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Title:Žrtve ekološke kriminalitete v Republiki Sloveniji : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Sluga, David (Author)
ID Eman, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 580738F972B6335A415A281FBA357D78
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Diplomsko delo obravnava problematiko žrtev ekološke kriminalitete, njihove posebnosti in delitve. Zaradi vse večjih okoljskih sprememb se večata tudi število žrtev in intenzivnost utrpljene škode in s tem so te žrtve v znanstveni literaturi vse bolj prepoznane, četudi so bile v preteklosti zanemarjene. Zanimalo nas je, kako ljudje v Republiki Sloveniji dojemajo lastno viktimiziranost zaradi ekološke kriminalitete in v kolikšni meri. V ta namen smo opravili analizo primarnih in sekundarnih statističnih virov. Ugotovili smo, da ne obstaja enotna definicija žrtev ekološke kriminalitete, kar otežuje njihovo raziskovanje in pravno prakso. Poleg tega obstaja več različnih klasifikacij žrtev. Prek spleta smo izvedli študijo, v kateri smo poskušali oceniti stopnjo ogroženosti zaradi ekološke kriminalitete, ki jo čutijo polnoletni državljani Republike Slovenije. Ugotovili smo, da povprečen polnoletni državljan Republike Slovenije čuti precej visoko stopnjo ogroženosti zaradi ekološke kriminalitete. Najbolj ogroženo se počuti zaradi ekološke kriminalitete bogatih in vplivnih, najmanj pa zaradi ekološke kriminalitete interesnih skupin. Poleg tega je analiza podatkov pokazala, da znaten delež ljudi ne pozna ali ne razume pojma ekološke kriminalitete. Menimo, da bi bilo za zmanjšanje posledic ekološke kriminalitete in njenih žrtev potrebno spremeniti celoten odnos človeka do narave in sistem, ki nagrajuje pohlep, ter problematiko te vrste kriminalitete bolj približati ljudem. Da bi bilo ukvarjanje s kriminaliteto poenostavljeno bi bilo prav tako potrebno oblikovati celostno definicijo, ki bi jo lahko vsi uporabljali. Poleg tega bi si morali prizadevati, da bolj zaščitimo ljudi, ki so bolj ogroženi zaradi ekološke kriminalitete, kot so manjšine, dojenčki, otroci in (še posebej noseče) ženske. Ne nazadnje, pa so potrebni bolj učinkovit pregon, višje kazni in boljša preventiva, ki bi jih dosegli z ostrejšimi zakoni in regulacijo.
Keywords:ekološka kriminaliteta, žrtve, Slovenija, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Place of performance:[Ljubljana
Publisher:D. Sluga]
Year of publishing:2015
Year of performance:2015
Number of pages:55 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-54149 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3029738 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.10.2015
SLUGA, David, 2015, Žrtve ekološke kriminalitete v Republiki Sloveniji : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : D. Sluga. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=54149
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Secondary language

Abstract:The dissertation discusses the issue of environmental victims, their peculiarities and classifications. With the extent of environmental change increasing, so is the number of environmental victims and the intensity of damages suffered. This has resulted in the increased recognition of such victims in scientific literature even though they were often neglected in the past. We were interested in how people in the Republic of Slovenia perceive their victimization due to environmental crime and to what extent. With this intention in mind we have conducted an analysis of primary statistical sources and secondary sources. We have found that there is no concrete definition of what an environmental victim is, which proves detrimental to research and legal practice. Furthermore there are a number of different classifications of environmental victims. We have conducted a survey to gauge the degree of threat felt by adult population of the Republic of Slovenia due to environmental crime. We have found that, on the average, respondents feel considerably threatened by environmental crime. They feel most threatened by environmental crime of rich and powerful and least by environmental crime of individual interest groups. Analysis has also shown that a considerable amount of participants do not know the term environmental crime. We believe that in order to reduce the consequences of environmental crime and its victims, the whole human — nature relationship and the system that rewards greed have to be changed, and it is also necessary to better inform people about these issues. To make the dealings with this type of crime easier every effort should be made to form a comprehensive definition that everyone could use. Furthermore we should strive for better protection of those, who are most threatened by environmental crime, such as minorities, babies, children and (especially pregnant) women. Last but not least, a better and more effective way of prosecution, higher penalties and better preventive measures are needed which we could accomplish with stricter laws and regulation.
Keywords:environmental crime, environmental crime victims, Republic of Slovenia


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