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Authors:ID Hudin, Natalija (Author)
ID Strauss, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Horvat, Matjaž (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Hudin_Natalija_2015.pdf (780,48 KB)
MD5: 1A62D3D6B9182E591FAFC664FC0E121B
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je podana osnovna anatomija in fiziologija slepega črevesa ter diagnostika akutnega vnetja slepiča in moţnosti oziroma načini zdravljenja. V tem delu je tudi opredeljen obseg dela medicinske sestre pri urgentnem pacientu z akutnim vnetjem slepiča ter opisane priprave in negovalne intervencije ob sprejemu pacienta na oddelek in pred in po operativnem posegu. V drugem delu diplomske naloge je predstavljena študija primera z moţnimi negovalnimi diagnozami. Večji pomen je dan ugotavljanju, merjenju in odpravljanju bolečine. Metodologija dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno (opisno) metodo dela, pri kateri nam je bila v pomoč domača in tuja literatura in elektronski viri. Iskali smo jih s pomočjo podatkovnih baz COBISS in preko svetovnega spleta. Podatke smo analizirali in smiselno uredili. Podatke za raziskovalni del smo pridobili s pomočjo kvalitativne metodologije na podlagi študije primera. Sklep: Pristop medicinske sestre k pacientu je vedno individualen, kar pomeni, da upoštevaje standarde in normative, medicinska sestra mora sama opredeliti potrebe in način pristopa pacientu z ţeljo, da bi ji čim bolj zaupal in sodeloval. Torej se znova izpostavlja potreba po širokem znanju medicinske sestre na večjih področjih, od klinike do veščin komuniciranja in poznavanja in prepoznavanja različnih osebnosti pacienta. Sprememba miselnosti na področju zdravstvene nege, kjer je izpostavljena odgovornost in kakovost opravljenih storitev, kakor tudi obravnava pacienta, je eden od ključnih momentov razvoja kontinuirane, k pacientu naravnane, strokovne in učinkovite zdravstvene nege, ki za seboj potegne tudi zadovoljstvo pacienta.
Keywords:akutno vnetje slepiča, medicinska sestra, zdravstvena nega, kirurški pacient, negovalne diagnoze, PES
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Hudin]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-48160 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2109092 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.06.2015
HUDIN, Natalija, 2015, ZDRAVSTVENA NEGA BOLNIKA Z AKUTNIM VNETJEM SLEPIČA [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : N. Hudin. [Accessed 21 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=48160
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Secondary language

Abstract:The theoretical part of the thesis is given the basic anatomy and physiology Caecal and diagnosis of acute appendicitis and options or modes of treatment. This section also defines the scope of work of nurses in the emergency patient with acute appendicitis and describes the preparation and nursing interventions on patient admission department and before and after surgery. In the second part of the thesis presents a case study of potential nursing diagnoses. Of greater importance is the day, measure and eliminating pain. Methodology: In this thesis, we used descriptive (descriptive) method of work in which we are called to help domestic and foreign literature and electronic sources. We were looking for them through databases COBISS, and via the Internet. Data were analyzed and reasonably arranged. Data for the research portion were obtained through qualitative methodology based on case studies. Conclusion: The approach of nurses to the patient is always individual, which means that taking into account the standards and norms, nurse itself must define the needs and the way to approach a patient with a desire to make her most trusted and cooperated. So once again it highlights the need for extensive knowledge of nurses on larger areas of the clinic to communication skills and the knowledge and recognition of the different personalities of the patient. The change of mentality in the field of health care, where it is exposed accountability and quality of services, as well as the treatment of the patient is one of the key moments of the development of continuous, patient-oriented, professional and effective nursing care for each other pulls the satisfaction of the patient.
Keywords:acute appendicitis, nurse, nursing, surgical patient care diagnosis, PES


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