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Title:Ekološki kriminal in tranzit čez ozemlje Republike Slovenije : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Bećkanović, Denis (Author)
ID Eman, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Beckanovic_Denis_2015.pdf (3,13 MB)
MD5: 7826AB795C53F414B797872149275B7D
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Z vstopom R Slovenije v Evropsko unijo (v nadaljevanju EU) in popolno ukinitvijo mejnega nadzora na državnih mejah s sosednjimi državami Italijo, Avstrijo in Madžarsko, se je vzpostavil prost pretok oseb, blaga in storitev. Posledično so to, kot navajajo Odar, Dobovšek in Eman (2011), pričele izkoriščati organizirane kriminalne združbe za izvajanje čezmejne kriminalitete. Zato je bilo potrebno pristopiti k določenim spremembam metod in oblik dela varnostnih organov in drugih institucij. Skozi diplomsko delo smo tako ugotavljali, ali se je promet in posledično tranzit na naših cestnih povezavah povečal ter kako to vpliva na obseg ekološke kriminalitete pri nas. Diplomsko delo Ekološka kriminaliteta in tranzit skozi ozemlje R Slovenije je izdelano na podlagi prepletanja pregleda obravnavane zakonodaje in pregleda izvajanja operativnega dela na terenu. Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti probleme in morebitne rešitve s področja odkrivanja, preprečevanja ekološke kriminalitete in procesiranje prevoznika in naročnika prevoza ter najti primernejši način nadzora nad prevozom nevarnega blaga skozi R Slovenijo. Z analizo primerov in opravljenimi razgovori z osebami, ki se pri svojem delu v največji meri srečujejo z različnimi oblikami ekološke kriminalitete, je bilo ugotovljeno, da je ta še kako prisotna v R Sloveniji ter da je potrebno čim prej pristopiti k ukrepom za strokovnejše odkrivanje in preprečevanje. Med operativnim delom na terenu je bilo ugotovljeno, da prevozniki, ki opravljajo prevoze okolju nevarnega blaga, te opravljajo v preveč naloženih kombiniranih vozilih. Nevarno blago pa imajo prevozniki največkrat skrito oziroma naloženo v sredini tovornega prostora, čezenj pa svoje osebne stvari in prtljago potnikov. S tem varnostne organe ob pogledu na preveč naloženo vozilo skušajo odvrniti od temeljitega pregleda vozila. Ravno iz tega naslova je potrebno varnostne organe primerno usposobiti, jim predstaviti resnost ogrožanja našega okolja in jih s tem pripravili k še bolj strokovnem delu in sodelovanju pri preprečevanju ekološke kriminalitete.
Keywords:ekološka kriminaliteta, preprečevanje, pravna ureditev, statistični pregledi, primeri, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Place of performance:[Ljubljana
Publisher:D. Bećkanović]
Year of publishing:2015
Year of performance:2015
Number of pages:50 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-54249 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3029226 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.10.2015
BEĆKANOVIĆ, Denis, 2015, Ekološki kriminal in tranzit čez ozemlje Republike Slovenije : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : D. Bećkanović. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=54249
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Secondary language

Abstract:With the Republic of Slovenia becoming a member of the European Union (EU) and therefore the complete abolition of border checks at common borders with neighboring countries the Republic of Italy, the Republic of Austria and the Republic of Hungary, free movement of people, goods and services has been established. As a result, as stated by Odar, Dobovšek and Eman (2011), organized crime groups started to take advantage of the situation for increasing the level of transnational crime. It was therefore necessary to adjust to certain changes in the working methods and forms of law enforcement authorities and other institutions. Study conducted shows how the quantity of traffic and consequently the quantity of transit has increased within national transport routes and also shows how this has affected the extent of environmental crime in our country. The thesis Environmental crime and the transit through the territory of the Republic of Slovenia is made on the basis of the current legislation and carrying out the operational level of fieldwork. The objectives were to identify the problems and to find more possible solutions for better detection and prevention of the environmental crime and the processing of the carrier and the consignor and also to propose more efficient ways to control the transport of dangerous goods through the territory of Republic of Slovenia. By analyzing the cases and carrying out interviews with people who are regularly confronted with various forms of environmental crime because the nature of their profession, it was established that this type of crime is very much present in Slovenia, and it is necessary to take action towards more professional measures for more efficient investigations and preventions. During the operational process it has been discovered that it the carriers of dangerous goods transportations carry out the operations in over-loaded vehicles. Dangerous goods are often hidden and loaded in the middle of the main compartment covered with personal belongings and other luggage. By doing so they are often trying to discourage the law enforcement authorities from executing a thorough examination of the vehicle on-site. That is precisely why I think it is necessary to provide additional training for law enforcement officers and to present the seriousness of threats to our environment and also strengthen professional cooperation in order to further prevent environmental crime.
Keywords:environmental crime, cross-border crime, transport of environmentally hazardous substances, cooperation, prevention of environmental crime.


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