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Authors:ID Štorgelj, Jerica (Author)
ID Strauss, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Topler, Vladimir (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Storgelj_Jerica_2015.pdf (1,03 MB)
MD5: C8007C254C2D17463BC10556E9A6A0EA
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Priprava bolnika na operacijo in anestezijo je zelo zahtevno področje zdravstvene nege. Že ob sprejemu bolnika na oddelek je naloga medicinske sestre da vzpostavi z bolnikom pozitiven in zaupljiv odnos. Pri fizični in psihični pripravi bolnika na operacijo medicinska sestra sodeluje z ostalimi člani multidisciplinarnega tima. Pri tem pa upošteva celostni pristop pri obravnavi bolnika, zagotavlja varnost ter sodeluje pri uvajanju standardov kakovosti. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je spoznati in predstaviti pripravo bolnika na operacijo raka prostate. Želeli smo primerjati kakšno pripravo na operacijo raka prostate nudijo medicinske sestre na urološkem oddelku v UKC Maribor in SB Slovenj Gradec. Raziskovalna metodologija: Uporabili smo analitično ter deskriptivno metodo raziskovanja s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki je vseboval 22 anketnih vprašanj. Ob pregledu domače in tuje strokovne literature smo opisali rak prostate s poudarkom na pripravi bolnika na operacijo raka prostate. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da zaposleni na urološkem oddelku v UKC Maribor in SB Slovenj Gradec izvajajo pripravo bolnika na operacijo v okviru standardov priprave bolnika na operacijo. Prav tako nismo odkrili večjih razlik pri pripravi bolnikov na operacijo raka prostate. Sklep: Zdravstvena nega pred operacijo mora biti strokovna, kakovostna in idividualna. Predoperativna priprava, predvsem čustvena podpora, zmanjšuje bolnikovo stisko, pospešuje okrevanje, zmanjša potrebo po analgetikih, niža število pooperativnih komplikacij ter skrajša hospitalizacijo.
Keywords:rak prostate, priprava bolnika na operacijo, priprava bolnika na anestezijo, kirurgija, anestezija, operacija, onkološki bolnik in predoperativna oskrba
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Štorgelj]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-53954 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2149284 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.09.2015
ŠTORGELJ, Jerica, 2015, PRIPRAVA BOLNIKA NA OPERACIJO RAKA PROSTATE [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : J. Štorgelj. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=53954
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical bases: The process of preparation of a patient for surgery and anaesthesia is an extremely demanding field of health care. When the patient is brought in to the nursing care ward, the nurse has to immediately establish a positive and a trusting relationship with them. When dealing with physical and mental preparation of a patient for the surgery the nurse cooperates with other members of the multidisciplinary team. During this collaboration the nurse takes into consideration the integral approach toward the patient's treatment, they insure safety and participate in introducing the standards of quality. The purpose: The purpose of this Bachelor work is to get familiar with and to present the process of preparation of a patient for prostate cancer surgery. We wanted to compare the features of preparation for prostate cancer surgery between the UKC Maribor's Urology Department and the SB Slovenj Gradec's one. Research methodology: We used analytic and descriptive research methods with the help of surveys, which included 22 survey questions. By examining Slovenian and foreign technical literature we described prostate cancer with emphasis on the process of preparation of the patient for prostate cancer surgery. The results: We established that the employees at the Urology Department at UKC Maribor as well as those at SB Slovenj Gradec perform the preparation of a patient for prostate cancer surgery with standard quality. Furthermore, we also did not discover any bigger differences between the two processes of preparation of a patient for prostate cancer surgery. Conclusion: The health care before surgery has to be a professional, quality and an individual one. Preoperative preparation, mainly emotional support, reduces the patient's distress, accelerates their recovery, reduces the need for analgetics, decreases the number of post-operative complications and shortens the hospitalisation time.
Keywords:prostate cancer, preparation of a patient for surgery, preparation of a patient for anaesthesia, surgery, anaesthesia, operation, oncological patient and preoperative care


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