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Title:Flaw acceptability assessment detected in HSLA steel weld joints
Authors:ID Rak, Inoslav (Author)
Files:URL http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-AMNX56Z8
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:The flow size in weld joint can be determined by non destructive examination (NDE). Because of different mateials, and loading as well as because of the possible effect of corrosive environment the question arises how to assess reliably the allowable falw size in different weld joint parts. The presence of flaws is obvious but the possibilities of their revealing are limited and not always posssible. The flaw size and distribution are the essential parameters for the structure capacity of bearing under high loading the weld joint. The larger is the allowable flaw size anticipated, the safer is the welded structure, and the easiest is the detection of the flaw size by NDE methods. Thus for assessing the safety of complex loaded welded structure, machine parts or equipment life time, it is obligatory to consider the requirements of different "Fitness for Purpose" systems. The article presents the possibility of assessing the detected flaw by means of NDE if the material fracture toughness of the area where the fatigue crack tip located is known. The fatigue crack represents the severest discontinuity that can occur in a welded joint. The principles of IIW Guidance on Assessment of The Fitness for Purpose of Welded Structures - IIW/IIS-SST-1157-90 and BS PD 6493 and separately ETM that treats mis-matched weld joints are shown and used.
Keywords:zvarni spoji, dopustna velikost napake, lomna žilavost, trdnostna heterogenost, primernost za uporabo, weld joint, allowable flaw size, fracture toughness, strength mis-match, fitness for purpose
Publisher:Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije
Year of publishing:1999
Number of pages:str. 33-43
Numbering:Letn. 33, št. 1/2
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-53295 New window
ISSN on article:1318-0010
COBISS.SI-ID:137386 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.07.2015
RAK, Inoslav, 1999, Flaw acceptability assessment detected in HSLA steel weld joints. Kovine zlitine tehnologije [online]. 1999. Vol. 33, no. 1/2, p. 33–43. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-AMNX56Z8
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Kovine zlitine tehnologije
Shortened title:Kovine zlit. tehnol.
Publisher:Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije
COBISS.SI-ID:31742209 New window

Secondary language

Title:Ocenitev sprejemljivosti napak odkritih v zvarnih spojih visokotrdnostnih jekel
Abstract:Že desetletja lahko dovolj dobro in natančno z neporušnimi metodami določamo in diagnosticiramo napake v zvarnih spojih. Glede na raznolikost mateialov in njih izkoriščenost ter vrste obremenitve ob prisotnosti različnih medijev v zahtevnih nosilnih konstrukcijah, stopa vse bolj v ospredje problem kako zanesljivo oceniti dopustno velikost napake v raaznih delih zvarnih spojev. Vemo, da zvarni spoji niso brez napak, vendar je možnost njihovega odkrivanaja omejena, odkrivanje pa ni vedno izvedljivo. Za nosilnost visoko obremenjene varjene konstrukcije je torej bistvena velikost dopustne napake. Čim večja je, tem varnejša je konstrukcija in tem lažje jo odkrijemo z neporušnimi preiskavami. Zato je za ocenitev varnosti zelo zahtevno obremenjene konstrukcije, strojnega dela ali opreme potrebno upoštevati priporočila, ki jih podajajo različni sistemi, znani pod mednarodnim izrazom "Fitness for Purpose". V prispevku je prikazan primer, kako je možno na osnovi poznavanja lomne žilavosti materiala, v katerem se nahaja konica utrujenostne razpoke, ki predstavlja najostrejšo možno nezveznost, na osnovi poznavanja zakonitosti elasto-plasto mehanike loma, določiti, ali je dopustna z defektoskopskimi metodami odkrita napaka v zvarnem spoju. V ta namen so prikazani in uporabljeni principi priporočila BS PD 6493 in posebej še ETM (Engineering Treatment Model), ki obravnava trdnostno heterogene zvarne spoje (mis-matching).


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