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Title:Blaženje podnebnih sprememb z uporabo geoinženiringa : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija Varstvoslovje
Authors:ID Horvat, Sanja (Author)
ID Eman, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Horvat_Sanja_2015.pdf (704,84 KB)
MD5: BC7D9D8DC85E372512C483D704F11076
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi se osredotočamo na vrednotenje dveh znanosti, znanosti o podnebnih spremembah in znanosti o geoinženiringu, katerega osnovni namen je blaženje podnebnih sprememb. Diplomska naloga je razdeljena na dva dela. V prvem delu podrobneje razglabljamo o znanosti in politiki podnebnih sprememb ter njihovem orodju (o t.i. klimatskih modelih), s katerim operiramo in napovedujemo razvoj podnebnih sprememb, na podlagi katerih se sprejemajo radikalne družbenopolitične odločitve za blaženje podnebnih sprememb in prilagajanje le-tem. V drugem delu se naslanjamo na nov fenomen blaženja podnebnih sprememb, o katerem se je v javnosti pogosteje začelo razglabljati šele v zadnjem desetletju. Pri nas o njem tako rekoč ni govora in mu kot takemu ne namenjamo posebne pozornosti. Geoinženiring se teoretično predstavlja kot popolno rešitev podnebnim spremembam. Z metodami geoinženiringa, ki veljajo za nove in nepreizkušene, bi se vmešavalo v podnebni sistem, da bi se na ta način ublažilo in izravnalo učinke antropogenih podnebnih sprememb. To bi se potencialno lahko izvedlo s pomočjo treh metod: z metodo odstranjevanja ogljikovega dioksida iz ozračja, metodo spremembe vremena na lokalni ravni in metodo omejevanja sončnega sevanja. Poleg že pričakovanih negativnih fizikalnih učinkov, ki niso zanemarljivi, v principu nosijo vse metode tudi tveganje za nastanek nepričakovanih in nepredvidljivih posledic; iz slednjega se opozarja, da bi moral biti geoinženiring rezerviran kor plan B, v kolikor bi nastale hujše podnebne spremembe. Pri geoinženiringu se ravno tako srečujemo z ogromno paleto možnih družbenih zlorab. Izključena ni niti zloraba dejavnosti v vojaške in/ali zasebne namene, kar omogočajo mednarodne vrzeli pri ureditvi geoinženirske dejavnosti. Ravno zloraba geoinženirske dejavnosti se že pripisuje metodi omejevanja sončnega sevanja, ki velja hkrati za najbolj sporno in kontroverzno. Govora je o zapraševanju atmosfere z nevarnimi kemičnimi snovmi ali (chemtraili), o čemer poročajo tudi v Sloveniji. Pri geoinženiringu gre za popolnoma nedokazan znanstveni koncept dejavnosti, zato se poziva k vzdržanju pred uporabo tehnologij geoinženiringa, čeprav naj bi se te v manjšem obsegu že izvajale. Geoinženiring kot tak predstavlja upravljanje z najpomembnejšo tehnologijo, tehnologijo Zemlje, zato bi njegovo upravljanje zagotovo moralo sloneti na planetarni ravni in bi jo bilo potrebno nujno in dosledno urediti, v kolikor bi se države sveta v bližnji prihodnosti odločile za njegovo izvajanje.
Keywords:podnebje, podnebne spremembe, geoinženiring, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Place of performance:[Ljubljana
Publisher:S. Horvat]
Year of publishing:2015
Year of performance:2015
Number of pages:99 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-54277 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3028970 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.10.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:My diploma thesis is focused on the evaluation of two sciences, the science of climate change and the science of geoengineering, whose main purpose is the mitigation of climate change. My thesis work is divided into two parts. The first part is centred on the in-depth discussion of the science and politics of climate change and its tools (i.e. climate models) which are used to operate with and predict the development of climate change. The results are then the basis of radical social and political decisions, directed towards the mitigation of climate change, as well as the adaptation to climate change. The second part of my thesis is focused on the new phenomenon of the mitigation of climate change which has become part of media discussions over the last few years. There has been hardly any discussion on this topic in our country and no particular importance has been attached to it as such. Geoengineering is theoretically presented as an ideal solution to tackling climate change. Its methods, which are still new and untested, include the interference with the climate system in order to compensate for and mitigate the anthropogenic impacts of climate change. This could be potentially carried out by applying three methods: the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the local change of the weather and the mitigation of solar radiation. Apart from the expected negative physical effects, which are not negligible, all the methods bear the risk of the occurrence of sudden and unpredictable consequences. Therefore it is noted that, in case of serious climate change, geoengineering should be reserved as plan B. Geoengineering is also known for a wide range of possible social misuses, even the misuse of this science for military and/or personal purposes is not excluded, all of which is made possible due to the international gaps in defining the regulations in geoengineering. The misuse of geoengineering is especially attached to the method of mitigating solar radiation, which is supposed to be the most disputed and controversial one. The spraying of the atmosphere with poisonous substances (chemtrails) has also been reported in Slovenia. Geoengineering is an entirely unproven scientific concept of activities, therefore it is vital to refrain from using geoengineering technologies. However, these technologies are already being carried out at a smaller scale. Geoengineering as such represents the management of the most important technology, the technology of Earth, therefore its management should be global. It is essential for the regulations to be consistent in case the countries of the world decide to use geoengineering in the near future.
Keywords:climate change, science of climate change, climate change mitigation, geoengineering, chemtrails


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