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Title:Problems associated with a robot laser cell used for hardening
Authors:ID Babič, Matej (Author)
ID Milfelner, Matjaž (Author)
ID Belič, Igor (Author)
ID Kokol, Peter (Author)
Files:.pdf Materiali_in_Tehnologije_2013_Babic_et_al._Problems_Associated_With_a_Robot_Laser_Cell._Used_for_Hardening.pdf (411,93 KB)
MD5: 093DA23EE5D27E97D528114EC27EDE30
URL http://mit.imt.si/Revija/izvodi/mit131/babic.pdf
Work type:Scientific work
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Laser hardening is a surface-hardening process. It is used exclusively on ferrous materials suitable for hardening, including steel and cast iron with acarbon content of more than 0.2 %. This article describes robot laser hardening, the results of previous work, research and experience with robot laser hardening. The second part of the paper describes the problems associated with robot laser hardening at different angles. We wanted to find the impact of the angles on the hardness of the material. Therefore, we directed the laser beam at different angles, including perpendicular, in the process of hardening. We made test patterns of a standard label on the materials of DIN standard 1.2379.
Keywords:hardening, robot, laser, parameters, hardening, robot laser, parameters
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2013
Number of pages:str. 37-41
Numbering:Letn. 47, št. 1
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-51157 New window
ISSN on article:1580-2949
COBISS.SI-ID:73095681 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.07.2015
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Materiali in tehnologije
Shortened title:Mater. tehnol.
Publisher:Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije
COBISS.SI-ID:106193664 New window

Secondary language

Title:Problematika robotskega laserskega kaljenja
Abstract:Lasersko kaljenje je proces površinskega utrjevanja. Uporablja se izključno za železne materiale, ki so primerni za kaljenje in vsebujejo več kot 0,2 % ogljika. V članku opisujemo robotsko lasersko kaljenje, navajamo rezultate dosedanjega dela in raziskav ter izkušnje z laserskim kaljenjem. Drugi del opisuje problematiko robotskega laserskega kaljenja pri različnih kotih. Želeli smo ugotoviti, kako kot laserskega žarka vpliva na trdoto materiala. Kot laserskega žarka smo spreminjali glede na smer potovanja, kakor tudi pravokotno na smer potovanja laserskega žarka. Naredili smo vzorce standardne oznake po DIN standardu 1.2379.
Keywords:obdelava materiala, kaljenje, robot, laser, parametri


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