of service in selected company. To this end, we combined different methods of data collection, such as: direct observation of the studied phenomenon, analysis of internal company documentation as well as unstructured interviews with employees. In the practical part we have presented the analysis of the current state of quality of service and key findings. In the first part we used the analysis of financial reports for the period from 1.1.2012 to 31.12.2013; in the second part we show the analysis by using the techniques and tools of quality management. By means of analysis of financial reports, we learn the reason, number and cause of complaints and analysis of sales performance. When analyzing using the tools we have undertaken an analysis of the quality of service: Pareto diagram, team creation ideas, cause and effect diagrams, an inventory sheet and model gaps. For each, we analyzed the improvements in terms of quality of service of the company. Based upon the service quality analysis we have identified several potential improvements. The findings indicate that service quality models as well as quality management tools are considered as very useful within the case study.
Keywords:services, quality improvement, custumer satisfaction, models of quality management, complaint


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