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Authors:ID Koplan, Andrej (Author)
ID Kljajić Borštnar, Mirjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Koplan_Andrej_2015.pdf (2,47 MB)
MD5: 6E93351A152DB54AB5F3BB14AE03B24D
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V magistrskem delu obravnavamo problem reinženiringa proizvodnje v skladu z zadanimi omejitvami. Naš cilj je spremeniti zaporedje izvajanja operacij in prilagoditi začetke dela na posameznih operacijah v proizvodnem podjetju Magneti Ljubljana, d.d. tako, da bomo dosegli minimalno konično moč pri oskrbi z električno energijo ob še sprejemljivih stroških dela. Proces izdelave trajnih kovinskih magnetov vključuje številne operacije, za katere je potrebno veliko električne energije in jih izvajamo na agregatih z relativno veliko priključno močjo. Številnim velikim porabnikom električne energije se moč s časom spreminja glede na vrsto in fazo izvajane operacije. Skupna konična moč v dopoldanski izmeni pogosto doseže 2,5 MW. Dobavitelj električne energije s ceno zakupa maksimalne konične moči in lastna transformatorska postaja postavljata omejitve za maksimalno moč, s katero lahko tovarna obremeni distribucijsko omrežje. Podjetje si zato prizadeva imeti enakomerno obremenitev distribucijskega omrežja in planira povečanje obsega delovanja večjih porabnikov v času, ko omejitev za konično moč ni. Dodatna priložnost za podjetje je tudi delo v času nižje cene električne energije, npr. ponoči in preko vikenda, vse to pa predstavlja številne organizacijske izzive. V magistrski nalogi smo predstavili izzive in predlagali in analizirali nekaj možnosti reševanja prej omenjene problematike. V ta namen smo analizirali obstoječe stanje, razvili aplikacijo za zajem podatkov in izvajanje simulacij, s pomočjo katere smo preskusili različne scenarije. Predstavili smo algoritem, ki preuredi zaporedje ali čas izvajanja operacij na ta način, da še vedno uspemo opraviti vse delo, hkrati pa znižamo konično moč. Predstavili smo tudi vpliv sprememb na planiranje dela v podjetju in ocenili spremembo stroškov dela.
Keywords:električna energija, konična moč, stroški dela, planiranje proizvodnje, trajni kovinski magneti
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-48308 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7461395 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.08.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the thesis we address the problem of process reengineering based on a set of specific constraints. Our aim is to change the sequence of operations and adjust the starting times of individual operations in production company Magneti Ljubljana, d.d., so that we achieve the minimum peak load in the supply of electricity at still reasonable labor costs. The process of making permanent metallic magnets includes a number of operations, which require a lot of electricity and are done on aggregates with a relatively high power consumption. The power of the aggregates vary over time depending on the type and the cycle of the operation being performed on the unit. Total power of the first shift often reaches 2,5 MW. Our transformer station and the supplier of electricity with the price of the lease for the maximum peak load set limits for maximum power that the company can get from distribution network. The company aims to have a steady demand from distribution network and mainly operate in times, when the demand for electricity is lower. Another opportunity for the company is working at the times with cheaper electricity, for example at night and during the weekend, and this represents a number of organizational challenges. In this master thesis we presented the beforehand mentioned challenges and suggested solutions for them. For this purpose we analyzed the problem situation »as is«, developed the aplication for data acquisition and simulation for testing different scenarios. We also presented an algorithm which changes the sequence or operating times for operations in a way that will reduce the peak load, but still enable us to complete all the work. We also presented the impact of the suggested changes on the work in the company and tried to estimate the change in labor costs.
Keywords:electricity, peak load, labor costs, production plan, permanent metallic magnets


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