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Title:Varnost kriptovalute bitcoin : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Authors:ID Berlot, Nejc (Author)
ID Bernik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Berlot_Nejc_2015.pdf (684,04 KB)
MD5: 23F3FE034CF7B1AD009854768A5C7B13
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Spletni plačilni sistem bitcoin ponuja številne prednosti pred konvencionalnimi plačilnimi metodami. Ker pa je sistem še vedno v razvoju, se sooča z nekaterimi varnostnimi težavami, za odpravo katerih je potreben čas, predvsem pa rast uporabniške baze. Poznavanje delovanja sistema bitcoin je tako prvi pogoj za zaščito elektronske denarnice uporabnika ter premoženja, investiranega v to kriptovaluto. Vprašanje varnosti lahko razdelimo na dva problema in sicer: • varnost omrežja bitcoin, • varnost uporabnikove elektronske denarnice/sistema Snovalci sistema bitcoin so upoštevali številne, tako realne kot tudi teoretične potencialne napade na omrežje, zato protokol bitcoin vključuje nemalo varnostnih funkcij, ki ga varujejo pred tovrstnimi napadi. Druge vrste napadov ciljajo na uporabnika samega, natančneje na njegovo elektronsko denarnico. Pred tovrstnimi napadi se lahko zaščitimo z varnostno ozaveščenostjo in uporabo zaščitnih mehanizmov, predvsem pa s primerno mero skepticizma in pazljivosti, saj so se klasični tipi finančnih goljufij izkazali za prevladujoče. Sistem bitcoin je priljubljen med kriminalci v kibernetskem prostoru, saj napadalcem omogoča delno anonimnost, vse transakcije v omrežju bitcoin pa so končne, kar pomeni, da v primeru izgube sredstev teh ni mogoče povrniti. Nedavne aretacije in zaprtje številnih ilegalnih spletnih tržnic globokega spleta pa le nakazujejo izboljšanje razmer na področju odkrivanja izvora tovrstnih omrežij ter njihovih upravljavcev.
Keywords:plačilni sistemi, internet, valute, kriptovalute, bitcoin, transakcije, rudarjenje, kriminaliteta, preprečevanje, varnost, informacijska varnost, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Place of performance:[Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Berlot]
Year of publishing:2015
Year of performance:2015
Number of pages:71 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-54216 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3033066 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.10.2015
BERLOT, Nejc, 2015, Varnost kriptovalute bitcoin : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : N. Berlot. [Accessed 25 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=54216
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Secondary language

Title:Bitcoin Safety and Security
Abstract:Bitcoin online payment system has many advantages over conventional payment methods, but since it is still developing, it presents some safety issues the elimination of which requires time and, more importantly, a growth of the user base. Knowing how the bitcoin system works is a precondition for an efficient protection of a user’s digital wallet and of the funds invested into this cryptocurrency. The safety and security issue comprises the following two problems: • safety of the Bitcoin network • security of the user’s digital wallet/system As the designers of the Bitcoin system anticipated a multitude of real and theoretical potential threats to the network, the Bitcoin protocol contains various security features that protect it from such attacks. Other types of attack target the very user and, more specifically, their digital wallet/system. The most efficient protection against such attacks is safety awareness and use of protective mechanisms, but even more so, a proper measure of scepticism and caution, for classic types of financial fraud still appear to be the prevailing method of swindling the users. The Bitcoin system is popular among criminals in cyberspace, for it provides anonymity to the attacker, while all transaction in the Bitcoin network are final and irreversible, which means that in the case of loss of funds these cannot be retrieved. Nevertheless, recent arrests and shutting down of numerous illegal deep web markets indicate that tracking such networks and their administrators has been improving.
Keywords:Bitcoin, digital wallet, block chain, Bitcoin mining, wallet/system protection, criminal activity


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