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Title:Interakcija modifikacijske zlitine AlTi5B1 s talino zlitine AlCu6PbBi
Authors:ID Zupanič, Franc (Author)
ID Križman, Alojz (Author)
ID Spaić, Savo (Author)
Files:URL http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-AEAZ4A08
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:V delu je raziskan potek taljenja in raztapljanja modifikacijske zlitine AlTi5B1 v talini zlitine AlCu6PbBi ter način njenega udrobnilnega delovanja. Taljenje in raztapljanje modifikacijske zlitine se prednostno začne na mestih dobrega kontakta med modifikacijsko in osnovno zlitino ter v področjih z nizkotaljivimi mikrostrukturnimi sestavinami v modifikacijski zlitini. Med raztapljanjem difundirata titan in bor iz modifikacijske zlitine v osnovno talino, baker in drugi elementi iz zlitine AlCu6PbBi pa v nasprotni smeri. Fazi Al3Ti in (TiAl)B2, ki se nahajata v prehodni coni, se raztapljata. Med strjevanjem nastanejo enakoosna kristalna zrna matrice [alfa]Al, ki so na meji AlTi5B1/prehodna cona velika od 10 do 30mikrom ter preko 1 mm v nedotaknjeni talini AlCu6PbBi. Hkrati z naraščanjem velikosti kristalnih zrn se spreminja tudi njihova morfologija od poligonalne k dendridni. V prehodni coni, v področjih z nadperitektično koncentracijo titana, večinoma sproži kristalizacijo faza Al3Ti, medtem ko v področjih s pod peritektično vsebnostjo titana kristalizacijski centri po vsej verjetnosti delci (Ti,Al)B2.
Keywords:metalurgija, taljenje, raztapljanje, udrobnjevanje, Al-Cu, AlTi5B1
Publisher:Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije
Year of publishing:1996
Number of pages:str. 191-194
Numbering:Letn. 30, št. 3/4
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-53351 New window
ISSN on article:1318-0010
COBISS.SI-ID:3046934 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.07.2015
ZUPANIČ, Franc, KRIŽMAN, Alojz and SPAIĆ, Savo, 1996, Interakcija modifikacijske zlitine AlTi5B1 s talino zlitine AlCu6PbBi. Kovine zlitine tehnologije [online]. 1996. Vol. 30, no. 3/4, p. 191–194. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-AEAZ4A08
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Kovine zlitine tehnologije
Shortened title:Kovine zlit. tehnol.
Publisher:Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije
COBISS.SI-ID:31742209 New window

Secondary language

Abstract:The course of melting and dissolution of the AlTi5B1 grain-refining alloy in the melt of AlCu6PbBi alloy has been investigated. The kind of possible nucleating agents has also been determined. The melting and the dissolution process begin preferentially in the regions of good contact between AlTi5B1 and AlCu6PbBi as well as in the regions where low-melting microstructural constituents are prsent in the grain refining alloy. During the dissolution titanium and boron are difusing from the grain refining alloy toward the AlCu6Pbbi alloy, while copper and other elements from AlCu6PbBi are diffusing in the opposite direction. The Al3Ti and (Ti,Al)B2 particles, present in the transient region, are being dissolved. Aftr solidification increases the size of the eqiaxed [alpha]Al grains from 10-30 microm at the AlTi5B1/transient-region interface to more than 1 mm in the unrefined AlCuPbBi alloy. The morphology of the grains is simultaneously changed from polyhedral to dendrite. In the regions of hyperperitectic concntration of titanium, Al3Ti particles ususally act as grain-refining agents, but the regions of hypopeitectic concentration of titanium (Ti,Al)B2-borides are the most probable nucleating agents.
Keywords:metallurgy, melting, dissolution, grain refinement, Al-Cu, AlTi5B1


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