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Authors:ID Golob, Neva (Author)
ID Lorber, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 7CD3AFC54B99EB9547595D0ACED72035
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Bolniki s končno ledvično odpovedjo doživljajo številne spremembe v življenju ob pojavu bolezni. Z njimi se spopadajo na različne načine in nekaterim bolnikom te spremembe bolj, drugim manj vplivajo na kakovost življenja. Spremembam se je potrebno prilagoditi in jih sprejeti, če želimo, da je življenje podobno ali enako kot je bilo pred samo boleznijo. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti na katerih področjih so se pojavile spremembe v življenju bolnikov s končno ledvično odpovedjo. Metode: Uporabili smo kvantitativno in deskriptivno metodologijo dela. Kot raziskovalni instrument smo uporabili vprašalnik, sestavljen iz 28 vprašanj. V raziskavi so sodelovali člani društva ledvičnih bolnikov Ptuj ter društva ledvičnih bolnikov Lilija Maribor. Podatki so statistično obdelani s pomočjo računalniškega programa Microsoft Office Excel, katerih rezultate smo ponazorili v obliki grafov. Rezultati: V raziskavi je bilo ugotovljeno, da bolniki s končno ledvično odpovedjo v večini živijo dobro in da so se dejavnikom, kateri spremljajo zdravljenje z dializo prilagodili. Več kot polovica ocenjuje kakovost svojega življenja z dobro in le manj kot tretjina jih ocenjuje, da je njihova kakovost življenja slaba. Nekatere spremembe v življenju so tudi pozitivno vplivale na življenje bolnikov s končno ledvično odpovedjo, saj se je skoraj pri polovici anketirancev spremenil odnos z bližnjimi in so si danes v družini bližje kot so si bili pred zdravljenjem. Manj kot polovica se jih kljub zdravljenju z dializo odloča za dopust in imajo ob tem pozitivne izkušnje. Sklep: Končna ledvična odpoved je bolezen, katera zahteva številna prilagajanja in odrekanja. Vpliva na bolnikovo kakovost življenja, saj povzroči številne spremembe v bolnikovem življenju. Bolniki s končno ledvično odpovedjo se lahko spremembam prilagodijo in se potrudijo, da le te v manjši meri vplivajo na kakovost njihovega življenja, ali pa sprememb ne sprejmejo kar pa slabo vpliva na kakovost življenja bolnika s končno ledvično odpovedjo.
Keywords:: Končna ledvična odpoved, društvo ledvičnih bolnikov, kakovost življenja.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Golob]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-54019 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2160292 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.10.2015
GOLOB, Neva, 2015, BOLNIKI S KONČNO LEDVIČNO ODPOVEDJO IN NJIHOVE SPREMEMBE V ŽIVLJENJU [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : N. Golob. [Accessed 22 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=54019
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Secondary language

Abstract:Introduction: Patients with end stage renal disease experience many changes in their lives from the point the disease appears. They face the disease in many ways; for some patients the disease has a bigger impact on the quality of life than for others. They need to adapt to changes and accept them in order to maintain their life similar or the same as it was before the disease. The study was also made to determine the areas in which changes have occurred in the lives of patients with end stage renal disease. Methods: We researched by using quantitative and descriptive work methodology. For our research, we used a questionnaire composed of 28 questions. The research includes members of Association of kidney patients Ptuj and Association of kidney patients Lilija Maribor. Data were statistically analyzed using the computer program Microsoft Office Excel, the results of which were illustrated in the form of graphs. Results: The research showed that patients with end stage renal disease usually live well and that they have customized to the factors that accompany dialysis. More than half of the assessed rate the quality of their lives as good and only less than a third believe that the quality of their lives is poor. Some of the changes also had a positive impact on patients with kidney failure, because almost half of the respondents now have better relationships with their loved ones, than they had before the treatment. Less than half of them, however, decide to go on vacation and they have positive experiences. Conclusion: End stage renal disease is a disease that requires a number of adjustments and sacrifices. It affects the patient's quality of life, causing a number of changes in his or her life. Patients with end stage renal disease can adapt to changes and make the effort to minimalize the effect of the disease on the quality of their lives. If they do not adapt to the changes, the disease will have a bad effect on the quality of their lives.
Keywords:end stage renal disease, renal patients Association, quality of life.


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