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Title:Proizvodna strategija, podprta s teorijo proizvodnih virov : študij primera v podjetju Primat
Authors:ID Pandža, Krsto (Author)
ID Buchmeister, Borut (Author)
ID Polajnar, Andrej (Author)
ID Palčič, Iztok (Author)
Files:URL http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-YQ3AHOOJ
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:Zamisel o uporabi proizvodnje kot strateškega orožja za doseganje konkurenčnih prednosti je stara vsaj toliko kot proizvodnja sama. Vendar se vsebina raziskovalnega področja proizvodnih strategij glede na razvoj gospodarskega okolja močno spreminja. V konceptualnem delu članka je predstavljena teorija proizvodnih virov in njen potencial, da postane vodilni teoretični koncept raziskovalnega področja proizvodnih strategij. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena raziskava, ki s svojimi izsledki prispeva k razvoju teorije proizvodnih virov. Štiri uspešna proizvodna podjetja so nudila okolje za raziskavo. V članku je podrobneje predstavljen študij primera iz podjetja Primat. V razpravi so podane ugotovitve, ki so nastale na podlagi induktivne analize med vsemi štirimi študijami primerov.
Keywords:organizacija proizvodnje, projektni management, strateški management, proizvodne strategije, teorija proizvodnih virov, sposobnost, akumulacija sposobnosti, evolucijske perspektive
Publisher:Association of Mechanical Engineers and Technicians of Slovenia et al.
Year of publishing:2002
Number of pages:str. 379-394
Numbering:Letn. 48, št. 7
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-53155 New window
ISSN on article:0039-2480
COBISS.SI-ID:7601430 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.07.2015
PANDŽA, Krsto, BUCHMEISTER, Borut, POLAJNAR, Andrej and PALČIČ, Iztok, 2002, Proizvodna strategija, podprta s teorijo proizvodnih virov : študij primera v podjetju Primat. Strojniški vestnik [online]. 2002. Vol. 48, no. 7, p. 379–394. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-YQ3AHOOJ
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Strojniški vestnik
Shortened title:Stroj. vestn.
Publisher:Zveza strojnih inženirjev in tehnikov Slovenije [etc.], = Association of Mechanical Engineers and Technicians of Slovenia [etc.]
COBISS.SI-ID:762116 New window

Secondary language

Title:An operations strategy supported with resource-based theory
Abstract:The idea of using manufacturing as a strategic weapon to achieve competitive advantage is as old as manufacture itself. The content of operations strategy research, however, has greatly changed due to the development of economic environment. The theoretic part of this article presents the resource-based theory and its potential in becoming a leading theoretic concept for operations strategy research. After that a case study is presented whose results add to the development of the resource-based theory. Four successful manufacturing organisations offered the frame for the research. The case study in the manufacturing organisation Primat is presented in detail. The results of the inductive analysis of all four case studies are also presented.
Keywords:production organization, project management, operations strategy, strategic management, resource based theory, capability, capabilities accumulation, evolution perspectives


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